Hello Sup Forums I've been subscribed to humble bundle monthly for the past 4 months and have collected quite a few...

Hello Sup Forums I've been subscribed to humble bundle monthly for the past 4 months and have collected quite a few keys. I'll be doing them one by one so everyone has a chance at it.

I'll call out a game then you just reply with a temp email address and a reason as to why.

The off limit game is mad max as I've already got someone for that (Personal friend).

It may not be much but I know the steam summer sale is coming up and not everyone can afford games so I thought instead of selling them I'd give them away like I did at christmas.

Would that be okay with everyone?

Other urls found in this thread:


And the last set of keys I'll be giving away

>ticket fare

Uh... what?

You saw nothing

Are you doing them 1 by 1 or do I just call out what I want?

I was thinking of doing them 1 by 1 because when I did this at christmas I spent over £100 giving away games and rather not letting it get out of control.

Unless everyone thinks it would be easier just to call them out, 1 by 1 should make it easier for me to manage as well

shantae please...

[email protected]


Yeah fuck it, call them out and just write down a reason why you should get it.

I would love Rocket league if it is available (dont see it on the list) or The forest if it isnt. A lot of my friends play those and it would be nice to play with them sometime.
[email protected]

I want shantae because I missed the HB.

I was at the hospital, nothing special, but I coulden't buy shantae.


I'd like Nuclear throne because I've been in love with that sort of "roguelite" games ever since I played TBoI. They're great to take the mind off things and have a lot of replayability which is always good.

I've passed on buying Wasteland 2 a dozen times now. Still interested in playing it.

[email protected]


The forest , [email protected]

I like survival games in general like ARK , im interested to try this one

The Forest has gone

Thank you sir!

oh then Dungeon of the endless would be cool

Crawl, Please

[email protected]

The Fprest pls man, i love survival games and the horror genre is my shit


Thank you user

FUCK, then at least let me get GRAV man

Post email

Thank you user. By the way you can use guerrillamail or some other tempmail with sending capabilities to do the giveaways.

[email protected]

I always fancied South Park but never got around to it. I just had a kid so my vidya funds are limited.

Thanks to the kind user even if I don't get it.

Yeah I can do that
Yeah I should also I'm reaching a post time limit so slow replies

Planetary Annihliation pls user
[email protected]

[email protected]
This is actually it

Stikbold, would love to try it

[email protected]

I am Bread if it isnt gone yet

[email protected]

Op can I have GRAV ?

[email protected]

My friend is playing the game and allways talks about it.
I'm not very confident about the state of the Early Access and this is why I don't want to buy it, but if you give me the game meaby I could have tons of fun with my buddy.


GRAV has just gone but there are a lot of other games, check to see if he has any of them.

Also come on guys, you can do better than that. If you don't get the game in your email It means I'm either holding onto it or I'm slow as fuck but I have given away a lot right now so I'd like to wait for more people to show up and give them a chance

Oh shit.

...can I ask for Crawl then ?
I want to beat the crap out of Gaben.

I'll take Steredenn
[email protected]

I like these shoot'em kind of games

Also with Crawl I'd like to give that to someone who doesn't have it but their friends do as its best played with more people.

Are you holding on Wasteland 2? Havn't received it yet.

Infinifactory, please OP! I saw that game months ago and it looked like such a great puzzler

[email protected]

Do you maybe have Shadow Warrior?
[email protected]

Is that Oddworld still up user? Would like to play it
[email protected]

Poster of My friends own crawl, I also have irl friends that don't have it but we live in the same city.

Only 2 friends with play Crawl it's ok ?

Nope I just fucked up sending the email

Down to my last page of keys

Any chance of firing South Park: the Stick Of Truth please? I offer you the biggest shitstorm thread ever seen. Apart from that one where that dude raped and killed the woman on Sup Forums that time. Email is [email protected]

I sent Crawl to someone, I have no idea who. It's one of the 3 of you who were asking.

As for southpark I don't know what to do with it.

Here is proof.

