Official Sm4sh Tourneyfag Containment Thread

Leave this shit here.

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Spooky mind making the room?

did it start?


Sent request to you, teufel.

eyo is it started?

Should be. Add me, the ID on challonge doesn't work.

agentemerald I sent u a fr and made a room. join whenever

o whoops it's just elemenop33 sorry. Added you

Awww shit tourney started? Didn't even notice

My b

Fuck, I'll just have to play in tomorrow's thing if we have one.

GG Capita that Puff is way too good

Accepted the request.

GGs, you're Falco is annoying because you play a good footsies. I got ya this time lol

who is my opponent

I made a room.

Odd god add me

Don't forget to report your scores

Tell me if anyone doesn't show up so I can DQ them

It says you're offline.

; o ; dat killager

You've still another match to go.

Can we smashville again?

Yeah I'm awful at fighting floaties with Ness so I usually use Falco because he's better in the air. Good luck with Manko

Try making a room.

Grand finals will be spooky or voteridley vs manko

screencap this


is it too late to join?

Ickythump next time pick random when you win. I wanted Lylat.

GGs Somer

I created one.

With this fucking wisdom teeth removal pain I'll be surprised to make it to semifinals semifinals

GGs spooky

ggs, nice frametraps

gg emerald. you were supposed to pick random stage but thats okay. I can't play with that input lag anyway

He play Cloud apparently so that's an automatic loss

Ggs Dayman

IMO you should have stuck with chu

lol yeah unfortunately I can't play pika when theres input lag. I cant do any of my approaches right

>dayman getting cucked already

chawklet you alive?

Odd god whats ur nnid

GGs teufel.

What's your id awoof? I hope this isn't aloof

geegee Phil

oh no

elemenop33 :>

>Can't gimp or kill ever

Why am I so bad at this?

don't tell me you actually think I'm good at this game. literally just sit there and wait for me to make a mistake. I'm not hard to beat mate

I added you teufeldolch

Sent the request, and the room is up

Added you, AgentEmerald

envoy what is your NNID

GG Dolan

Your game is shit.

Accepted. You have a room open?


Friend me

Room's already up

Accept my request instead, apparently my ID aint Xithral but Agrael...

yeah gg should have switched out you had me nailed


Uncle Dolan I added you and will host join

Envoy of Chaos
I added you join my room

what happened to the smashville tho?

gg Tony. You were scary.

stage picking?

I dont want to keep you waiting man, i wont make it nvm i forfeit

let me guess, he picked omega gamer?

GG to you too, too bad I fucked up the 2nd round....

Ah, didn't notice they added these rules. Kinda pointless though. So wanna go again then?

Pick random when you win teufel

I remember he did that to me. I actually beat him the one time it wasn't that stage. Though we didn't have the rules then.


I almost let you recover as well. I was sweating man.

So...does this mean that we're done with the online tourneys in tourney mode?

GG ICKY Your Mario is so aggressive it had me scared sorry for the SDs

Didn't realize that, shit.

GG though.

aloof I added you join my lobby

GG's man

you got really lucky there Manko.
REALLY lucky
I have no clue how to fight mii fighter. Good stuff though

I missed the transition, I don't understand how this new system works.

Can someone explain this to me? Is this like bracket where we add participants to our friend list and play sets, then, report the results on the site's grid?

Deviant_Fallacy, are you on here? Is that your NNID?

Odd godd hasn't added me yet

bruh did you even try to put it in lmfao i added you and made room. join up

>Is this like ladder*

Sorry for the slip of the touge.

He must have died there's no other explanation.

No word is enough to say how lucky i am now.
Your jiggs is a monster, GG man

Just skip him then.

A lot of babies cry and whine because they can't into challonge.

i'll DQ OddGod if he doesnt show up after my match

GG Goomy, very nicely played.

Sorry about that. Joining now.

Ggs VoteRidley

Smart choice with ROB, he gives me lots of Trouble

Good luck in losers

Aloof where are you at? I sent a FR join in on my lobby

Well ggs aloof but I don't think I can change scores anyways why did you john the stages tho?

I want to play, how do I join?

Too late wait for next time

Nevermind changed them, give me your id envoy of chaos

Is he here? Should I ban now?

A change of stage can make all the difference to me. Idunno mang

so no more ffa tournies huh

Well I won my first game and we went twice to fucking meme village, so I thought it was the same rulesets as last week.