Smash Sup Forumseekend

NOW it's time to slam

Other urls found in this thread:

On my way again.



Joining again.

Firan up my Wii, be there in a sec.

Someone make a 1v1 tournament

We will later today user

Why did you make us have to capitalize rage?

You can do the sign ups now tho so people have time to sign up for it. Please don't do a check in this time since it will start in a few hours. It's almost 4 eastern so a good start time would be 730 PM eastern like normal

I don't know

Remember to make a separate thread for organisation.

God, the FD match had the kind of lag where you know you should quit, but don't.

Be on in ~20 minutes
have a bump while I make food.


Joined. Finally got some time for my first Smash Sup Forumseekend.

Sure once it starts, we can use this thread for the link until then since it will get more traffic

Reminder spooky and jarret are the best players here, and any response similar to "x objectively proven good player is shit!" should be discarded and its spouter ridiculed like the delusional shitter he is.

I didn't mean to do that Tanoshi, sorry.

nice windbox shenanigans

>tfw I'm always the first to lose

I don't even know why I even participate in these tourneys

To git gud
You're gonna make it user

looks like I fulfilled the role of punching bag again

uhh meme

As long as there are no villager or puffs in the game its not about winning, it's just about having fun!

Wow, I am not used to FFAs at all.

>this slideshow
i knew i should've have picked karate man

who's the lagger

c'mon Ham,you couldn't just let me try to take out Villager's secondnstock?

>this unholy lag

jesus fuck

>Fucked up inputs caused me to get killed by the water

>ganging on me even while mac has the lead

Did the hitbox for KO punch come out?

y'all want one today? I was planning on having one tomorrow and just getting people to sign up for tomorrow.

so we don't completely kill of Sup Forumseekends, I was thinking once a week would be better

Don't think so
True Shoryuken is frame 3 while KO punch is 8-9

Just make a separate thread if you half dozen morons want to stand in a circle with your hands on each others' cocks, moaning the guy to your left's name. Don't post in the Sup Forumseekend thread.

Should I join in? Trying to get dreamy theatre working on my ps3 and hacking a 3ds at the same time. I could do it later but I'm not sure

I hate myself sometimes. gg Ridley.

all the skilled players would leave

Don't think that's how FFAs work, desu.

Yea go ahead no reason not to have them each day on the weekend as long as we make a separate thread when it starts. Use this thread because everyone is here to get people into it then go make the new thread when it starts.

Make one today, and then get the sign ups ready for the one tomorrow after today's tournament is a good formula for steady 1v1 weeklies

Make one for today, but you should do it now so everyone has time to sign up

Are you implying the "skilled" players are the one's interested in the 1v1 tourneys that you idiots want?
And that they would only post in that thread/leave the regular Sup Forumseekend tourney while it takes 3 motherfucking hours to complete a single bracketed tourney?

No one can stop you retards from organizing a 1v1 Sm4sh tourney. But fuck, do it in another thread, or organize it through the /ssbg/ vg thread. We don't need a cult of personality to erupt and take over Sup Forumseekend like it always seems to.


>People play the the Sup Forumskend while the 1v1 tournament is going
>If your waiting on your match/opponent play the the normal Sup Forumskend

Gee that's hard

>belleabean has public meltdown
>changes his name, edits mii and returns

I'll join you all later

>literally just floating around me while mac has a fresh stock
puff pls

Nigga what ?


>melee tourney tonight and busy tomorrow
Rip, will there at least be a 1v1 on sunday?

Screencap? He just seemed like a memer

Why not set up a tournament at /vg/ instead? 1/3 of the players in the last tourney were from there.

shut up fag all you do is jerk off in 1v1 tournies play some free for alls if you're such tough shit

There was only 4
Join up
Remember to read the rules

We are no longer doing check ins, but if you're not ready for your first match in 15 minutes, you will be DQed from the winners, no questions asked
A lot of people were wanting an IRC chat, but I thought a separate thread was fine, y'all start one if y'all want.
the new thread will start at around 6:30-7 EST (30 minutes to an hour before the tourney begins)

also, anyone down with a teams tourney for tomorrow?

How bout we play both instead of being a sperg who gets upset that people like playing video games in a different way

I kinda want to try one of the 1v1 tournies just to check it out. what tare the rules and how does it work exactly?

Why is there no stage banning/dsr/gentlemans like in real tournies

because we're not a real tourney

Because this is to play with Sup Forumskemd regulars not all /ssbg/

Bullshit, he's a fag and he's alright but far from a top player.

GG VoteRidley

Then why is castle siege banned


>that stage choice ruling

by that logic why have rules at all? lets just have anything goes, any stage with items cos clearly you don't care
after all it's not a real tourney

because it's a shit stage like Halberd, Delfino, you'd might as well legalize Temple and Great Cave Offensive

Using some of the same rulesets as actual tournaments does not mean it's a legit tournament. If you want it ask your opponent if you both agree then it's fine there are no "true" banned stages in a tournament

Who's lagging on Dreamland? So many people are today.

Thats pretty lazy reasoning, give it the attributes of a real tourney or dont bother

Odd.God please check your connection.

Its not odd.god I gurantee it

Odd god come on dude

Yea sorry mates, resetting now

Lol you think these shitters know what real tournaments are like? They didnt even know how to use challonge at first. Oh well, just let them play while letting the same handful of people win

If someone starts an IRC chat like QuakeNet I'd be down with it.
If not, I'll stick with the same rules since it works. Stage striking without an IRC would just make things a cluster fuck

Fucking nice Marth, Ridley. I guess he does still have a mean forward air.

Man mac is crazy when he can't be edgeguarded

Just stage bans for game 2 and 3

Mac is a bit better in ffas but from my experience none of you tards even know how to edgeguard

You can't make sense here.
Now I shall call you a skill-less nobody shitter because I'm insecure about myself.

>because it's a shit stage like Halberd, Delfino

Why the fuck can't you back out if you select the wrong character by accident?

Challonge has a chat and message system that isn't necessary plus we have the thread

The good people can
Koopa, VoteRidley, etc.


These stupid fucks don't know how to fucking use challonge, how would they know how counterpicking and the such works?

I rarely see him lose

Literally a public chat for tourneys IN challonge and you retarded fucks still don't use it

Funny because we were in a match with a mac and he didnt edgeguard the mac a single time

Reminder to not let ShitterRoy in so he gets an autistic fit once more.

He just lost against mac

So, /vg/?


They took checkins out because people couldnt figure it out, plus they made the checkin period only 15 minutes

Ggs Sup Forums. Nice games and see you another time.

Nice image, faggot.

Can ness tech off walls to get an extra recovery on up b or is that just Lucas?


There is no reason to have checkins when the tournament will be live in two hours since everyone should still be around. Check ins for tournaments tomorrow is fine

Fuck it. Never done teams before.