The Humans/Omnics thing is clearly an allegory for interracial relationships, but the metaphor doesn't work

The Humans/Omnics thing is clearly an allegory for interracial relationships, but the metaphor doesn't work.

There are obvious differences between biological beings and mechanical beings, but there are NO differences between humans of different races.

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The thinking behind omnics in overwatch is that they somehow, literally, have a soul.

>No Omnic extremist Overwatch Hero

Zarya is pretty much an anti omnic extremist. She hates on zenyatta and bastion and talks shit about numbani because they have omnic liberty

I'm pretty sure omnics are jews considering how they tried to genocide the rest of the humans

I meant the other way around
An Omnic who believes in Omnic superiority and fleshy genocide


>Omnics population is continuously grow

Fucking how. We stopped making them obviously after they tried to genocide our species, and there are still ones trying to kill people in Russia apparently (in game canon says Russia is in the middle of Omnics crisis 2)

So how the fuck are they growing in numbers ?

Considering that's the exact opposite of what Overwatch stands for, they would have to be working for Talon or at least working against Overwatch.


Id much rather have a flesh traitor calling for the purge of all other fleshbags.

Capture and reprogram one..

Doesn't that go against the whole "Omnic soul?"

>Half prosthetic abomination

It's an allegory for literally any instance of a group of repressed people trying to figure out a place within a society.

How about a character who is first revealed as a violent Omnic supremacist who is actually a human him or herself?
Think black KKK member

They're manufacturing themselves.


*but is actually revealed to be a human him or herself through skins

GG humanity

I'd rather have robot body. But I wouldn't be against fucking a sexy robot girl. Maybe a celebrity of some sort.


Humans can be reprogrammed too.

Example: Widowmaker

If Humans can be reprogrammed and they have souls, then the Omnics should be treated the same.

>he thinks souls actually exists

Oh you poor, poor deluded machine.

I feel like this thread is gonna get really Sup Forums.

Ucle Ruckus is actually white.


I can't wait. It's like watching fucking grotesque monsters crawl out of the sewers.

Uncle Ruckus is white. He has a rare skin condition that is the opposite to what Michael Jackson had.

>there are NO differences between humans of different races
You really shouldn't have skipped those biology classes user, it shows.

Nice try Ruckus.

But what if it's not an allegory but rather it's talking literally about human robot relationships that may appear in the near future?


The test in one episode confirmed that he is 100% caucasian.

Not to mention he went to white heaven.

I just hope that any claims made in this thread are backed up with sources and research data. But I know better.

Funny how Zarya is prejudice as fuck towards the Omnics and she's Russian. I know Russians are supposed to be racist, but honestly they seem to love to hate on anyone who is western pretty fucking equally. During the Soviet Union they were pretty cool with black people even.

Correct. And it's terribly racist for blizzard to compare non-white races to souless packmule machines built for slavery.

Problematic Blizzard. Shame on you.

Russians hate gays

Nice try Ruckus.


not an allegory for interracial relationships

Hating gays is a whole different bag of prejudice. Pretty sure the Omnics of South Omnic hate gays even more.

>but there are NO differences between humans of different races.
citation required. Different races dont even have the same skull shapes

>inability to process information
That's awfully niggerish of you user.

Sure Ruckus.

For what purpose. Australia is irradiated because of them, and why would they want to put more souls into metal bodies? Unlike humans who go through a myriad of changes from birth to death, they'd just be making more soul having workers, no children, no legacy, no genes, so for what purpose if they supposedly have souls do they feel justified by this ?

They are straight up killing the earth and can easily be taken over by God programs like Anubis to kill and be slaves.

>American education

>but there are NO differences between humans of different races
t. Jamal

Did you not see the episode where they showed his biological family? His mother has been gassing him up for years.

im not american

Why even treat robots like humans. EMP or reprogram them