Overwatch - Mercy

Is she the true EVIL in Overwatch?

>brings back people to live to fight for her amusement
>brings them back twisted (Reaper)
>so shes literally responsible for the fall of Overwatch

" Mercy: This is not what I intended for you, Reyes.
Reaper: You knew exactly what were you doing.

Mercy: What happened to you?!
Reaper: You tell me, Doc.

When he kills Mercy:
Don't forget, you're the one responsible for this.

Witnessing enemy Mercy's Resurrect:
You can't be serious."

Other urls found in this thread:


>literally god

When I play a game too much, especially in the evening, I dream about it. Most of the time it's just bland stuff like actual matches.

Last night in my dream, Mercy on the enemy team was wearing a bikini and after failing to shoot her several times, I walked over to her with my hands raised.
She beckoned me to follow her back to the starting area (with like a hundred basketballs, still don't know what that implied), pointed at the floor where I laid down.
She then sat down on a chair and held her feet in front of my face, which I eagerly licked.

I'm not into feet at all. What is this madness.

Reaper blames Morrison for taking his promotion, you think he's justfied in blaming Ziegler for his deformity? I doubt she did it maliciously.

More info is needed about Mercy's procedures.
Genji seemed to turn out fine even though he's chromed out now. What did she try with Reaper to keep him around? Was it some experimental Weapon X bullshit?

I've had dreams of impregnating Pharah

I'd prefer if she is. It would make one of these bland excuses for characters actually interesting

It's more like she tried to help him after the explosion that "killed" him and Morrison, because that's what medics do.

But her resurrection shit wasn't completed yet and it had the nasty side effect of turning him into a zombie goast.

>Is she the true EVIL in Overwatch?
YES, yes she is.

You think that's weird?

I had a dream where I was Winston and I wanted to get it on with my neighbor, and when it looked like things were going well I wrote a letter to my ex stating that things with this new girl were going well.

I don't play Winston, my ex was Dora the Explorer, I don't even HAVE neighbors.

What the fuck does my dream even mean?

>le ebin "it was me all along" face-heel turn
>not bland
A well intentioned scientist whose experiments don't always work out is much more interesting.

It means you really should play Winston sometime, he's fun as fuck.
And he'll get you laid.

Gorilla's have microdicks though

not even best brown!
imagine geting dominated by this goddess.

I'm not into streetshitters fortunately

Why would Mercy ask what happened to Reaper?

Well here's there to get YOU laid, he's your wingman.
If he'd have a big dick he'd just take your neighbour (and Dora) for himself.

>not wanting Symmetra to shit on your face

Because he used to be the rising star of Overwatch.

Symmetra is autistic, she'd be too afraid of going out in public to shit on the street.

>Symmetra is autistic
That's some grade C headcannon user.

Nah it's canon.

Read the comic, nerd.

Ok I'll show you where she repeatedly goes out in public and speaks with people in a coherent manner.
Now you show me proof of your theory.

In that comic she also shows a lack of social awareness, an obsession with organization and making things look right, a strong dislike of crowds (she's acting a bit panicky), and she's reacting to an overdose of stimuli (too many colours, too much chaos, TOO MUCH). She also shows a lack of empathy.

All this combined with "where are you on the spectrum" which is also a reference to (hard)light, hints at an autism spectrum disorder.


I just read the wiki page on her.
> has demonstrated elements of OCD and possible autism
This does not show in game, I have plated her for more than 10 hours and this is not even alluded to.

Page 6

would you an old lady?

Anyone who wouldn't do Mercy is a total irredeemable fag desu

>"the cake is not a lie"
What did she mean by this?

I would, but Mercy is not for sexual

Is that even a question

Well, all said and done in the end she's not so autistic that she can't go out in the designated street to take a shit.

Best Offense Waifu: Pharah
Best Defense Waifu: Mei
Best Support Waifu: Mercy
Best Tank Waifu: Reinhardt

>brings them back twisted (Reaper)

Did you forget that she did the same for Genji, but didn't fuck up?

Her accent is pretty hot, but the thought of shutting her up with my dick stuffed down her throat is hotter.

Only if she used her ult to res my junk after I nut inside her.
That's what support is all about.

who Mercy remind me of with all her experiments

Well, they are both angels.

>Angel of Death skin for Mercy when?

The true evil in Overwatch is how they made the most fun hero to play the magnum opus depiction of tumblr.

Why not just give Zaryas toolkit to a cyka blyat track suit wearing slav drunkard with squat emotes?


every fan art of symmetra has to make her less indian for her to be even remotely attractive

Mercy knows only love and kindness. Away with your dumb ideas.

She's also managed to halt her own aging somehow.

Mei: Doctor Ziegler, I don't think you've aged a day since I last saw you.
Mercy: And neither have you, Mei.

Mei was in cryostasis, but what is Mercy's secret?


user... is there any way you could give me a source on any of those pictures in your gif?...

>what is Mercy's secret?

