What games do you play with your girlfriend?

What games do you play with your girlfriend?

Mine loves fighting games, but she always beats me in Smash

>inb4 Sup Forums


>Having a girlfriend
>Considering Smash to be a fighting game
>Worst yet, loosing to said girlfriend in smash

Good bait m8.


>complain about blacks
>post a black person
>inb4 blax isnt ppl meem

>Implying you need to be from Sup Forums to dislike them

Shes cute I'd date her. Looks more white than black anyways.

i want to fuck that chocolate bunny

the hell are you talking about? her skin is darker than a hershey bar.

Ape escape

she looks predominantly north african

>inb4 Sup Forumstard watching reddit videos

Oh, he's already here.

Are you fucking blind mate?

The 1st one sucked, 2nd is best, 3rd is ok

For a moment there I thought it was my step sister.

Post a pic of your step sister

Took me a while to realize this was a human

>reddit videos
Anyone have that pic from /qa/?


Why are black girls so perfect?

OP already did

Nonono her features are white. I wasn't talking about her skin color.

are you ok