Any stupid purchases recently?
Any stupid purchases recently?
Not that stupid.
I did spend 2 dollars on Overwatch loot boxes though
It's a decent mouse. Hype got to me.
I've bought several.
Just fell ass first into $300. Thinking about getting the dota aegis.
>Buy Asus PC on sale
>Only really care about processor, and harddrive
>Pop in GTX 960 & 600w power supply
>Motherboard shits itself
>Power Supply shits itself
>Get new mother board
>Exchange Powersupply
>Everything runs like shit on it now
>Even TF2 on low can't break 30fps
>Playing on 2009 PC while new one sits in its box to this day
>mfw I wasted $550 on this fucking mistake
I have never regretted a purchase as hard as that one.
cmon man.
50 dollars worth of boxes here, could buy more but my motivation to play would be gone
Lucky you.
>Just fell ass first into $300
Slipped in a puddle of urine in an aisle at walmart and they offered me $500 store credit or $300 cash to not take it to court
The sad thing is that this is probably fucking true.
>Anything Razer
>Has obnoxious Overwatch logo LED
Can you get a refund?
Guys, just finished my first Overwatch session with this, and compared to my logitech G602, I really cant tell the difference, but it feels like I am on fire for more of the round.
Its probably a mental thing.
But it feels like Im better at Overwatch with this mouse.
This is now a placebo effect thread.
just buy a prebuilt next time. alot easier.
alot easier than sending parts back and forth warranty shit.
Bought some physical gwent cards, which wouldn't be a problem if I actually had someone to play with.
No, I actually THINK before buying something, because I'm not fucking retarded, consider suicide.
bought a ducky mech keyboard with blue switches for $100
bought a corsair mmo mouse for $100
bought a razer kraken pro headset for $40
I dont regret any of them
>buying the meme edition of a meme mouse
>bought a corsair mmo mouse for $100
how is it? My Razer naga's sensor's been sluggish lately, thinking of replacing it.
It feels better than the $15 mouse I've been using for the past 4 years
And I feel like im a little better with pinpoint aiming but that may just be a placebo
Being able to re-position the macro keys is a real plus, feels super comfy to use when you adjust it just right
It's a lot more expensive too. You would have to be a retard to fuck up putting a pc together anyway.
I have the same mouse. sick of rebuying nagas cos they break after a few months.
the sensor always fucks up on the nagas.
The corsair has been a great improvement for me so far. literally no complaints. had it for 6 months atm
Not recently but my greatest regret was buying into the Swtor hype (loved Kotor 1 and 2)
The sheer disappointment that game brought me completely changed me and how i decide to purchase new video games.
I owned the razer kraken pro and the razer tiamats both god awful headsets
Returned the Kraken pro with in 1 hour of buying it.
The sound Quality on my Logitech G930s is so much better I dont understand it, I am afraid to buy anything new because ive gotten so used to the G930s.
>gaymer shit
>neo Sup Forums
Bought a steam controller even though I have a perfectly fine 360 controller and an xbone controller.
>slipped in a puddle of urine
Whole new computer
>60 degree on gpu
If this is idle temps you should probably check your fan curve/air flow.
Who the fuck gets paid to make up the names for products like this? Fucking death adder?!
>bought a 390 just before polaris
I'm so sorry man.
Reminds me of when I told my friend to hold off on building a 780ti SLI build and 900 series dropped like a week later.
He couldn't return them.
holy shit
dsi action replay, this shit just doesnt work.
>there are people on Sup Forums who bought the PC port of Senran Kagura
and you're so stupid you didn't even try to get more money from them.
Why the fuck would you take that money? My grandmother slipped in water at target and took it to court. got 20k out of it
Good luck with that mouse, My Chroma Recently started double left clicking randomly when it should be a single click.. I bought it February last year.
It's an MSI R9 390, the default fan profile only makes the fans kick in at 60ºC or higher, which is why it idles there. If he sets a custom profile to use 10% of the fans at anything under 60ºC, it will idle under 40ºC. Not like this has an impact in the life expectancy of the card anyway, those chips were made to run at 90ºC.
It's a really great card, probably the best for 390, but the default fan profile is retarded.
gonna buy these two in a few days when i finish paying off my credit card.
i've spent a lot of money this year celebrating pokemon's 20th anniversary. this is my #2 on my bucket list.
>not buying video game brand shit because you have money to blow
You didn't even attempt to raise the price? What the fuck is wrong with you?
why the fuck would you buy an AR instead of a flashcart
I got this. Couldn't help myself.
Wow, you fell for the mechanical keyboard meme. I can never justify spending $50> for a mouse or keyboard.
I guess it's a common occurrence.
You can get a mechanical keyboard for $40 these days, if you know where to look.
390's are weird. Idle has it not running it's fan so it looks hotter than it really is. I was planning on setting it with 10% fan when idle but most forms and reddit says it's fine.
It's fine. I have no real plans for a 4K monitor any time soon. I actually bought it a few days before they showed off the 1080/1070. While I know I should have waited until polaris I know from experience that if you wait for new cards you will never really build because something new are always coming right around the corner. 390 will last me a good number of years and by that time 4K monitors would most likely be much cheaper and cards will be able to handle it with no problem.
Mechanical keyboards are the shit though. Cherry MX reds feel amazing for vidya, but I still use a buckling spring board for when I'm writing.
I know, my brother found a used. The only thing he had to do was clean out all the 'candy' inside and the thing was good as new.
