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I don't get what you're trying to imply here, that's actually pretty cool. It's not like people who bought it at full price are getting ripped off, they still get a reduced price for operators and shit.


Actually kinda cool.
Gets more people into a good game, and literally the only good Ubisoft game released in the past 5 years.

You can unlock operators without paying though

So you're saying it's worth? How's this game compare for someone who was crazy into Raven Shield back in the day? I kinda just shrugged this game off as a garbage meme game and didn't bother with the full price tag. I haven't been able to take rainbow six (or tom clancy's for that matter) brand seriously after the Vegas games.

When i say "price" i'm referring to renown, not actual money.

>- Requires additional grinding to unlock the remaining 16 original Operators (Operators are unlockable for 12,500 Renown, compared to 500-2,000 renown in the Standard Edition)

>good game
u jews dont even trying

It's alright, nothing special. It's still better than the rest of the shit Ubisoft has regurgitated recently.

You could pirate it and play a few rounds of T Hunt to get a general idea of the gameplay but the actual multiplayer is more of a campy/rushy type of game.

I hope to fuck this brings more players in.

The game is really fun, was a total surprise but the only problem is it got massively overlooked and is dying.


Lul means dick.

LUL is a twitch emote

which one are you guys referring too ?

yeah i mostly despite Ubishit, but they really delivered on this one so i guess i gonna pick this up during summer sale


I think the problem is that it tried to attract the CS audience but the CS audience doesn't give a fuck about anything that isn't CS.




nice, nice, nice
very impressive

No, it's 9000, if it was 9001 your shitty post would make sense, but it doesn't.

Your shitpost is bad and you should feel bad.

