>Here's your controller bro.
Here's your controller bro
thanks bro
>tfw want a steam controller so I get get comfy and play Stellaris
>£7.40 delivery
Get fucked Gabe
I just bought one on sale at gamestop.
Feels fucking weird.
Don't know if I like it.
Controller is shit anyways. Those fucking handle ridges are fucking awful and painful.
That's how everyone feels at first.
Then they decide that they don't like it.
I thought someone painted a small purple-haired anime girl on that finger and spent a few seconds trying to figure out who it was before I even realized the finger was deformed.
Does Amazon.co.uk not have free shipping over some amount?
i just bought one since it was on sale. i'm actually loving it. it is neat.
>Quaid, start the console
It would cost me more to buy one from Amazon as they are £49 used, £70 new
What the fuck happened to GAME stocking these things too? I'd read they were their distributor but don't even have them in stock
Nvm that GAME do have them in stock now but you have to buy steam wallet with them. I'd read GAME would be distributing all Steam orders when the pre-orders went up. So no idea why postage is £7.20
Amazon and Gamestop also have them on sale
i bought a steam link, not sure if i like it or not. have to run at 720p or i get bad input delay.
>Those fucking handle ridges
Look at see where the mangled proto-thumb is? There's a ridge there on both sides that obstruct rolling your thumb to the analog or XYBA buttons. After a long enough session the base of my thumbs start getting irritated.
You mean where it goes from the glossy plastic to the non-glossy plastic? Because there isn't.
>Here's your controller
I think it's okay. It functions as well as any other gamepad but sometimes it feels pointless considering there's a mouse and keyboard in front of me when I'm on a PC.
I fucking love the Steam Controller
Though I would have preferred the earlier design (not the original, the one that had 4 more buttons on the left instead of a stick)
horseshoe crab
oh th-thanks. just let me spend the next half hour tinkering with the settings before realizing it's hopeless because at the end of the day you're still just using a bloody trackpad.
i'll be just a minute.
>You left your fightstick at home?
>Well no problem bro just borrow one of mines
>pony fag
>meatless vegan jerky
>game stick
there is a lot of things wrong with this picture
Thanks, but i would rather stick to my keyboard!
What confuses me most about the picture is the vanilla extract bottle or whatever the fuck that is on the top right.
*left, im retarded
>can hit ctrl+alt+delete with one hand
not even doomguy can rip and tear with that """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""controller"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>Cg render
I'm sure someone has done it though.