What's wrong with the kraken? It works great for voice chat
Looks like shit and is in disgusting color, but at least it's an Deathadder.
Buying a mechanical keyboard was one of the best decisions I've made when it comes to hardware.
Especially when I played SCII
Why? It is just for that sound/feeling aesthetic? Or does it actually help?
>390's are weird. Idle has it not running it's fan so it looks hotter than it really is. I was planning on setting it with 10% fan when idle but most forms and reddit says it's fine.
I have one, it's perfectly fine. You might want to set the fans to 10% anyway, it might help cool the room a bit if it's getting too hot around you. Personally, I prefer having mine idle at
I need to replace my deathadder 2013 soon. Do you guys know any suggestions?
I bought Youtubers' Life after Dunkey made it look a lot more fun than it actually is. I had fun with Game Dev Tycoon, but this is just atrocious.
Both compared to membrane keyboards,
>just got $25,000 by slipping on a plastic bag at Walmart and dislocated my wrist
Damn nigga you got jewed by Jewmart.
Yeah just did it and now at >40C. Anything else I should know? Looked up different information but nice to actually talk to someone with the actual card.
If you use synapse to turn off the faggy lights the thing updates your shit on your comp and in the headset to their own sound drivers.
Which in turn fucks up the sound of the headset by turning the base up to 11 and drowning out everything in the game with loud thumping sound because that's what the 12 year old dip shits want.
Kraken as just a stereo headset was comfy but an over priced piece of chinese shit.
Now its overpriced out the ass even more and sounds like shit.
Here's my current fan profile, if you want something to go by. Mine's a bit over normal idle temp right now because it's pretty hot around here this time of the year, and because it was being used just a while ago.
I found this profile to be pretty balanced overall, when the fans get loud you probably will be too invested into whatever you're playing to even notice. Also, as a general rule of thumb, don't ever upgrade drivers on day 1 that they're released unless they're some important bug fix. This goes to both Nvidia and AMD users. Always wait a couple days to make sure there are no major bugs.
Other than that, not much else to advise. You got a great card, a card that will still be around and kicking for a good while. Don't be let down with the release of the RX480, you still have a pretty good card there, even if it was more expensive than the RX480.
The 2015 model is better made than the 2013 one and the chroma one is even better than that but it costs more because of the shitty lights bullshit.
Other than that I would say the Steelseries sensei since I am a fingertip/claw user.
Muh build
>Never update on day 1
That goes triple for anything windows related.
Never put on auto update as most of the time you just fuck yourself with the bugs since Microsoft have no quality control.
This thing was my dumb purchase of the month.
I've been saving up for 2 Dell U2414hs for my first dual monitor setup, but temptation got the better of me.
I bought this fucker a few days ago.
>using any mouse but a zowie
Thanks I'll use that. I'm fine with a bit more heat since I'm in the living room so the heat isn't concentrated in one small room. And I know about not updating day one. Didn't one of the 900 cards completely break because of an update?
As for the card I only tried a couple of things since I only built it a few days ago and spent most of my time dealing with all the programs
This is a very common problem with Deathadder in general, seemingly unavoidable and it's not like Razer cares to fix their product.
fuck no
The corsair m65 rgb is godlike though.
I spent money on Wii U games prior to the hacking announcement.
Thats not stupid purchase,the logo look kinda cool
I bought Mirrors Edge Catalyst yesterday rather than buying a graduation gift for one of my best friends. I'm out of spending cash so I can't just go buy him a gift today either.
whats with those temps? these are my temps while playing stellaris with 92 degree weather outside and shit stays cool
>cheaping out on the main thing you use to interact with your computer
I bet you have a $50 foam mattress also
That's the issue I have with them.
They are comfy to use and a nice shape for my hand but fuck they are chinese sweatshop quality and break in like 1 year just over the replacement period.
Sort of, from what I heard, one of Nvidia's recent drivers was bricking systems, only a couple of bricked cards though, so it wasn't too widespread, but it did happen. There was also one driver from Nvidia not long ago that was killing laptop display panels. AMD's first Crimson release also had a problem where it would lock the fan settings at a low %, which caused some cards to bluescreen systems and shit, though the reports of it killing cards were all unconfirmed (because cards will automatically shutdown or throttle at certain temperatures to prevent physical damage, so a card dying because of overheating is very unlikely unless it was already dying from something else).
Driver glitches in GPUs are pretty frequent. Never update on day 1, kids.
figures are always good though since you can scalp people in a year if you regret it
>using any mouse except an intellipoint
Today is my birthday, so i'll let you guys pick some stupid tech for me to buy.
Preferably on Amazon or Newegg
do you have an SSD? Get an SSD.
no it's trash
Doubt I'll regret it
They gave her pussy definition
This, even on my shitty HP from '11 things are way faster with SSD meme
same. this thing is useful for games that don't have controller support but even then it sucks.
I bought a ps4 and I don't even like souls games.
I wish they had an optical version.
You can see it a bit in this pic
He's not wrong, you're a retard that eats Blizzard's shit. Just buy the regular version of the mouse.
>get rgb keyboard
>just leave it on low brightness white all the time
>brown keys are shit
>go into store, feel like getting a new gaming mouse to replace the old one I've had for a couple of years
>literally all of them have this "rubber grip" on the side that completely deteriorates in less than a year
You guys get meme'd pretty hard huh
>he doesn't buy a new mouse every .05 nanoseconds
>spending more than $10 on a mouse
literally falling for memes