>this girl walks up and challenges you to Pokemon battle
What do you do?
This girl walks up and challenges you to Pokemon battle
Beat her and rip up her hat
Lick that armpit
inform her she`s slowly turning black
That fucking chicken hat. I will probably mug her stupid ass.
>angry kirby face
not surprising since someone apparently stole her bra
Inform her she forgot to zip up her shorts and then send out my Rattata because I am obliged to.
Where's the sports bra? Did you edit this?
are those shorts? what the fuck is up with her clothes
am i out of the fashion trend
I deny the battle and go fuck the cuter girl
>pants unzipped
Unedited version for reference
#Yokai is why
Zip up her shorts, make her wear her sports bra, then sternly scold her for dressing inappropriately.
Bury her pokemon and then go bury my dick in Hilda.
Shove my cockemon in her buttemon
post that hat comic
Lose the dumb hat and she's got a match
Good taste
Why are her pants unzipped with no underwear? Is she asking to be raped?
that hat looks stupid
is she pretending to look like a chicken cause she likes cocks?
Probably just awkwardly skirt around her obviously trying to get a downshirt look because I'm a filthy degenerate.
Don't bully the chicken hat, it's her only defining feature.
>no bra/undershirt
>unzipped pants
>no underwear
as someone who lives in hawaii I can confirm this to be turn
and i mean this as all the pre/teens do this
Maybe feed her some eggs?
That's bullshit, but I believe it.
Insert Benis
Wag my finger and escort her back to town. 10 year old's shouldn't be wandering unstable ancient ruins.
That armpit.
I want to fuck that pit
Not the sexiest pokegirl but I'd hit it
she's like 10 you sick fuck
It's bullshit. No one wears undershirts here, it's not a thing to not zip up your pants, and going commando isn't common either. Hau is much closer to what locals wear with the dark, plain t shirt, surf shorts, but idk what his shoes are people just wear slippers here
She's starting to grow on me, 2bh
So? What's your point?
>Implying Pokemon MCs are not 14 after BW.
BW's MC's were officially 14.
>Mega stone bracelet
No official ages though
She's also not real and just a drawing
you're like gay you sick fuck
If I don't get official evidence saying otherwise, she's a cute little 18 year old.
kiss her thighs and feet
she's pretty cute, not as over the top as other pokegirl designs
I challenge her to marriage.
You don't know the consent age in pokiman world.
Come back when you're exactly one shade darker
You need to win a 8 gym battles to get breeding rights user.
The Director said Pokepeople would be like an Alien species in terms of physiology if we were to ever meet.
So add Xenophillia to those charges too.
If you rape someone your pokemons also get to rape the victim's pokemon?
Tell her I don't own any Pokemon but I'd be glad to accept a "human battle" challenge.
Thanks for the (You)s, faggots!
>not going full dark chocolate
Well golly, if you say so user.
Hey, you haven't won the fight yet! You gotta WIN before you can claim the prize, soldier!
Accept the challenge, with one condition: if she loses she must join my enlightenment group seminar.
Depends if you have enough gym badges.
Super cute
Id be her friend
But i'm sure she already has a lot of friends, ah man.
Have another
Where do you think etc, etc
Too rich for my blood.
She's pretty fucking generic, desu.
I prefer literally every other Pokegirl. The new one is even more generic than Leaf and Crystal.
They still have light in their eyes. That needs to be fixed.
Tell her to button up her pants and stop being a slut.
>not liking little sluts
Fag alert
i bet you like all the overdesigned pokemon too
I want to play as this girl not the one with the chicken hat
>wanting to do anything with an ignorant little child that'll just blurt out user HAD SEX WITH ME in public and gets you arrested
Don't be dumb. Kids are stupid as shit.
Sorry, only rivals get to have a sense of fashion.
Just out of curiosity does anyone on Sup Forums actually like real little girls?
Real little girls are gross as shit, but anime little girls are kind of a different story.
If it has to be one or the other, I'll take overdesigned any day of the week.
model swap, her outfit and hair as customisation options or DROPPED
Calm down Chris Hansen
my favourite, fine taste user
Yes I too am curious. Would anyone like to take a seat and answer the question?
win at pokemon and then maybe steal her dope ass hat
I'd tell her to get a job and grow the fuck up.
Letting wild animals fight against each other is fucking barbaric at best. Oh and I'd also tell her to get a bra and that she should stop dressing like a slut. Jesus fucking christ man.
Hey, I'm just asking.
Would you like a cookie while you're here though?
Of course they don't. Real little girls are 3DPD, the same as all 3D.
>Don't be dumb. Kids are stupid as shit.
I know, but it would please my benis.
I doubt a little girl would ever actually say "user just had sex with me", but I get your point
>Real little girls are gross as shit
You are not even trying anymore FBI.
>even more generic than Leaf and Crystal
There is nothing wrong with Leaf and Crystal, I bet your favorite is May.
They definitely do, but most of them would never act on it due to either fear of consequence or fear of being turned down and detested by a little girl.
Imagine some lonely, socially inept degenerate trying to make advances on a little 12 year old and getting met with a face of disgust as she tells him to go away and throws rocks at him.
I hope I can remove the stupid chicken hat in the game
>I doubt a little girl would
Trust me. I'm a father. Kids will say anything at any time. They say the most random shit, and they will constantly talk about things they shouldn't.
Having privacy with kids depends entirely on how well you can prevent your kids from seeing what you want to keep hidden. If they see it, they'll eventually blurt it out to somebody.
I dunno. The hat does make her look cuter
CIA, actually.
>hat comes off
>gets angry
>pants become looser
Hats keep the purity in.
My favorite is Dawn/Hilda
Lyra > Crystal
>Tackle her to the ground to scare her.
>Grab her shirt and drag her into the bushes.
>Grab her shirt and threaten to hurt her.
>Pull down her shorts.
>Pull down her panties.
>Grab her shirt and shake her to scare her again.
>Start poking her vulva
>"p..p...p..ppp..please don't user...
>Force myself into her
I'd make sure my Pokemon were drunk ahead of time so they'd blow their loads inside her too.
I want to get a chicken hat in black, with a baggy hoodie and shorts for maximum qt.
>Pokemon trainer without a hat
Get that shit out of here. The best trainers have hats that they can do poses with.
Faggot. The hat is cute as fuck.
>remove dumb hat
>suddenly 20/10 girl
Better be able to have a no hat option this time round. Or at least just a hat that isn't so fucking stupid.
You're about 17 boards to the right of where you belong
That's wrong and you know it
This, but she looks cute when she is pissed
I think that's against the rules user, you have to win first.
Also, she may or may not be wearing panties in the first place.