What videogame character has the best hair style?

What videogame character has the best hair style?

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Your mother

>He doesn't have a top knot


a chinese haircut on a chinese board, for mong anons

Is this gonna be another episode of "It's something popular so Sup Forums hates it" or will this be "Sup Forums doesn't like/understand things that are fairly in right now"?

so this is what kikes are gonna viral now as "trendy, hip classy nad jazzy" instead of le brushhead hair?

The correct answer is big boss.

what level of irony are you on


You're 2 years late on that.

I don't see the problem.

>samurai hairstyle
>top of the head not shaven

No it's the "balding neckbeards and insecure shut-ins can't handle proper men" episode

You're thinking of monks.

but dicaprio's is tasteful

Manbuns are unpopular with normalfags too. The trend lasted all of one month before becoming a joke.

Nah, he's right. Don't talk about things you don't know

sakayaki is for faggots

Max payne's shaved head/beard

I'm still seeing it fairly regularly where I'm at. I think it's at the point where a lot of people are doing it, just not every feels the need to point it out anymore.

I don't know what to do with my hair so I just let it grow long for a year and then shave it all off. At least it saves money on haircuts.

do you live in san fransisco or la by any chance

>his hair doesn't branch out in nine directions when he powers up

Nope, Illinois. Around the St. Louis area.

This guy


Is it even a question?

i shave mine bimonthly. shaved head is the best head and decent clippers are cheap

I'm half chink half guido and I used to have this hairstyle because a nip friend from overseas told me to try it. Almost as soon as it was long enough for the top knot, the obnoxious man bun got popular


some did and some didn't

Not the guy you quoted, but that's exactly where I live.

Tell me your town, nigger.

>wanting to look like shitskins

no thanks.

There's also a complex because my jaw is fucked up sticking significantly farther out on one side than the other. I need to cover up my asymmetrical jaw.

>Asian haircuts without asian hair
This is like white people with dreadlocks or afros.


I want Kaz's hair so badly

Is it even possible in real life

I'll give you an easy hint: It's the birthplace from where the tallest person in human history, for which there is for sure evidence, was born.

is it even possible to do this by yourself or do you need someone to do it for you?

lol XD

Japanese have skin tone whiter than most white people I've seen

What's the difference between asian hair and white hair?

>wanting subhuman chink hair in the first place


I don't get it. Are you implying Asians don't have a different hair texture to Caucasians?

>pink people call white people 'shitskins'

ever heard of a comb and gel?

spread teh gel over the comb and comb your hair with it like that

Do what? Tie a fucking knot?

he's right though. if you're not asian good luck pulling off an asian hairstyle. there's a reason women are jelly as fuck of asian girls hair

That's mullet user. You're 40 years late.

many ancient white civilizations had dreadlocks, it's a natural occurrence when you don't wash your hair for a very long time.

Also, they're by no means asian hairstyles, nor is white hair and asian hair all that different. Asians certainly have very loose, silky flowing straight hair. Whites naturally have straight hair, with some being less silky and flowing, but not all.

have you ever had long hair? it's hard as fuck to even tie a ponytail yourself and keep it as tight as it is in those pictures, let alone tie it into a knot/bun

Alton, not too far from me. 40 min drive or so.

I'm in O'Fallon IL

no, they're yellow with brownish tones. Most chinks use skin whiteners. Also, you shitskins still look like subhumans with your monkey bone structure.

I've got long hair.
In a ponytail.
Right now.

Unless you're retarded that's the simplest shit ever.

I saw a girl with dreadlocks the other day, its like she rolled her hair into tubes with peanut butter.


Are you crippled or something ? It's not hard by any mean, and my hair is thick.

Ponytail is babby shit. A tight knot is another story altogether. At least one that will last for a couple of hours

How long is it
I had long hair when it was kinda medium length it was sort of hard to tie it up

I'm not going to take pics of my greasy hair just to show Sup Forums I can use a fucking rubber band.

>nor is white hair and asian hair all that different.

Nigger are you retarded? It's probably the second most different hair from whites, niggers take 1st place though. White hair is wavy.

Caucasians look like gorillas desu

Do you have a disability? Serious question. I keep my hair on a ponytail every day and tying a knot takes literally two seconds.

You're right. I've been to O'Fallon a couple of times for band competitions. I was there where we got your guys' old band director, who proceeded to have sex with an underaged student. Fun times.

Depends entirely on the elasticity of the band.

Are you using fucking rope?

Nipple length

Not really. It depends more on your hair than anything else. My hair is thicker than the majority of girls I meet and even when it's short gel fails to hold it.
I get compliments constantly but it's a fucking bitch to put into a good knot

>being jealous of others who can keep a head of hair


Try again, Xu. Chinks literally have the same nose, and lower jaw structure as niggers. Plus they have those subhuman slanty eyes.


are ya fuckin' retarded? white hair is wavy? sorry to tell ya - you got nigger genes

I hate hipsters so fucking much. First they forced me to shave my beard and stop wearing glasses, and now I can't even become a sumo wrestler without being associated with them.

You sound like somebody who has never left their parents all white suburb and actually met or seen an asian/black person

>white hair
>not wavy
Are you retarded
>wavy hair
>nigger trait
I guess so

Asian hair is dark, and white hair is white.

I just bought some tight elastic bands that only need 2 twists before it's tight. Before I was using some shit from my sister that took like 3-4 twists.

Just got my thick long hair cut short on sides, long on top to shoulder length so I could put it into a top knot to deal with the Florida heat and putting your hair in a ponytail is one of the most simple things in the entire world. Top knots are even easier.

I saw an Asian guy in a leather jacket with this haircut and he looked really badass because Samurai and all that but if you are white you just look like a hipster.

He's not wrong.

if you have wavy hair, you are mixed with niggers in some way. Wavy is a result of straight + kinky/curly.

man, how's it feel to be part nigger?

>Worrying about hipster by association

Don't worry friend, no one will think you're a hipster, they'll just think you're a giant spinless faggot.

Asian hair is stronger, straighter and less dense.

We're all niggers now.

>spinless faggot.
Is spinning the norm now?

It's not my fucking fault I can't spin, dickhead.

>caring what some old farts, kids, middle aged women pushing prams and faceless fat men in suits think of you

Anyone with a buzzcut-big beard combo or similar, the best style available to men, of course.

nigger hair is very curly and natty you dumb shit


Well at that length it's easy to tie up

Asian hair tends to be thicker.

Often can't do much with it outside of buzzing it sort or growing it out, without it poking out every which-way.

>gingers are related to niggers
This is what you are saying

M8, you're one huge dumb cunt. Nigger hair is nappy. White hair is naturally wavy, something many chinks strive for.

>seven minutes apart
You tried.

I have long hair and I've been thinking of getting an undercut skin fade but I'm afraid I'll miss my long hair on he sides.

what is Dr. Yamane doing there, you'd think he should be studying Godzillas not fucking playing around with swords

>not having a crippling obsession with what people think of you, to the point where you can barely bring yourself to leave your house
facebook is that way, normie

Yeah, this guy is totally half black

>mfw I'm an Asian guy with a topknot that always wears a leather jacket
Do I know you?

>Implying I don't browse and post on Sup Forums on my phone while I'm on the train.