Will it be good?
Will it survive for more then 6 months?
Is it even worth monitoring for a open beta?
Will it be good?
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I want to be excited for it but it just looks like third person shootan in a resident evil coating.
Then again its not like PC has any real tps
It looks like an indie game trying to be big
It's extremely unpolished with its character's movement, watch a video on that.
What's the deal with the gauntlets?
It actually looks pretty fun. Multiplayer on classic re maps will be awesome. What maps are you guys hoping for? I'm excited for the police station.
Its supposedly a shield but its so fucking small that you can just shoot them in the chest/legs instead.
I really dont understand it
Zombie bite guard
Here the only non-trailer gameplay i could find
I wish they had a beta or some shit. Because all these online only shooter asking for 30$ to 60$ is just jewish.
Will it be good?
No. Zombies are less than a after thought.
Will it survive for more then 6 months?
No. It is a generic as all fuck TPS
Is it even worth monitoring for a open beta?
No. It is a shit stain on Resident Evil.
There is absolutely nothing to see here other than another Operation Raccoon City
I fucking loathe what Resident Evil has become.
Did you play ORC? It's impossible to be that bad again.
I played it at PAX East, first thing I discovered is that crawling speed is roughly the same speed as your normal walk so I crawled around everywhere meleeing shit. That part was great but overall the game played not well.
Nah dude take ORC and make it less polished
The game looks like it runs on glitches
You fucking slide around everywhere, it looks like a fucking mess.
They somehow fucking managed with Umbrella Corps.
Zombies aren't even bullet sponges. Zombies aren't even a fucking threat.
theya re a god damn set piece put in to loosely tie the game to Resident evil.
It is a generic online only third person shooter.
At least ORC had a fucking story and a single player.
This game is nothing but those Shoot out parts with humans in ORC. The worst fucking parts of the game.
The zombies are a threat, you just need to make them one
All characters have a backpack thingy that "jams" a zombies urge to attack them.
If an opponent shoots your backpack out zombies start attacking you.
>Will it be good
40 K and Tom Clancy would like to talk to you user
Can someone clarify for me what the game has?
>co-op multiplayer missions
>online pvp
I have no clue if it has any of those things aside fro the pvp. RE6 was fun in the whydoesthisexist way and I hope this delivers more of it.
>Will it be good?
>Will it survive for more then 6 months?
It'll be lucky to be healthy after 6 days
>Is it even worth monitoring for a open beta?
PvP only with like 6-8? different modes
thats why its only 20$
Oh shit nigger I'm fucking out. I thought this had some sort of raid mode or something to play through.
>whats is max payne games
kill yourself retard
>Will it be good?
>Will it survive for more then 6 months?
HAHAHAx200million because Sup Forums's filter sucks now... no. No it won't. You'd be lucky to see it survive past launch day.
It has "DNA offline" or whatever mode, which is just a survival mode. You should be out because it looks like fucking shit and is UNITY.