Splatoon; competitive team based shooter this gen

The only worthwhile, made for competitive play team based shooter of this generation was made by Nintendo and on a weak console. How did this happen?

Not even memeing. Please don't reply to shitposters; you either know this is true or don't know about Splatoon. I actually want to talk about how odd this is.

Other urls found in this thread:


>console controls
>implying it's even close to being the best

What is Overwatch?

OP come on, you have to put in effort if you're gonna bait

The controls are fucking awesome
But he's telling the truth??

>using KBM on a shooter


>7 million ACTIVE players worldwide
>allready had two successfull esports events
>fast gameplay with a low TTK, anything can happen at any second.
>is on PC with superior mouse and keyboard

It's not as ideal as keyboard and mouse but the controls are pretty interesting, you have the stick for longer turns (on max sensitivity) and the gyro for smaller nudges.

I genuinely believe Splatoon will make gyro controls for console shooters the standard.

10 years from now on, people will look back at Splatoon and go "yep, this is where it all started"

Rainbow six siege is just as good if not better

>It's not as ideal as keyboard and mouse
That's all I need to hear to know that Splatoon can't compare. I'm not lowering my standards under any circumstances.

I genuinely believe you're a faggot.


On Nintendo consoles maybe

Gyro>Mouse for aiming
Joysticks>Keyboard for moving

>Using a controller for anything
Some of us have regular man sized hands.

OP here finally finding a reasonable man.
I hope so too, admittedly its not as precise as a mouse an keyboard but it works as its own thing; it gives you a much more "in the game" experience. Gyro controls for shooters were long overdue since nobody wanted to try anything new.

It does unique and different things and does them well.
Overwatch just wants to be TF2.

Even 3D platformers and racing games?

>>Joysticks > Keyboard for moving
>> Gyro > Mouse for aiming
definitely no

>having the nerve to imply that KBM isn't as good as gyro
>when several thousand shooters would argue otherwise

Or did we so easily forget the thrashing delivered upon console controls when Shadowrun came out?

ITT: Splatoon is the only multiplayer shooter I've ever played

>Literally TF2 for the LoL audience
>Disney art style
>Active playerbase of scrubs
> Less than half the characters are playable
>Shilled and advertised to hell and back
>KB&M in the year of our lord 2000+16

I have issues twitch shooting, it's difficult to use the stick to turn then immediately readjust left or right slightly with the gyro. Could be a sensitivity problem I guess.

>>having the nerve to imply that KBM isn't as good as gyro
I don't believe I said anything related to that at all.

Dumping webms. I wish I could try playing this on kb+m just to compare it with gyro.

>player number is indicative of quality, so Farmville and Minecraft are paragons of humanity

Also, you die in Splatoon after two shots, I don't think Overwatch has that beat in terms of TTK. I haven't played Overwatch but it looks like TF2 with a bad art director and Blizzard memebois backing it.

The Splatoon controls work fucking great, people just have been using a mouse for waaay longer.


>Please don't reply to shitposters

Get a steady rest of some kind to put your hands on.

Also, update on the 7th, new weapons.

>Also, you die in Splatoon after two shots,
How casual. Try a REAL shooter, where you die in one shot.

Wow, staying in one place on the ground. How challenging.

Step aside junior.

Neither of those posts were mine. was my post.

There are tons of one shot kills in overwatch. Git gud nintendork.

Enlighten me on Shadowrun, do you mean the game that came out during the xbox 360 era that is otherwise an abomination to the original series? Because I never played it.

And do you have anything to back that up? Maybe a picture of all three posts and their IPs? Because I've been lied to before.

>using beggar's bazooka
>calling other people junior

Holy shiiiiit that reload animation is so fucking bad.

You die in one shot against any non brush roller, any charger, two of the blasters, and all timed bombs.

>anything better than M+KB
Why are nintendrones so delusional?

I really hope so. After doing gyro for a console shooter, I can never go back to sticks again.

Rocket Jumping isn't hard either, and you just got lucky that some pour soul was right underneath you.

>that little hand shovel
my sides

It had cross play between console and PC gamers. The PC users completely and utterly destroyed anyone using console controls. It was so bad that they had to stop it down the line, or the Xbox would've stopped selling.

"Weak console" is a redundant phrase.

Blizzturd garbage
>has less content than splatoon on launch
>has a lower skill requirement and ceiling
>has microtransactions
>has no singleplayer

This is what people said about the Wii until the release of Red Steel.

Then let's see you do it.

in Splatoon two, but I thought getting one shotted by Snipers/well placed nades was a given across most fpses, Blizzfaccboi

they're going to make ink mines explode faster in the new update

this single webm has more skillfull play than all the footage of Overshilled combined.

It's literally how you play soldier at any meaningful level. Rocket jumping is the first thing I learned to do as a soldier, as a Quake player, and the second was to shoot at people's feet.

Y'know, being useful.

I don't, but it still stands that my post had nothing to do with comparing controls so I'm confused why you replied to it.

>gear is randomly customized, and there's no built-in way around it
>can't choose ranked mode
>only two stages in rotation at a time

Otherwise no complaints. It happened because Nintendo let younger staff make a game that wasn't New Super Mario Bros and because this generation is lacking in original shooters, among other things.

Guro is literally the best control option for console shooters. And it would a damn shame if no other game followed

Splatoon is literally babies first shooter.

You're still implying that Splatoon is better than every single shooter on the PC. So you can't deny that.

>implying the Splatoon audience isn't the same people who tried tf2 when it went ftp
seriously though I think most splatoon players know how tf2 is so theres no point

Because gyro is far more accurate than console controls. It essentially controls like KB+M, but with a joy stick for movement instead of WASD.

