Why the hate?
Why the hate?
Other urls found in this thread:
The RPG elements have been stripped bare to the point where the game is basically just an open world FPS with bad writing.
No innovation, same clunky feeling, same engine
so the fuck what? This isn't hypothetical. There ARE mods that make the game better and solve literally all of the problems people in this thread are whining about. Fix the problems with a few minutes effort, then play the game the way you want to play it and enjoy it.
Because it was a step back.
Because the cover of F4 is the fucking same as F3 but zoomed in and the color/lighting is different.
This is too small to become a copypasta desu famalam
please try to bait harder, user. I know fallout threads are free (you)s lately, but have some standards
>it's okay to make shitty games and let the community fix it
Please kill yourself immediately.
Because a sequel is supposed to add more features and remove the unnecessary, not reduce the number of quests from your previous game in the franchise and deliver a product with the least you can get away with.
Pic related, these are ALL the Fo4 quests, even the shitty miscellaneous ones.
Poor FPS masquerading as an RPG.
because bethesda is irredeemable trash and you are a legitimate retard if you enjoy any of their games
For Comparison, here is Skyrim, who people were already complaining about removing too much. They literally did more 4 years ago that in their "most ambitious game" as it was hyped.
Yes. Yes it is absolutely ok to make a game that not everyone will absolutely fucking love, and then make it possible (unlike essentially everyone else in the whole industry) to modify that game to your heart's content.
The first player made free to share mod system that works on consoles ever. What a lazy shit developer they are.... for fuck's sake you people are backward.
Is there a mod that adds a proper karma system?
With that and a full fallout3/NV style chat box I might give the game a second chance
Still too small to become a copypasta desu
- no holster
- shit color scheme (fuck bethesda for listening to its 'fans' on this one. ''more color'' isn't always right, and it pretty much yanked the atmosphere that 3 and NV had out of the overworld)
- voice overs were a fucking mistake and their implementation was the most likely reason that rpg options got canned
Why the bait?
The 26 mods I'm running for FO4 on my Xbox One work exactly as they should. So... yeah, they do - within days of releasing the first system of its kind
this is why fallout 4 is terrible. alot of the story falls flat, factions fall flat, there are no real dynamic choices. all endings end the same. the most linear fallout game to date.
They literally cut half of Skyrim to meet that 11/11/11 gimmick.
The Civil War was supposed to be an actual war involving all holds instead of the one fight for Whiterun.
Also everything about the fucking thieves guild is fucking garbage and guess who wrote it
>all the fuckers defending the voiced protagonist after E3
fucking christ this was a terrible decision. this fallout really just killed all the fallout hype to come for a long time for me
>26 mods
Woah there, easy, don't go too wild! You might actually hit 10% of a PC mod load order
I'm not defending skyrim here, I do think they missed many things that could have been there. I'm just pointing out how Bethesda is one of the few game companies that introduces less and less in the sequels.
That's the only reason people like New Vegas. By itself that game is horribly broken and one of the worst rated FOs
Everything in the game is shallow.
I still somewhat enjoy the game, but all they needed to do was expand on Fallout 3, instead they stripped it down.
There's also far too much combat, I don't feel like exploring because every new place I find will just be a room full of enemies with a ramdomized weapon that are mostly shit.
Valentine was wasted on this game.
>it will be fine!
>theres literally no difference except it is voiced now!
>they just cut out useless options or made them sub options now!
God damn they were delusional
Is there a mod that makes the dialog more than
>Sarcastic Yes
>More information
>I'll come back to say yes later
>Basically Skyrimjob
Apologise for your fuckery
Spent all day yesterday building a vault in game on console - something I've wanted to do for 8 years since FO3. But yeah, the over 1000 mods added since Tuesday are ALL weapon mods... sure
No, they would have to literally rewrite and revoice the dialog.
They do change it so you can actually see what is going to be said though.
So are they going to try and force a voiced protag in the next TES?