She's 37, not an old hag. She probably gets lots of sleep, exercise and stays away from tobacco and booze. Plenty of women look gorgeous at that age.


looking gorgeous is not the same as looking 25

rule34 dot paheal dot net newfag

She's also a cartoon character, user.

>Xenophobic as fuck

everyone else aged, just not her.

Looking 25 is not the same as looking 16 you plebeian.

People who regularly exercise and take care of themselves can look young for a long time, especially asians.

-t. asian manlet

>they made the most fun hero to play the magnum opus depiction of tumblr.

Lucio doesn't seem very tumblr to me


Too bad she is victim of a meme

Well this is her original concept. Her model isn't that good unfortunately.


>Wanting to fuck an Indian

That's barely better than bestiality.

She honestly looks better the close to African her skin tone approaches.

India, when will you learn?

>it's a "you heal the fuck out of your mates but they won't lift a finger to protect you episode"

Xenophobic and tumblr looks, she was modeled for no one kek.

That's one theory.
But I'd like to take a moment to mention how reaper is one of the only other, seemingly, magical characters in the game. A lot of the stuff could be explained as crazy high tech fantasy shit, but reaper phases though things like a ghost and can teleport.

Whatever the reason, I hope it doesn't devolve into him just being a wraith with little explanation.

Do you think they'll add a Helmet off/on option?

No, dumbass. Read the lore.

Mercy hadn't perfected her resurrection shit, but used it on Reyes anyways.

As a result his cells degrade and reform at a hyper-accelerated rate. His turning into a ghost is his body temporarily breaking down to a gas form. The weirdest thing is him gaining parasitic sustenance from the recently dead.

So do you guys think D.Va cares about the fact her entire esports team was killed off by kaiju?

Who cares? Why this game is so popular us the greatest mystery of our time.

I believe its 3 things
1) waifufags
2) shills
3) people who fell for the shill lies

I genuinely don't understand what people see in Overwatch

4) People who want to have fun with friends

>playan last night
>some guy joins in
>he picks Reinhardt
>proceed to absolutely destroy the match, enemy team doesnt even get out of spawn and ragequitters replace ragequitters
>reinhardt ends in 40something eliminations mvp

>liking a game automatically makes you a shill
wew lad

>Mercy in the high chap stein

What did she mean by this?

Serious case of Messiah complex

That's evil in my book

but muh Sup Forums maymay

I will never get over that there are people so fucking retarded they think pink hair=sjw

Fuckin sheltered people

I will never get over the fact that there are people so fucking retarded that they don't think a butch haircut with a fake hair color isn't automatically tumblr pandering

Fucking morons

>i got triggered like a SJW

>I have my head too far up my own ass to admit that tumblr unanimously latched on to Zarya and went "THIS IS ME IM IN A GAME"

>MFW if Reaper ever took off his fucking mask we'd get greeted with a Undead from World of Warcraft.

Its almost TOO obvious what fucking happened to him. The nigga is actually undead and deformed.

Help Desk Symmetra when?
>Comes with New generic Indian VA

>I get triggered by stupid people on the INTERNET of all places

Grow the fuck up and learn to ignore people

I hate social justice shit as much as the next person, but the only thing tumblr about her is her hair. Russians absolutely hate social justice shit too.

>Symmetra is literally the only female amputee in the game
>Most useless Support if she's the only one, even Zenyatta is more help to his team when an enemy doesn't sneeze on him
>Terrible voice

I fucking hate people who pick waifus just to be contrarian

>i have no idea how to play symmetra
>she is an amputee
Go die.

Indian Tech Support.

insignificant shields are not better than orbs of harmony you useless piece of shit

Well if you look at her emotes and highlight you'll notice that her left hand's fingers have mechanic joints.

Could be a modeling fuck-up like with Pharah (devs say that it's a suit, not mechanic limbs) or maybe she's just augmented.

>she never crush your balls with her human hand

>mfw all fanart meant for sym-fags fix her hideous nose
>mfw these people can continue to delude themselves that Symettra is attractive

Her personality is the complete opposite of Tumblr tards though

She's xenophobic and patriotic as fuck, the only flaw in her design is the hair colour

>fanart makes characters more goodlooking
Wooow really?

Right. But Symmetra fan art changes her racial characteristics and her masculine jaw line. Might as well make her white at that point

Blizz stated there's nothing magical or paranormal in the game
But basically instead of "It's magic I ain't gotta explain shit" it became "it's technology I ain't gotta explain shit"

Is it just me or will being a good Mercy never get you play of the game

>keep everyone topped off
>no one on team gets caught out
>avoid clumping during enemy push, so the rez will only get one or two people if anyone dies

I've seen Mercys get POTG by reviving at least three people. For the most part though, supports don't get POTG because it's easier for Blizzard to determine it with kills instead of more abstract contributions.


>Blizz stated there's nothing magical or paranormal in the game
So the Shimada spirit dragons are nanomachines, too?

If you never whip out the pistol, you're a bad Mercy player.