Why does no one take Reaper seriously? Wouldn't you be afraid of someone dressed like that?

Why does no one take Reaper seriously? Wouldn't you be afraid of someone dressed like that?

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encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&q=takes the piss out of him

its nothing personnel kid...

He would be well loved if he was released in the late 90s. But modern players label anything cool as 'edgy' and distance themselves from it


I would probably be afraid of anyone pointing two shotguns in my direction,

Robots cannot be afraid

its a cliche "le i am killer edgelord with a skull mask and all black outfit and 2 gunz"

you have to be an edgelord yourself or younger to find his aesthetic appealing, that being said he's decently designed and good in-game

>Only edgelords like villain characters!!!

Case and point. I bet you think Darth Vader and Doctor Doom are cringy edgelords too

Vader and Doom don't have skull masks that look inspired by Scream, and he is an edgelord mostly because of the things he says.

Look, I don't even dislike Reaper. He's so unapologetically far down the edgelord tunnel it's actually sort of charming. But you're absolutely retarded to deny he's edgy. The term may be overused but it's not here.

Reaper is literally an edgelord, you cunt.

>Can never truly die or some bullshit because of nanomachines
>Forever in pain
>Skeleton mask
>All black outfit
>Goes all over the world killing his former comrades and generally being edgy
>Leads a group of killers who go from "le so dark and deep" to "killing people, lel"
>Names himself reaper

Nigga, c'mon.

A man who's always angry and has a cow skull taped to his face. Sorry, I just can't take them seriously.

I for one hope they keep up the Omnic - anti-Omnic SJW v Edgelord thing they have going on, would be cool with more omnics and edgey banter in-game

It's because dark and edgy is seen as a child or young teen's idea of mature.

If you woke up from being dead one day in a constant state of decay and regeneration with ghost powers and a hunger souls, you'd turn a little bit edgy too.

Would someone who's not a joke have an idea finite amount of shotguns to throw on the ground? He doesn't even try to reload them with the 4 ammo belts that he is wearing. He drops his guns right on the ground with his creepy claws and whips out more from an impossible space in his matrix-style trenchcoat.

>Gee Reaper, Blackwatch let you have TWO shotguns?


Thats for proving my point, its a double standard modern kiddos enforce for the sake of upholding a sense of """""maturity""""". he is literally, LITERALLY an avengers-like comic book villain and you're whining because he's a villain.

Reaper is tolerable because nobody takes him seriously

>He's so unapologetically far down the edgelord tunnel it's actually sort of charming.
This here user gets the point.

For a edgy character to even try to be serious it has to be in a setting that takes the characters's edge seriously. Reaper on the other hand is super edgy stereotype, in silly pulp world with robot monks and scientist apes.

pssh... no es intimo...cholo... *salsas behind you* AY!YAI!YAI!... *starts dancing around sombrero* heh...es no problemo... *shakes maracas into the sunset on el burro*

I kek'ed at mcree's dialog making fun of him for that

Considering how everyone in the game doesn't take him seriously either, the devs think the same.


What the actual fuck are you even on about? He's not meant to be taken seriously. There's tons of dialog in the game that takes the piss out of him.

nice filename

>takes the piss out of him.

The fuck does that even mean?

*teleports behind you*
Pssh, nuthin personal..kid....
*cuts you in half with energy katana*
btw....I ate ur Cheerios, Cmdr Shepard
*fades away into the shadows while laughing deviously*

encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&q=takes the piss out of him
Hope that helped kid!

>First link is urban dictionary
>Calls other people kid while using millennial slang

Sure man, whatever.

>Can only look at the first link
>Doesn't understand common phrases
>Not a kid
That's pretty embarrassing. Are you from the third world at least, or do you have no excuse?

>Literally never in my life heard 'take the piss' before
>"Common phrase"

Do you live in some shitty third world country or something?

he's a sattire on edgelords
>*teleports behind you*
>spooky wraith form
>uses enemy souls as medkits
>dual wield shotguns with the word repent on them
>throws them away when they're out of ammo and materializes new ones
>edgey dialogue and voice
>"""tragic""" backstory
>black and red
there is no way you can take him seriously without being an edgey kid or an offended soccer mom.

If it's common enough to be in dictionaries, and you haven't ever heard of it, it probably says more about your environment than the environment it is common in.

Why does everyone bully the edgy characters.
They're my favourites.

Mccree and Soldier 76 take him seriously

Well IRL I'd be terrified of a wierdo dual wielding shotguns regardless of what he's wearing

Why is he so based Sup Forumsros?

Is he cosplaying as death from Darksiders 2?

Because he is supposed to be edgy.
Few characters in the game take him seriously, the others openly mock him

Impossible to take him seriously.
Unless you're talking from a gameplay perspective. I've been trashed on by flanking reapers more than i'd like to admit.

How badly do you get bullied, user?