There is no way they would be that stupid, not to mention they would need different voice actors to account for the playable races.
Unless they either force you into a single race, or do the fucking retarded thing and give every race the same voice.
What's wrong with the voice protagonist? It's better than just silence
>buying an RPG game because shooting is fun
God damn it I just can't wrap my head around this
considering that they always recycle their most retarded features from one game to the next, the surefire bet would be yes
1) less RPG
2) less Western
3) Todd Howard
More or less, but that's not how I think about it. But if you were expecting F1/2/NV on an updated engine, your expectation was met with a whole lot of not those three.
To me, it's a case of people clamoring for something different, then getting something different, then disliking it and returning to wanting more of the same.
I don't get caught up in the bitter usomad train on games, life's too short for console wars, or getting jimmies rustled by something that's only a game. That's time better spent talking about and enjoying games you do get fun from.
It wouldn't mind me of a show is getting a bit more focuse. I pretty much played as a nord Skyrim anyway since that is the Canon choice
>By itself that game is horribly broken and one of the worst rated FOs
It's shallow and uninteresting
>Implying they won't change race options to Nord, orc, cat, and elf
Bethesda seems to want to do the absolute bare minimum nowadays, and why not? People will buy it anyway.
>- shit color scheme (fuck bethesda for listening to its 'fans' on this one. ''more color'' isn't always right, and it pretty much yanked the atmosphere that 3 and NV had out of the overworld)
You're wrong about this.
Until 20 minutes ago mods weren't on consoles.
Prior to that
30% played on PC with access to mods.
70% played on consoles with no access to mods.
Keep telling yourself mods are what make Bethesda successful.
part of the fallout/skyrim universe is using your imagination and creating your own experience. using a voice protagonist creates more stream lined thought. this is how your character talks. before you would read the voice in your head as you or whatever voice you made. made it feel more like an rpg instead of this bullshit that came out thats so stream-lined it hurts.
>NV fans so delusional they pair it up with 1 and 2.
NV was shooter trash too kid.
I hated the voiced main character, I hated the dumbed down dialogue options, I hated the lack of none player made settlements, I hated the storyline, I hated the fixed player background, I hated the lack of inhabited vaults, I hated the radiant quests, I hated the factions, I hated the Railroad whining, I hated the Minutemen begging for help whilst doing nothing, I hated the BoS leader being an emo, I hated the building, I hated the tiny Emerald City, I hated the lack of different ammo types, I hated the ripped off borderlands-esque legendary weapons, I hated the lack of unique looking unique weapons, I hated the lack of weapon variety being replaced by the weapon building, I hated the gimping of automatics, I hated the lack of memorable characters, I hated the lack of unique dialogue options related to S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and perks, I hated hastily tacked on female character and I hated the quests which generally needed you to just kill everyone.
Still I love exploring and have put 100+hours into it.
Good timesink, terrible game.
>Want to roleplay
>Instead forced in the shoes of a worrying mother/father with shit-tier voice actors
>mfw they probably put more effort into the robot saying your name once than finding actually good actors
Voice protagonists in rpg's generally means less dialog, less options, and less roleplaying.
In something like the Witcher or Mass Effect it can work, but a game like Elder Scrolls or Fallout that tries to be more of an open sandbox it just harms it.
3 got a MetaCritic score of 91
NV got 82
4 got 87
Communily NewVegas is considered the worst of
Voiced Protagonist
Protag's VA is fucking terrible to boot
Speech Wheel
No Skills
No Karma
Terrible press X to SHAAAUUUN story
Settlement building does nothing to affect the game's world or story - just a shoehorned gimmick for more padding
Pipe weapons
They'll have a male and female voice and that'll be it.
Argonians and Khajiit will sound like Imperials.
By who?
So I take it you don't like Fallout games at all?
Theres 3 skill checks in the base game and more in FH
Why do people even like Fallout 1 so much?
Its like half of a game its just so fucking tiny and limited.
rofl i havent played this game since the month it came out, just another reason this one was so shit.
