Bloodborne thread. Discuss Bloodborne here.
I'm playing for the first time, and I'm having trouble with Vicar Amelia. Any tips?
Bloodborne Thread
Dodge her attacks
Hit her
use fire dummie
Don't die
Use R1 to attack
Fire and serrated work well. You can get some numbing mist on the roof near the cathedral that disables her healing.
Just leave her, she's protecting you. Don't peek behind the veil.
Fire paper and saw cleaver/spear
Be honest with me guys.
Is it worth it to get PS4 for this? (and P5 I guess). Because I'm so tempted.
Finally killed Rom just now, fucking pumped lads
I don't care what you do, if you want it then go buy it.
If you are a hardcore souls fag, maybe.
If not, its probably not worth the money.
wait for E3 and PS4k
Havent seen this comic yet, I laffed
Tips: Rip and tear, kill her guts. Then burn it with fire. Maybe get some friends in on it.
Burrow yourself in her ass.
I always play through a game solo first.
Sup Forums memes aside, the ps4 is a decent console, especially by the end of the year. Get a ps4k though
I said maybe.
But if youre having trouble with Vicar maybe you should drop the hardcore act
Here's your trophy.
I mean trouble as dying twice. I didn't die to Father Gas and Cleric Beast, so it's a bit more difficult. I need more health is all, I've barely leveled up as is. Also, when do I get weapons that are actually better than my Saw Cleaver?
Then why come asking for help after only 2 deaths?
You can use any weapon effectively throughout the whole game. I used the Saw Cleaver only an entire playthrough
Its a matter of taste in the end.
That being said Kirkhammer is for patricians, or Boomhammer
Oh shit
the saw cleaver is objectively the best weapon in the game, so never
That's a funny way to write Hunter's Axe
you are wrong and dumb
those are both wrong
the lolipop chainsaw is best
Hunter's Axe is my favorite, but it really doesn't measure up to the saw cleaver in pretty much any way
I found him easier than cleric beast
Same here. Cleric Beast kicked my ass a few times on my first playthrough, but I did him first try.
You're all wrong, the Holy Blade is the best weapon.
which one?
I sure hope there are no filthy heretics in this thread
Do you like Souls games?
I hate them and i love Bloodborne
I had absolutely no problem with the Cleric Beast. It's huge and all, but actually really easy to beat because of how much time it takes to prepare each attack.
Gascoigne gave me much more problem to beat him
Marry her
Try to dodge to the side where she is holding the gold pendant. It's way easier.
Use fire and serrated
Get some numbing mist to get rid of her healing, or buff up enough to stagger her every time she tries.
summon help
das a fukin cute comic, mang.
None of you fucks posting the best girl, who is pic related.
For shame.
This. Just wait. But it depends on what you have and what you like. I mean, I have all the consoles, don't really use Xbone, and I have enough stuff on PS4 and Steam that I still keep my PS4 out.
Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted Collection, Uncharted 4, Last of Us, Destiny, some random weeb stuff. I can see justifying it. If you're just going to play one or two games, then it is up to how feel about your money. If you're poor, no, if your working, single, and not in debt, why not? You'll make $300 bucks back.
no u
no u
At least Iosefka didn't try and murder my ass.
stupid lady maria
Worst boss in the game, especially on new game +
Yes she does, she attacked me when i went to visit her in her room
You mean most memorable boss
That's because you trespassed when she said no.
No: On new game he's just annoying, but on new game + he's infuriating, because his call beyond is basically an instant kill.
Uncensored version anyone?
and Adella does it because youre tainted with heretic blood and betrayed her love for you.
Unless youre faithful to her like me, then she doesnt attack at all
>not Chikage
Saif is based too though.
How do you feel about Bloodborne being part of Dark Souls 3 lore?
>tfw look like him and want to dress up as him on halloween but i cant weld so no cage
No, get out with that shit.
So you feel badly about it.
just make one from tinfoil and cardboard like everyone else
Nah I'm thinking of just making it out of wood and painting it. The shitty cages are embarrassing.
Does the old lady do anything after she goes to the Cathedral?
wait for a while and she'll give you infinite sedatives.
Is this actually canon or a baseless theory?
PC port when?
Gives you some sedatives, goes crazy and dies.
Feast your eyes.
There is nothing that suggests the games are connected.
Yeah she will get you more eventually so take as much as you want
how do you feel about me fucking your mom
does it make you upset
Theory based on vague references, which makes it bullshit because Fromsoft references all of their old shit.
So you also feel badly about the truth, weird.
reference, nothing more. It makes zero lore sense for them to be connected.
The proper boss order is Bloodstarved Beast > Witch of Hemwick > Amelia
Probably why you seem to just not be strong enough.
So you also feel badly about the truth, weird.
I feel like BB is what happens when the flame gets transcended at the best end of DS3. Yharnam even looks stupidly like DS3 Anor Londo, to the point where people confused them in early screenshots.
BB is what happens when Aldritch wins. He consumes so many people that he loses his shape, he consumes the gods, he consumes everything and becomes Oedon.
Sorry, friend.
Holy shit
Why did you underline eldritch?
Surely you dont think Aldrich and eldritch make it related when one of those words is descriptive right?
Stay behind but be ready for her to swipe behind and turn around
You've really got to relax about this, they clearly are linked.
I didn't make it. But why are you intentionally ignoring where his name comes from?
In his defense, the Japanese name of Aldritch is Eldritch, but that doesn't mean that these games are connected in any way. It's a bullshit piece of speculation that fan theorists like to throw around, because connecting two things that are unconnected is popular.
>they clearly are linked.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for the worlds of Dark Souls and Bloodborne to be linked, through the existing lore and copyright ownership of the respective brands.
>It is IMPOSSIBLE for the worlds of Dark Souls and Bloodborne to be linked
That doesnt make sense thats like naming a boss
Scary, Devourer of Gods