Hold up... Just what exactly did CDPR mean by this?
Hold up... Just what exactly did CDPR mean by this?
Love the sarcasm
>It's the thirteenth century
I take it as a joke and find it pretty funny.
Fuck SJW shit but TW doesn't need to pander to that shit, there were always powerful as fuck women who fought in TW but it didn't treat them as normal or average; just as it isn't being treated as commonplace here.
Its basically this
Obvious mockery of [CURRENT YEAR]
>because it's 2015
>thug life song plays
xD xD
her adopted daughter must fight to survive, are u suggesting it must be SJW to encourage womyn to be strong??
> 12 hrs in b&w
> still wearing snake school armor set
Where do i get this sexy armor?
it's a joke
stop getting triggered gamergaters
Encouraging women to be strong is the opposite of what SJWs do.
SJWs don't want women to learn to protect themselves, they want "men to stop being a threat"
SJWs don't want women to actually work their way into industries they are scarce in, they want those industries to shoehorn women in for no purpose other than to have a quota.
So you're right, SJWs don't want any of that.
It's CuckDPR carefully phrasing jokes to pander both SJWs and right-wingers. Double-faced devs.
Women actually did run taverns though.
Talk to Guillarme and joint the Tourney.
>if you're not fucking with a large consumer group by making fun of them to protect your business you're a double faced cuck
>Just what exactly did CDPR mean by this?
I'll rephrase the encounter
>oh yeah, well don't you care that I'm a GIRL doing an ungirly thing?!
>not really, don't really give a shit either way
although the video sums it up nicely
Geralt was being sarcastic moron.
Are the two expansions good?
I played 3 when it came out but after I built my new PC I forgot to transfer the save files for it, so Iḿ currently 25 hours into the base game done Velen and Iḿ halfway through Novigrad but fuck itś killing me, I was enjoying it at first but Im getting bored as fuck, I just want to play the DLC but I dont wana do that whole heres a prebuilt character thing.
meme projekt red
Who is this?
With the number of women Geralt has fought with it's not surprising that it doesn't bother him any more.
They're significantly better than the base game.
Hearts of Stone is top fucking notch. Best expansion I played in years. Story is a focused rephrasing of Faust novel. Didn't play the Blood & Wine though.
The guy you helped to kill the giant and the Shaelmar.
>op is a faggot that makes idiotic threads.
What did he mean by sage?
Fuck, I guess I'll just soldier through then.
It's level 30 isn't it? DO I even have to finish the base game to start it or is it just when I hit that level?
You shall stroke Reginald on the house, no extra charge.
You can start whenever. They even have prepared save, only for playing expansion.
They start at 32 and 34 respectively, you don't have to finish the game first.
Does all it take is the mere mention of a women for some people on Sup Forums just to make these stupid threads?
they can't keep getting away with this
No he's not. That's what CDPR wants one side of the argument to believe. In-game it's serious.
You don't know Geralt very well if you think that.
Is it me or the strongest point of this game was music? Literally can listen to W3 music for hours.
It was a jab. Just like that "it's about ethics" one i Siege of Dragonspear, except everyone got butthurt over that and praise this one.
So where can I find this guy? I'm on the way to meet Regis on cemetery
I didn't play English version. I'm Polish and VA definitely sounded sarcastic in Polish.
I guess America is cucked.
Geralt doesn't give a shit as long as you have the will to act.
>you're either with us, or against us
>othwise you're a double faced cuck
>cuck XD
You are a fucking moron.
I liked the music, even though most of Sup Forums seems to hate the music in BaW.
This. New expansion ost is even better than original one
Is this a PS2 game? Lol, the grapics are shit as fuck. Frist gen Xbox 360 games look better than this Polish dreck.
>I can fight too, you silly boys! What you got a problem with it?
>What... you have a problem
>I don't care to be honest
>But... but... muh gender
Cheers, posted a thread yesterday but couldn't find that quote. All I found was a feminist on gamasutra whinging about that 'scene'
What the fuck. I thought CD Brojekt was fucking #based. Refunding this shitty game right now.
Is there even a strong female warrior in the setting that isn't using magic ?
Ves. She is pretty based.
I haven't played since the base game and got about halfway before quitting but people mention the DLC is better which makes me wonder if i should install again.
>when MrBTongue complained about her cleavage
Back from school already?
DLC is NEVER better than any based game, don't listen to those cucks.
I feel like a skeleton but why the fuck does she leave her blouse open? A badass strong woman warrior who don't need no man wouldn't do that.
Its slav-made, what else could you expect?
the truth triggered you it seems
[This post was removed due to violation of EU law]
Because confident women love to show off their bodies the same way men do.
I want your PS2
You mean whores?
> Sup Forums
> kids jerking on overwatch
> dislikes any other game
Not surprised.
Not surprised
You delusional drones.
She is not a badass strong woman warrior.
CDPR didn't make her feminist, calm your butt.
He's right, you're clearly an underage shitposter.
>no Ves sex scene or romance in Witcher 3
But thats just it, its not even sarcastic. Their shitty new young dev group actually unironicallu thought this was good.
They actually used this same exact joke in the books.
In the book though I think it was "It's nearly the 13th century, I mean come on people!"
So she's just a needy slut
got it
GTFO dumb child
Why are you wearing armor as a Witcher
You are supposed to change out of that after the tourney
Why ? Is she offering her body for money ?
I should've gotten this when it was like $30 on steam.
Only in Polish
English version is fucked i dobrze im kurwa
For free actually
He's the whiteknight who thinks he's going to score some pussy if he does valiant things for some tart.
>mfw patches broke soft lock-on removal mod
Updates or alternatives when?
I can't stomach this trash movment in combat.
He doesn't sound sarcastic. He sounds like he doesn't fucking care and is annoyed that she's trying to sound oppressed.
Then every woman who has ever had sex is a whore to you ?
They meant the same thing the Simpsons did when Lisa wanted to play football
>It's CuckDPR carefully phrasing jokes to pander both SJWs and right-wingers. Double-faced devs.
I don't understand that. Care someone elaborate what all the faggots are being triggered about? I don't see anything particularly specific about that sentence/dialogue. Well, except possible remark to "current year" meme.
May be I'm not progressive enough...
No, where did I say that? Nice strawman
What is your favorite new witcher armor, user? Kinda sucks you can't get a view of em before crafting.. Meh
Adults have sex for free sometimes, shocking i know.
He doesn't sound like he doesn't care. He sounds like a feminist faggot.
Ves, Cerys, the other skellig woman
In polish he sounds very clearly sarcastic
He was pointing out how stupid you sound.
You said she's having sex for free, and that she's a whore, so having sex for free = being a whore.
Those were your words, where exactly is the strawman here ?
>tfw no cerys option
best girl in the game by far
Yeah, a woman.
>He sounds like a feminist faggot.
In which way?
>Look, I'm a woman. And a fighter. Your turn!
>Okay, so what?
Where does he sounds "feministic"? All I see is him not giving much of a fuck and attention to attention whore.
Biggest let-down in the game by far.
>backpedaling so hard.
Oh, wow.
Care to explain how he could possibly be sarcastic if he's stating a true fact?
Only Sup Forums is triggered
>what for?
>nothing special about you
if it is not sarcastic or not-fuck-giving then I don't know what else it could be.
>Okay, so what?
If he actually said this then he would've sounded like he doesn't care.
>Why? We are in a progressive time! It's normal! Women can do this and this and this!
Feminist as fuck.