>It's a game where the good guys win
Feels pretty good.
It's a game where the good guys win
FUCK OFF!!!!!!
>Politics is about logic
Get real. Politics are strictly controlled by feelings.
His opponents are the evil queen of the status quo and a communist with Alzheimers.
Is Bernie even still in the race? Haven't followed it for a while.
>complains about untruths about Trump
>proceeds to drop mad lies about other competitors
Politics in the US have always fascinated me.
Bernie and Trump are essentially the same person
He can take the lead with California. It's far from over for us.
Welcome to U.S. politics. Where confirmation bias is the norm and people only vote for a candidate for one reason.
Uh, b0ss?
>Any criticism against Trump is not an argument.
Trump cultists really are a deluded bunch.
>bernouts still exist
>the status quo
What's so wrong with your life that you need to go against the status quo? You sound like an edgy teenager.
>bernie is a communist
>doesn't understand the basic difference between communism and socialism
>bernie isn't even barely a socialist, he's more like FDR
>also he has the best memory and vocabulary and scientific knowledge of the three, trump thinks global warming is a chinese hoax, that vaccines cause autism, and can't seem to make up his mind about any one particular issue
Trump has Sup Forums fooled, but they're all gigantic retards anyway.
We can both agree Hillary is a total warmongering criminal snake.
In all fairness he did file bankruptcy, but everyone who can abuses those laws.
inb4 cuck
video games
>It's an "even your enemy realizes that you've won" episode
>ben garrison actually supports trump
>this is an actual unedited ben garrison comic
is meme magic real?
>Obvious shoop
Post the real one faggot
>How is Trump thing
>Let me talk about someone else
Well Hilary Clinton certainly isn't the good guy.
Trump supporters are mad that they only have a high school education and all the shitty jobs that don't require higher education went to China.
How is it a lie? Hilary Clinton is one of the most corrupt politicians in history
>the world is fine
A point is good thing when your opponent can't formulate an argument beyond a meme.
*Gets computer culturally enriched*
*rants against capitalism on his iphone 9*
*steals his dad's vietnam veteran check and donates it to BLM and bernie*
*loses the nomination to the reptilians*
based Ben Garrison
Bernie is still in it, he's up in Cali which just goes to show how weak Clinton's campaign is. She'll still win though, Bernie is behind 3 million popular votes and unless he wins Cali by something like 75-25 or higher than he's basically fucked.
>Politics in the US have always fascinated me.
and you obviously don't know enough about it to make comments.
>Same thing as capitalism.
>I like our very corrupt, incompetent, inefficient government and its rampant and every increasing spending in lieu of a noticeable increase in the economy
>also this spying is totally fine
But those really aren't arguments against him.
>for us
Hello, plebbit.
>>bernie isn't even barely a socialist, he's more like FDR
no, bernie is more like huey long, who FDR had assassinated
this sick idolization of a warmonger like roosevelt needs to stop (and this includes teddy too, fuck him)
>Sup Forums posts
It's funny, Trump thinks the minimum wage is too high.
Well, he also has said it's too low, but he consistently says it's too high.
He also wants lower taxes for all. Although he has also said the rich will need to be taxed more.
So who knows what he wants.
Nigga its a proportional state, unless he wins with a massive landslide he'd still be behind. And you know SD's aren't going to switch to Sanders right? They'd rather vote for Biden.
>Hillary struggling to beat Bernie in a state that was suppose to be a landslide for her
wew lad
$0.03 has been deposited into your account
>B-b-b-but muh tone.
I've literally heard this from a RL "I'm nut gunna vote hurr" faggot while I was wearing my MAGA hat at work one day.
Fuck you.
Muh trees.
Stagnating wages
Evaporating opportunities
Skyrocketing costs
PC culture that affects peoples' livelihoods
Among other rthings
Fuck off back to Sup Forums.
>Realize in a millisecond "wall" translates to "Stricter regulation to enter the United States due to the Paris attack, ISIS and refugee problem"
>That is somehow considered racist
All I'm nervous about for Trump is how global trade will work since I'm hearing our relationship with China could be weakened if his plan is approved.
>Sup Forums has literally warped Ben garrisons mind to their will
That is probably the most impressive thing I've seen come out of this site in a while
>Sup Forums can't even be assed to thinly veil anymore
>>I like our very corrupt,
very corrupt
You don't know what corruption is you armchair activist. You also don't know what you want.
>warmonger like roosevelt
>intervened in a global war threatening the entire world's balance of power
FDR wasn't really a warmonger warmonger, he wanted to be a heroic wartime president.
A flat tax, maybe?
did the hacker named Sup Forums also destabilize all those secular middle eastern countries too? was that a republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear hillary's campaign?
Memetik magic, my dude.
Man this thread is really gay and not video games
>inb4 u tu
Prove that any of those things exist
I didn't say I want Sup Forums gone, retard. I told them to go back, because this thread isn't video games.
>not an argument
I guess I forgot that meritocracy wasn't part of the American ideal.
>went bankrupt
>not an argument
Because the business record of the person responsible for steering the nation's economy isn't important, right?
Ever heard the expression "the lesser of two evils"? I'll vote for the status quo war criminal over the fucking supervillain any day if those are the only two viable choices I'm given.
She's inept, why anyone still thinks she'll beat Trump in the general is beyond me. She's basically the Jeb Bush of Democrats, Sanders would have been considered a fringe lunatic back in 2008 or 2012 and would have barely broke single digits, but compare him against Clinton (who is probably one of the worst SoS in US history) and suddenly he looks impressive even when no one on the planet knew who he was a year ago.
