Another cinematic experience proudly presented by Sony

Who is excited to interact Detroit: Become Human?

Other urls found in this thread:

>not liking interactive movies

>Nigger infested city
>hi tech utopia with personal android

are the niggers going to get the michael jackson surgery or what

Get that shit out of here

I actually like games like this

>Sony is still giving David 'I make humans sound like robots' Cage money to make video games

Is this the new Quantum Break 4theplayers?

>futuristic utopia
>white people still exist

>based sony releasing an instruction guide for the citizens of detroit


So she's gonna get raped?

They don't, they're all artificial android that look white.

Become Human: Blacks Removed.

QB no QTE and has some action. I'm afraid the answer is no.

I can't stop listening to some funk beat in my head when they start fighting. The moves are too .. coreographed, like they're playing DDR.

>Become Human
does that mean Detroit is filled with apes?

animals, yes

Means that once the 1% whites are removed it becomes human.

Why do people think Detroit is such an interesting place?

The only accurate representation of Detroit's future is in Robocop.

This scares me, robocop already got raped with a remake, now i'm gonna see it raped with a shitty game.

Inb4 a bunch of fags who have never been to Detroit talk about how awful it is. Schoolcraft here. How about them tigers?

Resident Evil 5 user.

Baltimore 85%..86%..87%..

It's industrial past and one time potential for the future?

I could imagine it along the lines of the city collapsing entirely then some corporation buying up the remains and using it as their own contained silicon valley.

I'd watch a resurrected Steve Irwin do an episode in detroit

And Deus Ex: HR. Isn't the backstory that Detroit only became slightly more civilised because of Saris Industries attracting lots of capital? The streets are still a hobo and thug infested shithole.

It's a David Cage game, so no but there will be at least two attempted rapes and two shower scenes and one consentual sex scene.

Which movie will be more interactive:

1) Detroit

2) Beyond Two Souls

3) Heavy Rain

4) The Last of Us

I'd watch a resurrected Steve Irwin do anything ;_;

>Literally telling Detroit to stop being dirty apes and behave like civilised human beings

This will be the death of David Cage, I'm telling you.


The only good thing to come out of this abortion is the SBFP LP.
at least we're not Detroit


Are you literally retarded? They're actually choregraphed.

>it's the Sup Forums hates Sony thread
How pathetic.

Gross tbhf

t. New Yorker

That is the setting in Robocop and detroit is still shit

who's this testicle tamer?

>Sonyggers saying that interactive movies are great and there is nothing wrong with QTE games in 3..2..1...

oh a non-game thread
>start playing until dawn yesterday
>annoying high school movie story
>sisters die
>lets not paid attention
>keep "playing"
>some ice-spike is about to kill the blonde retard and her retarded boyfriend
>fail QTE on purpose becase , fuck people
>they move away and survive
well that was faster than expected
seems like a movie to watch asses without the sound

>video games
Movies you mean.

>who's this testicle tamer?


i guess they make money somehow

i do not know anybody who has bought one of his games though


post nudes

Interactive emotional experience

>and one consentual sex scene
A terribly, TERRIBLY timed and poorly justified consensual sex scene.

I'm excited for qt androids in the future to fuck.

Are you rusing me right now?

They make money off of people who buy them just to see how stupid they are

is it action packed?

>I keep giving 'em movies and these retards keep buying my products

Not having experienced it first hand does not mean it's not a shit hole.

They are fantastic games to get drunk with your friends on and just have a good laugh.

>fuck people
I would put money on you being seventeen years-old.

pay up fuccboy, i'm actually 16

>heavy rain
>"I just murdered a man and cut off my wanna fuck?"

Who green-lit this shit?

even if you are shitposting, even lying and saying you are 16 is ban worth


Heavy Rain porn
>better than heavy rain the game

29 sorry i dont enjoy retards or high school movies

Go back to making memesouls videos, Afro.

i am excited for hamfisted distracting unneccesary sex scene by david cage because he has fetish for motion cap sex

nigger living in detroit detected

Don't forgetting the attempted rape scene, immediately followed by a shower scene


he is simply warning him that saying you are underage will result in a ban

You've never seen a fight webbum before, have you?

