Toshimichi Mori, Creator of BlazBlue, wants to make a RWBY fighting game
>If I were to make a game based on something that wasn’t a complete original, which is what I have done in the past, it would be based on the intellectual property of RWBY. So each girl has their own kind of color, theme that they are associated with and the original creator has sadly passed away. If we were to ever make a fighting game of this, I would want to really spearhead that if possible.

Thoughts, Sup Forums? Even if the show itself is dumpster fire tier, it's potential as a fighter would be too big to pass up. Though it better be a tag fighter or else they shouldn't bother otherwise.

Also, the article itself is pretty neat, goes into how Mori and Daisuke got into ASW, the genre and their inspirations.

I would rather see them make a fate or type-moon fighter with pretty Xrd graphics.

But most of all I'd like for them to focus on BB/GG and perhaps eventually create a new franchise.

Why is this shit so popular? Weiss and Rose are the only redeeming things about this show. If you want a good web series watch making fiends or sonic for hire.

Those series all have nothing in common. I should know as I've seen a fair amount of all of them.

Blazblue x Guilty Gear 3D fighter.

Blake > everyone else

How can you have animation that shitty and have a non ironic show?

Blake a shit.

Is the beat-em-up on Steam any good? I know nothing of this series, I just really like BEU games.

Old news and it won't happen, but thanks for posting this again.

>Stopped watching after first season
>Still follow fanart and fanfics
White Rose is like vanilla Ice cream, aka the best

It's decent now with the combat update.

Just so you guys know, Yang is best girl. Sorry if this new is shocking to you since you now know your waifu a shit.

No wonder Mori would like to make a game being himself a waifufaggot and he knows the fanbase very well.
This thread proves that fact.

Care to elaborate? Was it bad before?

>White Rose

>take a melee weapon
>attach a gun to it

Why is this allowed?

Also, I wouldn't be interested in a RWBY game. It's not a very enticing franchise desu.

Well just so you know the show is trash so I don't give a fuck about your dumb waifu. Plus Yang is both Jewish and Canadian, an unholy combination

>giving a fictional character a rl religious ideology for no reason

It was boring, at least now you have meter management and some semblance of difficulty.

nyeeeugh. Guess I'll pass. Thanks bro.

If WR is vanilla, then Monochrome is french vanilla aka superior.

guess it could be interesting

my nigga

I've seen this exact thread before.

You just want to post your shit show.

>fate or type-moon fighter
They've both had several.

Unlimited Code was trash.

Melty Blood

>tfw no RWBY sfm porn

Why must the world hate me?

There is some, but it's really mediocre since no one's really done work on good models. Look up Secaz since he's the only one that's done (barely) passable work.