Not him, but you are blind and retarded. You think the politicians care about you? Hahahahahaha
But yes, keep pretending everything is perfect and no one is raping the economy whatsoever.
We just recently legalized infinite corporate bribery. How is that not corrupt?
>Ever heard the expression "the lesser of two evils"?
Yes, and Trump is the lesser evil.
Why don't we just raise minimum wage to 20 dollars instead of 15?
Why not 50?
The collective consciousness is real.
God Trumpets are so fucking boring. Your candidate already won stop trying to make the people who didn't vote for him like him. eat shit you fucking faggot
T j is is what people know. The other candidates look like literal poison and the continuation of negative dynamics in the us. Trump is a guy that can consistently bust politicians the fuck up without ever really going into policy (while this is a strength it's also a weakness. If he where to talk policy he might actually crumble because he never says dick.) So he's seen as the counter culture.
>Sanders/Clinton supporters are all white guilt cucks who apparently want to suck the dick of every muslim alive while jamal fucks their ass
>Trump supporters are all rednecks who shitpost on Sup Forums about how Trump will make anime real
And sadly enough that isn't really a big exaggeration.
>he wasn't really a warmonger, he just sent four hundred thousand americans to die because of jews or something
no u
3rd biggest board will never leave m8, it's pointless.
Let's discuss Bernie's main ideas.
>free college
We basically had that until the 60s, and student debt is crippling the nation.
>free health care
Most 1st world countries have this and spend less on healthcare overall. It's nice that a large portion of American citizens are afraid to go the doctor due to deductibles, co-pays, and the fear that something might actually be wrong with them which will cost tens of thousands of dollars.
Those are his fiercest "socialist" ideas. He wants to regulate wall-street because they take all the money that only goes to them, he wants to raise the highest tax bracket (after the first 10 million) to 54~%. It has been much much higher in conservative years (20s-50s), until Reagan got his dick sucked by millionaires and started the ruination of the economy.
What else is he extreme about? Repairing our infrastructure? Trying to halt climate change? Trying to get us out of endless wars?
>salty berncuck detected
it's too bad really. i really wanted bernie to win. if he jacked up wages and taxes to subsidise lazy niggers, just imagine how many jobs would move north of the border.
if trump wins, the only thing coming north is going to be limp-wristed cucks and losers that want free shit.
>You think the politicians care about you?
No, they never have. Ever. Maybe in the 1800s. But the world carries on in spite of them and always has. If there's a problem with your society the problem is you and everyone else who lives in it. You elected the politicians after all.
>and no one is raping the economy whatsoever.
>thinking politicians have any control over the economy
*this is
Sorry I'm phone posting.
point out the lies if you think they're there, otherwise
>Sup Forums became the new Sup Forums
Sounds about right.
>natural causes
I would like a second opinion, doc.
>Ever heard the expression "the lesser of two evils"? I'll vote for the status quo war criminal over the fucking supervillain any day if those are the only two viable choices I'm given.
wait, which one is the supervillain again?
Bernvictims will defend this.
I'm not a redneck though you dumb memer. The former actually fits however.
Trump at this point is basically a con man. Nothing he says is ever consistent, and he constantly contradicts himself. At this point, the most consist information with him is that he is never consistent. It feels like he sees this as another live tv game show that he needs to win for some unknown reason. I have no idea what would happen if he gets elected.
>Tech dude at a convention fired from his job for a dongle joke.
>Reviewers fired for 'sexism, racism, etcism'
>Small inclusive indie-faggots laundering money through indie game awards.
>Sites giving spotlight and marketing to cunts and AAA investors for pussy and favors.
We need Trump to make vidya great again.
>and student debt is crippling the nation.
Yeah, we all know the education industry is the backbone of the US economy
No, he originally wanted a lower tax for all tax brackets (iirc 0% until 10k, then 15% at highest), which is why a lot of conservatives flocked to him. Literally a few days after Cruz and Literally Who left the race, he mentioned he thinks the rich will have to pay more taxes.
Cruz was the one who wanted a flat tax and elimination the IRS.
On the internet you're right, in reality not really. Most Trump supporters are just working class blue collar job people or former disaffected business Democrats who don't think corporations are the root of all evil like Sanders/Clinton seem to babble on about.
Sanders fans are the same in real life as they are on the internet only add more of the OWS crowd and former hippie boomers.
Clinton's base is basically just partisan Democrats, blacks, and women. But that's falling apart.
dude your battery's low
>go to the Olympics
>Michael Phelps wins his umpteenth gold medal for fastest dolphin roleplay
>they go to give him his medal
>"But first, let's talk about all those times I've lost a swimming match"
I bet that if I posted "why can't white men compete" on Sup Forums, you would be asspained faggot.
>Mexican immigration is a plot to steal our jobs and women
Oh wow.
Please stop making us Californians look bad. That's been done enough already.
Yeah, the Jews are doing that. But um I think i'm not allowed to say that here or else i'll get meme'd on.
>Doesn't know that the politicians carry out orders from big money
Forgot to add the marxist agitators that go around brownshirting events.
>Trying to get us out of endless wars?
Those are necessary to maintain our power and prevent others (Russia) to gain power. To be a superpower you must put other down, do you want America to be a third world shithole?
Not Video Games
wow these issues
they sound so important
we need politicians to sort them out for us because we're incapable right?
small government tho.
Trump assholes will literally post this shit all day. They bring nothing to the world but stupidity, division, head lice and incest.
>Because the business record of the person responsible for steering the nation's economy isn't important, right?
Compared to what? Whitewater?
Go ahead, Canada does it all the time.
Joke's on you i'm not even white faglord.