Of 5 "friends" I usually play only with 2 of them.

Op did you send cuz my internet is shitty and im not sure

Can't actually activate the key until I get home but I received the email. Thanks!

Is dungeon of the endless still available? I'd love to play it.

[email protected]

Someone got Crawl but I really don't know who

Sorry mate that went early on

>As for southpark I don't know what to do with it.

I'll give that away at the end since I think a few of you want it

Still have Galak-Z? I saw it on PS4 but ended up having to sell the thing and would dig checkign it out on my old beater PC:
[email protected]

Down to the last 17 keys, also this is getting hard to keep up with.

Interested in Wasted if its taken then Stikbold, thanks OP

[email protected]

Oh no, i dont want Crawl, I am the Planetary guy

Give me Crawl, he send me Planetary...

[email protected]

>Sorry mate that went early on

Oh well, still thanks for doing this on behalf of everyone else.

Yeah you two exchange emails or something haha. Sorry about that

did you skip me? i didnt recieve any email

I wanted Planetary but didnt get Crawl either, i didnt get anything senpai

[email protected]

I'd like the forest if no one does. Thank you op

mad max if possible... thanks
[email protected]

>[email protected]
That you right?

Got it, Thank you OP :)

>The Magic Circle


[email protected]

I saw this game on twich the other day and I want to play it with some weed !

I am ither user that wanted I am Bread but havnt recieved it, just want to know if you sent it cuz you if you did it want me probably

That's already reserved, sorry mate.
The Forest went early on! Sorry about that.


Sending them out right now, I actually held off to see if my gf wanted them instead or her brother but fuck it.

Galak-Z guy here! Just got it. You've got no idea how much it means to me right now. Thanks man

Thank you based user

Thanks for Oddworld man

Next joint is on me bro.

Did you get me? I didnt recieve an email yet

Ok so who actually got my Planetary Anhiliation fuck im sad

>tfw too late for nuclear throne

Still gonna post for other anons that maybe have a leftover key

[email protected]

Good to hear, I hope you enjoy it or at least a fan of oddworld.

Good shit man

I actually straight up missed that, no one else has called it so I'll send that out

Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty is still available ?

[email protected]

I don't have a particular reason, I just want to try out.

I'll buy you the key, sorry for the mistake haha

I'll keep that in mind but call for something just incase.

Got it now, Thank you so much!

Thanks for the Bread

I want Jumjetrex because I love dinosaurs and shitty mobile games ported to PC

Also, my favorite dinosaur is the T-rex.

I'm not lying.

>[email protected]

Didn't expect a reply (nuclear throne guy).
If you don't have a leftover key don't bother buying it, I'm not poor enough for that.
That said I'm more than willing to pick up leftover keys.
Here's some proof that I truly will enjoy that game. I also got 50 hours in enter the gungeon.

Got Infinifactory, thanks dude!

I'm confused, did you get it? I legit forgot if I sent it

I got it, this is also me. Thanks again for sending it, installing it now.

>I'll buy you the key, sorry for the mistake haha

I love you user

These are the remains.

Like I said, the south park one is last and maybe This War of Mine

This War of Mine please

[email protected]

Can i have Last War of Mine or did you meant ur keeping it?
[email protected]

At this rate you could be walking away with a lot of keys

1993 space machine

[email protected]

Switchcars would be dope

Ill take South Park if I somehow am still on time just got here
[email protected]

Holding onto it until the end along with south park.

Right I guess this should be the last call since we're down to the last 6 keys. In 15 minutes I'll either give away the last games to random anons then give away War of mine/ South park

On it.

Anything we have to do to get it or you'll just decide randomly or on your own?

oh fyuck you got Switchcars? That game looks like a silly as shit roguelike. Recipe for fun.
If not, I've had my eye on This War Of Mine since it came out. Although I expect that to have been claimed by now.
email: [email protected]

Thanks, OP. You rule.

Nova look nice
[email protected]

Thanks OP

Id would like to give a new card game a shot.
Sentinels please?
[email protected]