UHM BROS? How are league and fucking hearthstone ahead of OVERWATCH™??

UHM BROS? How are league and fucking hearthstone ahead of OVERWATCHâ„¢??

League is having some sort of tournament in Europe, and Hearthstone has some popular streamers who play is daily, so the fan base is loyal.

Next question?

Can we stop this? Overwatch needs to be #1

Because Overwatch doesn't have longevity?

Team shooters with only 1 game mode is boring as fuck, no matter how much you mobafy it.


Nice attempt man, but try not to be SO obvious since the beginning.

they stopped paying for twitchers to play it; you could see every mayor twitch streamer playing the game on the release date; now they got back to the business.

Lirik, who is literally the biggest streamer, still loves the game, as well as several other bigger streamers. I watch someone named itmeJP play and his team is always stacked with big streamers and comp players.

Put together some sort of tournament or something and you got it

>it's a "let's pretend 47k people watching are bad numbers" thread

disclaimer I dont give a shit about OW and have no intentions of ever playing it

While not a shooter, explain leagues longevity. Do mobas suddenly get a free pass despite being full of the most annoying faggots?


Please dont let this game die bros


are you implying I give a shit about the game? because I dont
well, not beyond the general "it's nice to have a new IP not fall completely flat" angle

Eh 1 more week and it will only be pulling 20k viewers its going down fast in terms of viewers first day at 300k to 40k ouch

You know what LoL, Hearthstone, and CSGO have in common, they all can have games that could last 30 minutes. ResidentSleeper

Guns and things like guns breed boring combat. Duh.

The people who bought it are just playing instead of watching.

Nice thumbnail

Nice namefag





Post yfw you didn't buy Battleborn

isn't overwatch just another tired competitive fps flavor of the month in the already oversaturated genre? and it's got tumblr faced girls to boot.

> hearthstone games
> 30 minutes

even if Lifecoach is playing it's around 10 minutes usually. stop embarrassing yourself when you don't know shit just don't talk next time.

huge investment from tencent, they spent it all on esports infrastructure and basically have loyal watchers who might not play anymore but still follow lcs/lck/lpl.

the game itself gets changed every couple weeks and different champions and team compositions become overpowered so it does not feel stale on top of huge updates to every season.

you look pretty silly since I dont own the game



I'm literally shaking right now. It's only been out for about a week and its views are going down. What can we do, bros? I had to sell all my TF2 items through PayPal to buy the game. I can't go back hatless!

they already fucked up with delaying ranked. viewers will spike though end of june but until then I agree, less and less viewers. simply not enough content.

>I measure a game's success by how many cuckolds are watching others stream it instead of playing it myself.

>Free to play
>Free to play
>Not free to play

DotA 2 is having the Manila Majors over the weekend.

I spent all money for it too die this quick its not fair

But it was just 40 bucks


>being the fourth most popular game on twitch is bad now

Well, it did bleed 250000 viewers in 1 week.

Established fanbases vs game that was recently released, has no competive mode or established competitive scene yet
Gee I wonder OP. Nice thread.

That's all Blizzard does now adays.
Bleed subs.

Honestly the game has no future without user modding, user made maps and LAN, custom lobbies etc.

Blizzard will never allow any of that. So the game has no future.

> it's another "IT'S A DEAD GAME I SWEAR IT'S DEAD" episode on Sup Forums channel