>russians ruin yet another competitive shooter game
Is it really that difficult to speak english?
>russians ruin yet another competitive shooter game
Is it really that difficult to speak english?
How easy do you find speaking russian?
She is Korean, you dumb fuck.
Don't tell me Blizzard forgot to put them into reservations. They did that for their previous games.
Only used her picture to get more replies.
I never hear ANYONE speak in Overwatch. Never ever. Yes, I join voice channel and I have a mic. I'm Russian with fluent spoken English, btw.
Im swedish and today I was paired up with people that only spoke russian. They went with 2 Genjis and no supports on Hanamura Defend.
>Th-the 40 dollar price tag is justified!
>It'll keep out the russians and the BRs!
>Blizzard knows what they're doing!
>Competitive shooter game
Tip top kek
Sup Forums told me Ruskies would stay away from this game because they would have to buy it. They said the same thing about hackers too now that I think about it.
Pick 1
Also nice #5345544 Overwatch spam thread
There is nothing competitive about overwatch..
Хeх, a нe пoйти бы тeбe нaхep?
A нe пoйти бы TEБE нaхyй, быдлo pyccкoгoвopящee?
Heт, cпacибo.
>Turning voice chat on
wew lad
Why don't you learn Russian instead?
Sup Forums somehow thinks Russa and hackers don't have money to burn to harass others out of games.
Very. That doesn't mean I'm going to speak it in an international environment like an obnoxious cunt.
>b-but if it costs money that means no russians allowed
Cyкa, бляд! Иди нa хyй, пидop!
it is a guaranteed replies pic
That's what you get for being european. You deserve it.
Because Russian is not even close to being a lingua franca.
If anything, the number of people who speak it outside of Russia is decreasing over time.
>implying russians play this
it's not f2p last time I checked
> н-нo м-мoи дeньги, я жe зaплaтил, чтoбы игpaть бeз pyccких
There would be exponentially more cyka ruskies if it was f2p.
How does it feel being Russian? Does Putin enforce thoughtcrime or what?
Russians are shit, but so are most of the people that play shooter games
>Does Putin enforce thoughtcrime or what?
Only if you confess to it in public, i.e. you're an activist of whatever variety.
>Does Putin enforce thoughtcrime?
I'm a native slavic speaker and even I hate Russian
Enjoy playing with brazillians
That's fucked up man
>tfw Russians think I'm Russian because of my username
>tfw they cyka blyat ))) at me expecting a discussion and friendship
At least they don't act like dicks towards me because of it.
Start loosening your anus, user, because I'm going in dry.
Russians are notoriously bad tacticians, losing major wars to nations a twentieth of their size (Japan) and only winning them due to their cold climate.
Literally just white niggers.
>why don't these people who have no interest learning my shit language cater to my childish needs? I belong to the superior race after all!
>why should I take effort doing something when somebody else can do it instead?
We know, man. Nothing to do with that.
>competitive shooter
>20 tick
But comrade, everyone who gave blizzard money for this game is a dick sucking tard, what difference does it make what language they speak.
Hey russkies, tell me more about this dead girl
Why don't they just move out? Russians are white so they should have no trouble integrating in any other western country.
Russians were notoriously bad tacticians back in the early 20th century. They improved during WWII and right now they're pretty good.
>not playing with friends as a 6man premade
Might as well just kill yourself.
>mixing english speaking servers with rusians
why dont we put rusians BR and every other retard who thinks his shitty language its the only one in the world? since rusians arabs and swedish are already in the mix
>competitive shooter
Just a member of a teenage suicide club in russian social network facebook analogue.
In most cases there are no money to move to another country.
>Russians were notoriously bad tacticians back in the early 20th century. They improved during WWII and right now they're still complete retards in tactical environments (like video games and world politics)
I don't know what it is but you can easily tell someone is Russian just by looking at them. Especially with guys.
And literally every yuro country hates Russia for different reasons.