Why does Beth always put a mysterious faction of strangely well armed and supplied evil mercenaries in their Fallouts that aren't an actual faction and cannot be wiped out and are all shoot on sight
Ignore anyone who uses the kid ad hominem. They're just baiting.
I never enjoyed New Vegas mainly because of the outdated shooting mechanics and strong RPG elements. Fallout 4 seems like a game I could actually enjoy.
The reasons you dislike this game are reasons to like the game for other people.
4 can't even be considered baby's first RPG.
It's barely even that fun as a shooter.
So what you're saying is Fallout 4 is a game for people that don't like Fallout?
Glad we could agree.
Fallout 4 is a great timeline, but as an rpg it completely shuts out any creativity on the player's side. No matter if you are playing a nude, amoral cannibal or a charming drunk in your head the game will always be about an army father or lawyer mother looking for their 200 year old baby boy. The story has no twists you can make through your choices which leaves playing it ultimately a hollow experience. Some of the companions were nice, but fuck were they whiny.
It's literally a shooter with perks.
By everyone except Sup Forums
Fallout 4 subreddit: 204,813 members
New Vegas subreddit: 21,976 members
Face it, Sup Forums is literally the only place that gets so butt hurt over this game
Yeah, it kind of seems like it's the worst of both worlds.
Yes, pretty much. But then again, game franchises change. Fallout 4 might very well be the new definition of Fallout games.
Because it was soulless and empty as shit
>half-accidentally fall into a huge sinkhole
>expect some Descent type of pant-shitting to ensue
Nope, just radroaches
>get sent into a nuthouse to track down an ancient vampiresque guy
>expect the haunted hotel from VtM:bloodlines
>kill 40 run of the mill gunners and make an arbitrary choice in the last room
Blueballed again
>pre-war chemical-weapons factory
>get inside and see gunners tripping balls
>expect your character to start tripping balls as well
Nope, run to the end, slaughter everyone and get the mcguffin at the end
>Combat zone
just fuck off
The only good things in fallout 4 were dunwich borers and the museum of witchcraft, everything else was just so half-assed and left me so blue-balled I couldn't go on to even storm through the main questline.
It should be a fucking new IP then.
>this isn't loading
>this is learning
every fucking time
I hope so, the perk system in 4 is a lot better than the skill system in 3 and New Vegas, and I love how the cameras is actually Dynamic during dialog rather than stuck in some first person staring contest
>using reddit as a measurement
I was disappointed by Fallout 4 but I'm going to go play Far Harbor right now and there's nothing you faggots can do to stop me.
I'm not even going to reply to any replies to my post so don't even bother replying to me because I won't read any of your replies so it's literally pointless to reply to my post. Don't even think about replying to me you faggots because I'm going to be busy playing Far Harbor and not even going to be aware of anything on Sup Forums or any other board or even website for that matter so don't even get any ideas. I'm going to be trying to have fun with Far Harbor and I don't know if I will because the main game was average at best but I'm going to give it a shot and that's what I'm going to be doing so you'd just be wasting your time by replying to me. Even if a million times people replied to me there wouldn't be any reason to because I won't be reading any of it so don't even waste the energy that it would cost to reply to me.
yeah fuck off
You do realize that Fallout wasn't an FPS originally? Are you mad they didn't make a new IP back then?
>Voiced Protagonist
Is this just not allowed in RPGs or Fallout games?
>Protag's VA is fucking terrible to boot
Disagree, but I am left wondering why both the male and female VA didn't sound like mush-mouthed Boston townies, so I just assumed they had the misfortune of moving to New England area from elsewhere.
>Speech Wheel
more like a cross of four options, but I assume you mean you wanted more choices like the previous games
>No Skills
>No Karma
Yeah they changed that, but it's kind of more annoying to be told "you're a bad person" when it's obvious that nuking a town or selling children into slavery is not good behavior.
As for skills, they were there, you just didn't need to put a shit ton of points into anything, fair enough.
