Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward - Patch 3.3

3.3 patch notes are out:

Who here is pumped for Deep Dungeons?

Some nice QoL improvement here and there.

But the content itself is kinda eh.

Only hyped for Final Steps of Faith EX.

Shatter is in thank fucking god. I just hope 3.35. isn't another month away.

>those moogle quest nerfs

top kek

It will be 6 weeks after.
Gotta milk those subscriptions.

So how about dem BRD buffs. Doesn't look like it's gonna be enough to dethrone MCH.

>two Hildi quests

>In light of the recent earthquake in Kumamoto, Japan, the counter for estate auto-demolition has been suspended until the release of patch 3.35.

Well that ruins literally everything for me.

>Aqua Gleam Hunter Force

>[3.0] The visual effect of the machinist action Wildfire has been changed.

>[3.0] A command to toggle the display of the machinist's gauss barrel has been added.

Where were you when Machinist won?

>4star crafts only
>specialist locked recipes
>materials required from Palace of Dead / clearing Aquapolis

You know they're adding a shitload new wards/houses right?

No, my plan was to have my house autodemolished before my sub runs out, so i can rebuy the land as a free company house for my friends to use while im unsubbed.

But now ill have to choose to demolish it myself and lost my 80% gil refund.

When will they make this into a single player game so i can play through it without all the mmo bullshit?

Neat, you can dye the relic weapons.

It is basically a single player game, you don't have to acknowledge the rest of your party as people and the devs are steadily removing required social interaction as well.

Those dungeon sets are pretty neat.

>Idling camera can now be used while in combat.

Enjoy your wipes.

That monk armor is nice

Unlike 3.1 this isn't offensively bad, but instead I am just really indifferent. I have been taking a break for like a week hoping 3.3 would get me into it again but I don't think I'm even going to booting up the game once the patch hits.

Why do you want to play it? If you think it's worth playing for the story, then you're horribly mistaken. The story is acceptable but not enough to carry a game.

It's not in the patch notes but the UI they snowed for palace of the dead has a window called item effects.

Maybe they are experimenting with horizontal progression in an environment separate from normal gear progression to see how it works out?

Which set is which aside from the obvious MCH and BLM set?

>deep dungeon with 3.35

Game is so fucking dead

Far left. That's the idle monk stance with weapons drawn.


that's a big patch

Leftmost is monk as he is doing the monk weapon stance.

Guy with feather helmet might be DRG.

They said that months ago family

>Guy with feather helmet might be DRG.

That'd be great for me, but I'm assuming it's tank gear and DRG shares the same set as MNK maybe in a different colour.

But DRG always shares with tanks.
While MNK shares with NIN.

Could be wrong, they've done things differently before, but this is the usual pattern.

>But DRG always shares with tanks.
No they don't

They have since Heavensward.

It's inconsistent , drg shares with whatever looks the most fitting on them or get their own entirely.

Current law tomestones have DRG with their own gear with tanks & mnk sharing a model.

Midan is a mnk recolor I believe.


>aether currents to easier places
>bumping up tomestones from instances



>You can now hide the Gauss Barrel

Why is nobody talking about this?

>Wildfire visual changes and gauss barrel toggle command
Took them 1 year to fix this

Because its client side only. Other people can still see.

Thats gay. They got it halt right.

Because it's client side.

Why are you faggots hyping up this shit? It's the same type of content they have been feeding you for years now.

>nobody mentions bancho hair

Oh boy I can't wait to see every faggot and then some running around pretending to be a fucking JoJo character.

FFXIV is releasing a new patch next week while WoW hasn't had a new major content update since last year June. What's going on with Blizzard?


It's new content and it's video game related

>Mfw Monk is still best DPS job
Based Greased Lightning

It's the same raid, dungeon, story quest and enemy boss#349 fight that they been releasing for years now

What's wrong with charcoal roes

Why is it a problem?

>Naw man, I'm sorry but you can't join the static as long as you have that shitty barrel on

And people still buy and hype Souls games

It's a catch up patch, stupid.

Why are you comparing a single player game to a MMO?

Nothing, that's why I'm excited to see how the pomp looks on him. I think I'll make it blood red for maximum stupidity.
The only use of this change is for taking action shots without the barrel showing up. For everything else it's a pointless change because nobody pays attention to other people's glamors during actual content, and outside of content people just disable the barrel.

I can switch my lady Yakuta for a lord's Yakuta now. This is a huge deal this patch.

BLM with a BRD is pretty close to MNK with a MCH, although it's fight dependent.

>Pretending to be a JoJo character

Excuse me but

>Male roes get sleeveless shirts they can dye black.
>Blonde pomp
>The new dance from moogles is literally the monkey

I'm waiting for Johnny Bravoegadyn

>Meme haircuts

Haircuts for the "XD" crowd. Just like everybody who got the afro, just put them in the fucking trash.

Because From keeps making the exact same content with each game but when it's them it's okay I guess.


