ITT: Vidya cringe
ITT: Vidya cringe
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What the fuck. Just scrolled through. He actually, really spends more time on his retarded skits than the fucking gameplay. And the acting and cinemtography is fucking elementary school 6th grade play tier. How do you fucking spergs even find this stuff?
This was the first genuinely hard to watch thing I've seen in a long time.
I hope you guys dont actually parade the fact that you go on Sup Forums around the internet like this, or use Sup Forums slang outside of Sup Forums.
And stop using greentext on youtube faggots.
Pat is only okay if he is written by AVGN
that guy is such a dickhole. i'll show him who's boss
>Tfw you were this guy until you had your mental breakdown and deleted facebook
Feels bad
Jesus christ.
"I bet the GURLGAMERXD doesn't even know the name of a protag in this casual normieshit series!"
any funny stories?
This is how you don't masturbate
what the fuck, this is kind of funny.
Sup Forums told me they were pewdiepie tier eceleb fags.
it's just idiots making fun of a game and enjoying themselves.
He didn't REALLY beat his meat on camera by accident, right?
Nah, he was scratching his leg.
this really isnt good for me but im a disgusting NEET living off mommy's money anyway so who cares whats another relapse
>be me
>18 years old, grade 12
>on prom theme and yearbook comittee
>onitis gets a boyfriend
>crushed, naturally
>start cutting again
>her boyfriend has a 1-Up tattoo on his wrist
>start devising plot
>start planting seeds in other committee members minds about making the theme a game show for prom
>over 9 months of coaxing they all agree and several of them think it was actually their idea (by design, i'm a good manipuator)
>create the sets in the drama room over the school year
>inspiried by pic related, set looks similar
>we had a plan in place for a family feud type skit show before the dance during the dinner at prom
>i play the host
>call up oneitis boyfriend
>the rest of the comittee starts freaking out
>he humors me
>start asking him random trivial shit about mario like "what is marios last name", and different lore bullshit that could be either right or wrong depending on anything at all, try calling him out
>he stops answering after 1 question when I say "haha, then why do you have a 1-up tattoo" into the mic
>he leaves the stage
>mic gets cut
>i turn red as hell and get cussed out by the drama teacher back stage
>run out
>ever finished prom
>never saw anyone from high school again
>oneitis deleted me from facebook that very night
The worst part is I thought it was a success until a few days after. I thought i had bested him and he was embarrassed.
Search for it on youtube and then decide for yourself
Or don't because he's actually fucking doing it, and it's disturbing as shit
that's because the post you replied to is a video that parodies the video in
I would have given him the benefit of the doubt, if he didn't look so surprised when he found out the camera was on the whole time.
quality story
haha you were so dumb
>yfw scratching your leg so good you lay your head back in ecstasy
>Listening to Sup Forums
shitposters don't watch anything eceleb related, they're just looking for something to shitpost over.
This reads like we're missing about 3 posts of context
>Cosplaying as Yang in your profile pic
>Letting people actually know you watch RWBY
I hate memes that people plaster over anything that fits, but this one made me laugh while cringing
(It's the vid of DSP fapping, fair warning)
>there are babies that weren't around when Sup Forums was a synonym of "pedophile honeypot"
not-so-friendly reminder: 2006 was 10 years ago.
I think it could've worked if you asked actual non bullshit questions and you didn't act so obvious.
Damnit, this is hilarious.
>jeez, walking chairs? what's he in a hurry for, to get sit on?
>I think it could've worked
you might be more autistic than that guy user
Oh shit, I never found out the original that they were making fun of
Thanks for the info, can't wait to watch it
A classic
I went to his channel for the first time recently having seen him with both AVGN and Golden Age Spoony and expected something similar to them and all I got was a load of Buzzfeed type bullshit instead of the advertised NES Punkage
Goddamnit, I knew what this was just from the thumbnail. Classic cringe
>recognizing and or knowing characters from RWBY
you're just as bad
I didn't say I wasn't
Hopefully they both exit their lives promptly
>Golden Age Spoony
I don't remember seeing pat with spoony. I mostly watch phantasmagoria over and over again though.
Hey, it was a great plan, poorly excuted tho.
Is the guys name Harry Harold?
this is how I feel about this video
Based fucking Kayla
>exiting lives
a classic
what the fuck was he thinking?
I honestly can't tell if this was made in jest.
what the fuck was he thinking?
This fucking faggot, he's been shilling all over Sup Forums and Reddit
There used to be at least 3 people making videos like this. Now they're all dead.
That was three years ago. That was their idea of celebrating one year of the channel, not long after they kicked Jon to the curb:
THIS is where the show currently is
That's a parody, right? I mean, it hits every single stereotype there is.
i'm actually non binary gender fluid cubesexual
>Mfw I read that as "Carlton 6 in 1"
>Mfw I have no face
Carlton, are you by any chance Carlton?
Oh, my god.
he's god
Honestly, the best possible way for him to bounce back from that would have been to just admit it. Say "Yeah I was feeling a bit pent up, so I figured I could just take care of it over the break so I wouldn't have to worry about it, but I didn't know the camera was on. Sorry you saw me jerking it." But its DSP so, no.
Drift0r really let go of himself
When they're good, they're funny as fuck. You got to find the highlights. Otherwise, just bland banter.
>grey asexual
>not greysexual
Jesus Christ people need to be more efficient with their made up bullshit terms.
when your autism impacts your ability to play mario 64
Is he some kind of tsundere beta orbiter?
Do people just make up half those words? I can't understand them.
>exiting lives
Too real
>tfw every time you like a duo on the internet some shit goes down and they split up without ever giving a solid reason why
Put me in the screen cap. Thanks.
But that's great.
Don't tell me you think he's being serious?
You're just a guy who owns a copy.
put it in you're pooper.
oh boy I've never heard this joke before
I know, don't make the same mistake I did
>he thinks that real
>he can't understand a joke or humor
Now THAT'S autism.
when that stream is about to come and so are you
>start cutting again
>mfw I remember his Movie Maker days
Minecraft is a menace.
Haha jokes on you, I sat and watched this whole thing before.
We don't deserve /s4s/
They quietly pump hysterically detailed OC like this all the time
desu that pic is pretty accurate for most awful girls on the internet
what the fuck is that pink anime frog i see it a lot and im not in on the meme
It's been the /s4s/ mascot for ages
Who the fuck keeps making these images?
>all those people calling poor sportsmanship in the comments
>they're having the time of their life in college and you spent all 4 years of it alone
This game is shit though.
And why are they so eerily accurate?
>that plumbus
What does "I agitate alongside" mean?
Does he just sit next to gay people and feel annoyed for them?