>Terrible press X to SHAAAUUUN story
Haven't played a Fallout game yet that has me super-interested in the main story, so I get to it when I get to it, usually after tons of side shit.
>Settlement building does nothing to affect the game's world or story - just a shoehorned gimmick for more padding
Fallout Sims was actually kind of fun, but I didn't do much of that until I was done with the quests and the main game.
>Pipe weapons
okay? another wut.jpg, not really sure what's wrong with them other than they're useful starter guns until you loot a proper gun off someone
Only mistake there was auto-giving new radiants whenever the player would turn a quest in, there were other radiant-givers who didn't do that, you had to ask for another to get one.
Plus after the first go-through, it's not like you are forced to go to the MM location, just ignore the dog and head elsewhere if he was that irritating.
Fallout is not about lovecraftian memes you know
>Judging game by its cover
Bait harder faggot
I hate that my character has a voice and sounds like a retard
how much are you being paid
I assume they're a kid themselves, I'm way too oldfag for emotions anymore.
Half an hour for this copypasta?
do it a fucking again
Well, they're tryharding to out-do /nma/, but nobody will out-do those grudgemasters.
> using the most popular site and preferred method for developers to connect with their audience
Yep. Like it or not it's more important than Sup Forums is
Ideally yes, but at the very least it still tried to stick near to the formula outside of isometic turn based.
4 doesn't even do that.
But user magic is canon in Fallout now.
Plus unfitting Lovecraftian copy and pasting is hip and trendy, especially in games where it doesn't belong.
>Is this just not allowed in RPGs or Fallout games?
No, just Fallout. It kills immersion when every character you make sounds exactly the same. A game that's meant to be played multiple times has no place for a voiced protagonist.
Then why don't you fuck off back there?
I take it this person didn't play the game. Vault tech guy literally says your family is already approved and they're just updating paperwork.
Shouldn't removing the voice with mods be relatively easy? Since it doesn't impact the game at all?
where can I get a Bethesda paycheck, surely they have enough money to pay me if there's 'shill' money going around.
not a proper out user, try harder.
Still doesn't justify him turning up literally right before the bombs drop
stop with this modifying a game with mods to make it good bullshit. If they did it in the first place it wouldnt even be a problem.
Amazing atmosphere and setting it makes, it just doesn't fill in the gigantic potential it creates in one game
>Is this just not allowed in RPGs or Fallout games?
Fallout games. The best thing about them was roleplaying. This mechanic is fucked when your badass old sniper cowboy sounds like a softcock dad in his mid 30s.
>Disagree, but I am left wondering why both the male and female VA didn't sound like mush-mouthed Boston townies, so I just assumed they had the misfortune of moving to New England area from elsewhere.
So you disagree, but found a major flaw I didn't even point out.
>more like a cross of four options, but I assume you mean you wanted more choices like the previous games
Are you fucking retarded or just pretending?
Just an example of the amazing dialogue choices available in this masterpiece.
>Yeah they changed that, but it's kind of more annoying to be told "you're a bad person" when it's obvious that nuking a town or selling children into slavery is not good behavior.
>As for skills, they were there, you just didn't need to put a shit ton of points into anything, fair enough.
You're actually defending stripping mechanics so I don't know what to say.
>Haven't played a Fallout game yet that has me super-interested in the main story, so I get to it when I get to it, usually after tons of side shit.
I can understand when the only Fallouts you've played are the modern ones. Maybe you'll actually play 1 and 2 someday.
>Fallout Sims was actually kind of fun, but I didn't do much of that until I was done with the quests and the main game.
That has nothing to do with anything.
>okay? another wut.jpg, not really sure what's wrong with them other than they're useful starter guns until you loot a proper gun off someone
Completely useless weapons that are made obsolete with the first pistol you find at the very start of the fucking game.
You've missed the point of my mentioning Preston. But I know you're trying your hardest to defend this game, so I'll just tell you. MM are fucking shit, and Preston is a shit character.