Since I'm not into the whole FPS/TPS thing, which generally has a more "skilled" playerbase when it comes to the genre? PC? Consoles?

There is weak, and then there is Nintendo.

""""competitive"""" splatoon
yeah okay buddy. there's too many unbalanced maps and weapons. there's also not a big enough demand for competitive splatoon in the West.

>Comparing two different games with two completely different gameplay mechanics.

This is like comparing operation flashpoint to Unreal tournament 2004 just because they have vehicles.

hi rainy

Not when Overwatch exists you fucking toddler.

How the fuck did you predict the drop at that first shot?

You shouldn't be using console controls for a shooter in the first place. The KBM will always be better, and anything that isn't just as perfect shouldn't even be considered.

For the money they ask, I shouldn't have to make a single sacrifice to my standards.

I don't think there's any disagreement that a controller with a gyro is superior to a controller without one when you're adapted to it.

>You're still implying that Splatoon is better than every single shooter on the PC.
No, I'm not. I only said it does unique and different things and does them well, and said it was better than Overwatch. I did not say it was better than every PC shooter, nor did I say anything that even begins to imply that. What are you so upset about that you have to read so deep into things that are not in my post?

OP didn't
Overwatch shills and old men who still play tf2 did since they literally can't handle other games existing.

i wouldn't call it super competitive, but it's more than OW atleast

Nah, that would be Overwatch kiddo.
>autoaim for your autoaim
>hitscan shots
>I win buttons
>literal abilities that save you when you fuck up. Oh, I'm dogshit, nvm I can just press this and undo all my fuckups
>no skill requirement, just pow pow shootey

/vg/ pls


You're a retard who has no idea what he's talking about. Just fuck off unless you've actually used gyro controls. Literally the only negative is that you have to have a dedicated recalibrate button for when you need to jerk and kill someone far offscreen.

> I did not say it was better than every PC shooter
And I'm supposed to believe that with posts like who childishly attack TF2 players because they enjoy an older game?

That really sickens me about these kinds of debates. Everyone cries about how "cosmetics" ruined TF2, but you can buy loot crates in Overwatch, and there's countless cosmetics locked behind amiibos in Splatoon.

Just another double standard.

Hey guess what,
the new weapons.

This still exists? Why?

I have Splatoon, buddy. And I know how bad of a game it is. Infact, I'm willing to prove it by timestamping my copy.

Of course, even if I timestamped my copy of Splatoon, I feel like everyone would just discard it anyway, or find a convenient excuse to continue discarding my arguments. So it feels like it would be a wasted effort.

Anything that can be played with KB + M takes inherently more skill as the skill ceiling is higher.

Splatoon is a whole game based on a gimmick, a party game.

It's a shooter where you don't even have to aim. In fact, it's literally designed for children who can't aim so they can just shoot everywhere without having to worry and of course it's a fucking shooter where head shots and precision aim do absolutely nothing and yet somehow Nintendrones defend that and try to say it's a competitive title.

Pure baby garbage that ruined the entire game. Even GunZ/S4 League had headshots.

octoling boppity bopping

Splatoon "cosmetics" don't matter, it's the stats behind them, which you unlock through playing the game more and leveling up.

You can buy any cosmetic you see another player using that isn't amiibo-only. It's not like you'll be using the in game cash on anything else.

>Splatoon "cosmetics" don't matter,
Neither do TF2's cosmetics. They're purely cosmetic, and don't even have stats.

Not since the polycount update, at least.


I didn't say any of that. I like TF2 and still play it for at least a week out of the year. Why are you assuming that everyone you disagree with is the same person with the same opinions?

anybody have any splatoon lewds? preferably squid sisters

Yeah, because you're just one of the few outliers. Everyone else loved Splatoon. It controlled flawlessly, it was fast, it has tons of stages and weapons, and there's no shitty gimmicks in it like having to charge up an ultimate or hero-specific passives.

>I'm willing to prove it by timestamping my copy.
Go ahead.

because overshilled is literally pissbabby's first shootey game.
Its LITERALLY aimed at toddlers.

Why do you think blizzard went full "DELETE THIS" at overshill porn?

>muh mouse takes more skillz

Yeah kiddo, point and click, so hard.


I'm so glad that shit got nerfed.
Splatoon currently has great balance.

American Football: Squid edition

Because in Splatoon you can see someone with a cool cosmetic and buy it. In TF2, you get cosmetics through luck or lodsa emone. That's the difference. Splatoon doesn't have idling servers to get more clothes, since you get new clothes in the shops everyday, and you can buy the clothes you want from other players, basically paid piracy.

>Everyone else loved Splatoon
Oh, so now we're using the popularity argument? Because that's one Splatoon can't win. Especially if you consider the metacritic score, or the sales of the WiiU compared to the Xbox or PS4. Or shoot, the sales between it and Overwatch.

Got to use the camera centering button with wider turns. The gyro covers a pretty large cone.

Splatoon's controls are interesting, as the gyro is pretty much mouse aiming in cone. Usually controllers are auto-aim assisted slugs and MKB an 360 spinning eye of sauron. With Splatoon, you get controller's movement with restricted mouse aim in about 180 cone infront of you.

I think either /h/ or /aco/ has you covered.
Don't ask here.

>In TF2, you get cosmetics through luck or lodsa emone.
Stopped reading there. Next time play the game before you criticize it.

Splatoon sold more than anything on the piss4.

Try again, autismus maximus.

>point and click
You also control movement and tracking targets much better with it, you really have no idea what you talking about, splatbabies only get impressed because its the first non cod shooter they know about.

I enjoy Rainmaker, except on that map.
