What games do you play with your girlfriend?
Mine loves fighting games, but she always beats me in Smash
What games do you play with your girlfriend?
Mine loves fighting games, but she always beats me in Smash
>inb4 Sup Forums
>Having a girlfriend
>Considering Smash to be a fighting game
>Worst yet, loosing to said girlfriend in smash
Good bait m8.
>complain about blacks
>post a black person
>inb4 blax isnt ppl meem
>Implying you need to be from Sup Forums to dislike them
Shes cute I'd date her. Looks more white than black anyways.
i want to fuck that chocolate bunny
the hell are you talking about? her skin is darker than a hershey bar.
Ape escape
she looks predominantly north african
>inb4 Sup Forumstard watching reddit videos
Oh, he's already here.
Are you fucking blind mate?
The 1st one sucked, 2nd is best, 3rd is ok
For a moment there I thought it was my step sister.
Post a pic of your step sister
Took me a while to realize this was a human
>reddit videos
Anyone have that pic from /qa/?
Why are black girls so perfect?
OP already did
Nonono her features are white. I wasn't talking about her skin color.
are you ok