>18 or older vs 18 or younger
>comparing a population spanning over 50 years with a population that spans around 8 years
White Korra!
Who cares? Also
>IPhone games count
Who's white Korra?
percent of households reported owning a device that can play games
well then 35 percent of households are idiots because they almost certainly have cellphones
>What exactly are boyos doing?
Watching Let's Plays.
>He doesn't realize 35% of murika is poor as fuck and can't even afford a cell phone
>worst console generation of all time
>people stop buying consoles
I see even niggers on welfare walking around with the latest iPhone.
If you had taken the poll in the 90s, the kids would've still dwarfed the 18+ crowd
How do you know they're on welfare? Did you ask them?
>durr they're black they must be
Go back to Sup Forums, bro
That only really means that the population of people 18 or older who play video games has gone up.
That doesn't make sense. Unless that 15% just decided to throw out their consoles in one year.
>Women aged 18 or older accounted for a larger percentage of the game-playing population (31 percent) than boys 18 or younger (17 percent)
>game-playing population
That's code for people who play mobile games.
That still doesn't explain why say 70% of goirls play mobile games while only 50% of boiys play any type at all. Back in the olden days it'd be like 85% of boiys played vidya
Death is not the end but simply a beginning. The vidya industry must crash and burn before rising anew from its ashes. Thus the cycle continues.
It's pretty easy to tell when they're holding up the line paying with WIC. Now fuck off you retard.
is this a LOL thread?
>He thinks food stamps are welfare
I fucking love graphs where the y axis has no numbers for sense of scale at all, it really shows that the presenter isn't just trying to push some sort of message without care for actual statistics.
We know the numbers anyway