Until Dawn proved that these movie games can work, hopefully Quantic Dream learnt something from them because this idea does sound interesting if done right

What is this David Cage hate meme?

Does anyone have saved pics of Sup Forums reacting to Heavy Rain in 2010?

It was critically acclaimed and considered groundbreaking by everyone.

Now everybody hates it.

>Deus Ex without gameplay
I pass

>65 years is 5 decades

for being a shitty shemnue without any gameplay?

Finally a sequel to Ape Escape

No, but detroit was under democratic leadership for 5 decades, you retard

>It was critically acclaimed and considered groundbreaking by everyone.

By the same people who thinks Fez and Undertale are masterpieces

I only look underage, I'm actually 5000 years old

>critically acclaimed
>by IGN, Gamespot, Destructoid and other hipster """journalists""""

>Until Dawn
>Somehow different than Heavy Rain or Beyond two souls

Do you have brain damage? Until Dawn is actually worst because it is Telltale tier of "artificial choices"

then why have it go to 2010 retard

who's a respectable """"""game journalist"""""" in your opinion? yahtzee?

Game reviewers ten to have better taste than Sup Forums so I dunno.

They also tend to be more mature and evolved.

>artificial choices
you didn't actually play it did you?

>inb4 "play" or whatever predictable response you post

There is no gaming journalism since late 90s.

Metacritic, ign, gamespot are paid reviews given the fact that CoD and Heavy Rain spent more than 60 million on advertising,...

its not that "we" aren't mature
its that people aren't getting paid here , so "we" can be whatever the fuck we want


As somebody who unfortunately lives near Detroit I have no clue how David Cage was able to visit and not end up getting robbed and killed.

That city has no future.

So you really think the hype about Uncharted 4 and Overwatch is not paid?

I doubt it

Yet there has never been any recorded scandal of reviewers being paid?

Are you the same people that think Disney pays reviewers for their films to garner critical acclaim?

Or that Nolan paid off critics for the reception to Dark Knight, Inception, and Dark Knight Rises?

>Yet there has never been any recorded scandal of reviewers being paid?

Everyone in hollywood knows that kids get raped and this happens for more than 60 years

Police never investigated.

Do you think there is going to be some kind of expose of paid reviews in gaming?

This is a David cage game of course she's going to be raped. Hell, I'd bet she's going to be raped more than once like in beyond two souls

And what's the problem with this webm?

Looks like an intense scene and learly the guy fucked up on the QTE so he couldn't catch the guy.

will it be by the urban youths or is that too offensive

But they're both good video games

>register metacritic
>in 10 minutes give 10/10 to your favorite games
>boost the play score

Play score is just as irrelevant as the "professional" score.

I think it's just supposed to be funny.

>Everyone in hollywood knows that kids get raped and this happens for more than 60 years
There are murder and rape cases caught all the time.

But yeah. Thanks for proving nothing with no evidence.

Afaik there was one in recent years. My memory's not too good though and I think it was only one guy who said something along the lines "EA and some others pay us for good reviews. Nintendo surprisingly not"

He should've posted the full scene, it's brilliant.

>Until Dawn
>Choices matters
>This is what faggots believe
I did play it you faggot, none of the choices actually matter. Even in the first fucking scene where you have to save your sister, whether you let go or not, you both fall and die, that is literally "artificial choice". The outcome is the same no matter what you choose.

>Play a video game where I get to go and interact with Detroit.
Motherfucker Ive been in Detroit twice now, here ill spoil the game for you.

>Black Lives matter will interrupt everything you try to do.
>Crack head will walk out of the shadows scratching himself "ey got any money, they keepin a brutha down"
>He will try to stab you.
>You will see Isis flags being flown cause Deerborn.
>Cops pull you over for no reason and give you speeding tickets all day.
>You will meet one kind black man for the other 3000 you meet.
>Snow up to your tits.
>Stinks like shit in the summer.
>Looks like your playing Fallout 4.
>Massive empty parking lots for shut down car plants.
>Massive parking lots of cars to be shipped off to dealers.

i think its paid and the whole site its full of shills
>still 5+ threads of that shit up all the time
but to me it looks like when people pretend to be mature about a game , they are shilling till they learn how Sup Forums its