Don't take my idea

>tank set
>healer set
>melee set
>ranged set
>mage set

That many sets should be patched into the game each patch. That many sets we had in almost all ARR patches. Why so lazy? Is it die to SE funneling all money into the shitfest that is boyband fantasy XV?

>Is it die to SE funneling all money into the shitfest that is boyband fantasy XV?

The XIV dev team is down to like, double digits now. It's laughably tiny thanks to people being yanked off to work on 15, 7R, and KH3.

I'm so glad the meme magic has worn off for me. No offence at all to people that still enjoy XIV but I can finally watch these trailers without feeling the 'hype'. 3 months clean and counting.

All dem reskins though, MNK set is the Caster PvP set and MCH/BRD is the Expeditioner set, etc. I know reskins are commonplace but still

>The XIV dev team is down to like, double digits now. It's laughably tiny thanks to people being yanked off to work on 15, 7R, and KH3.

It's not that it's unbelievable when you look at hte content that's being pushed out, or rather the lack thereof, but do you have a source on that?

Each game is a different installment from a -series- where one game improves over the last one. Are you an idiot?

>Why is it a problem?
If it looks ugly to you, naturally you don't want other people seeing it as well. Making it clientside is only fixing 50% of the problem.

It would be like if glamour was client-side only for you and other people saw you in WoW outland-style clown suit gear. It kind of defeats the point of it.

Personally I like gauss barrel and think it improves every gun, but I still sympathize.

>MNK set is the Caster PvP set and MCH/BRD is the Expeditioner set

You couldn't be more wrong.

You missed the point completely. You should do some introspection before calling others retards.

Why? XIV is a steady source of income and did a lot to redeem Square's image. Why squander it now? But if the team is really that low those patches are pretty impressive, all things considered.

I wish they had decided to go with the unique barrel idea. I'm pretty sure they had concept art for various 3.0 guns with gauss barrels unique to each gun. Too much work I guess.

There's a difference between having fun and "Hey guys look at me! Look at me! I am so silly look at my haircut!"

It was mentioned in a live letter or interview a few months back. I think around 3.1? Yoshida off handedly mentioned something about the team being 'hard pressed' and not so subtly saying that people were yanked off. Taking that, paired with the fact that we get two dungeons per patch and re-used art assets out the ass I'm honestly inclined to believe it. The sad thing is that XIV is one of the few things keeping Squeenix afloat while KH3 and 7R will inevitably bleed money. XV was too, until they finally started to shit it out quickly like they are now (and with a hilariously overpriced super shill pre-order edition to boot).

It's displayed on a lalafell they know they want the reddit audience.

bards get special quivers everytime tho

>purchaseable with gil or tokens

I didn't missed shit, it's idiotic to compare a single player game to a MMO. A game SERIES is SUPPOSED to be similar. You aren't going to start a SERIES as a super hero that fights crime and suddenly CHANGE that to a guy that drives sportscars for a living. Street Fighter, Super Mario, Pokemon ALL of these are series something which a MMO can't become by nature.

How so? Can people not joke about their silly hair with their friends and come up with glamors to match?
>using tokens for anything but unidentified pieces

Holy shit you're so dense.

does this look like a man who caters to the reddit audience?

Gnath gear looks nice. Hopefully you can /visor the mask and just have the straw hat.

Vanu and the fucking pig gear is lalafell and roe bait.

Maybe I'm in the wrong crowd but there's way too many people trying way too hard to be quirky. Also I am just a cranky old man shaking my fist at people the dare walk into my garden.

Will 3.3 save HW bros?

Yah more dreary theme park content! I couldn't be more excited!

>B-But they are also making the same content!!

No, that's not how things work. If you EVER played a single player game then you should know the obvious. SE are being lazy fucks and you know it.

Not even close. At this point you just have to hope that the next expansion will be good.

i hope i can dye the purple shitstain away from the drk relic

Kobold and sylph gear when?

It's fucking perfect too. I wasn't sure what to use my MGP for and I needed something that wasn't the moogle outfit to do for a tank glamor set. That pig set is gonna look fucking retarded on a male roe.
Now I just need to find the dumbest looking axe, prolly titan.

3.4 will save Heavensward

also, the new expansion will be revealed this October.

If you haven't like it until this point, I doubt anything aside from the next expansion could change your mind.

>still no victory emotes on duty complete screen

The one small change I wanted.

Maximum damage control.

You're trying too hard.

Qiqirn beast tribe with Yojimbo primal that deals more damage the richer you are when?

Would be great if you could customize your victory animation like the endshot in overwatch. Maybe even have some pair based emotes like high fives when you go with a premade.

>He sees the Duty Complete screen

>Finally a reason to bank all your gil
>When you have to repair you gotta get your retainer to get it back.

Tam-tara hard was really good though. Can't wait to see her back fucking AGAIN in palace of the dead.

Yeah, let me compare apples to oranges. That'll help me out! Fucking idiots i swear.