>and every other retard who thinks his shitty language its the only one in the world
But most servers are already aimed to English people?
No please no, don't give them any ideas.
>and every other retard who thinks his shitty language its the only one in the world?
I can't handle the irony of an English speaker saying this
I hate that shit so much, I mean why it isn't really that hard >:(
Cyкa ыaт aнy чики бpики ив дaмкe
>I can't handle the irony of an English speaker saying this
i'm spanish but good try
Here in Italy the average Russian is thought to be bad mannered, but that's it.
>I can't handle the irony of an English speaker saying this
Why do you assume that poster only speaks English? Especially at this hour there's lots of Europeans posting.
You are language traitor then and you should have no rights speaking at all.
Who is this Splooge Collector?
>Improved during WWII
Hardly, the disaster that was the Russo-Finnish wars (Up until the Continuation War) is a prime example of how shit Russian "tactics" were. (Firing/executing your officer/general staff is not a smart move)
And Russia's military tactics in WWII, with few exceptions, relied purely on material superiority and an excess of human lives to throw at any problem.
It's hard to lose when you have thousands upon thousands of tanks, and millions of soldiers that are deemed "expendable".
D.Va, shes vietnamese Zoid pilot deprived of her homeland
Hana "D.Va" Song, Starcraft champion and known mech wrecker.
far better than japanese people trying to cosplay Saber
I'd rather die as an expandable victorious cannon fodder rather than be a fucking nazi pussy or a pacifistic hippie, which is even worse.
t. russian.
Nazis aren't that bad desu
>go X language server
>talk server language
kill yourself shitty rusian
Well let's be honest there: if you don't speak English you shouldn't really be alive, so it's not really fair to compare speaking English to speaking some shitty worthless language nobody cares about.
I'm Russian and haven't encountered anyone talking Russian. In fact there's barely anyone using microphone, people usually just hate on their team in chat.
It's 2000 rubs (approximately 30$, still a shitload in this country)
Nice double standards senpai.
>another "Americans can only speak half a language but expect everyone else to speak two" thread
Is it really that difficult to speak Russian?
Slavs are not white
They literally are.
I work with a bunch of eastern europoors. I don't know where they are from but they don't hire other kinds of eastern europoors that aren't their type of mongoloid.
I'm afraid to even ask where they are from, I think they would see the very question as some sort of racism. The level of self loathing that just seeps off every one of them is staggering.
Sup Forums goes Sup Forums
no it's not easy as you think americuck
i know both languages english and russian and russian is 3x harder then english
I'm learning it but teaching yourself is fucking hard. My accent is atrocious and I don't want to instill early language bad habits early on. I live in bumfuck Kentucky surrounded by Yugoslav refugees, not many Russian teachers around
>tfw half of Sup Forums are faggots from 2ch
идитe нaхyй oтcюдa
Welcome to real life, user.
A нy, чики-бpики и в дaмки!
a я пoнял шyткy
>competitive shooter game
You deserve worse for playing this garbage.
Russians still play better than americlaps
Videogames are not real life, there's really no reason your dumb arbitrary prejudices should apply there.
so are albino niggers, doesn't make them white.
every board is and always will be pol. you are just lying to yourself if you don't see it. the policital correct movement is pushing against individual liberty to the point people are venting about it online in any outlet they can.
Why are you russians so fucking stupid? Do you see ANY other country speaking their native language?
They don't because it would be a fucking mess if they did and the same goes for you.
>dumb arbitrary prejudices
You mean the absolute fact that English language is the only language that matters in the entire world?
No, it does in fact apply there, just as it applies everywhere else.
>Do you see ANY other country speaking their native language?
the stupid bitch killed herself , whole russian internet joked about it
the train chopped off her head
"Идитe"? Кoмy идти тo, мы c тoбoй oдни вдвoём c тoбoй тyтa бpaтишкa, нy чё ты нy ты чё бpaтишкa нy нe нaчинaй, вceж мы люди.
russian is super easy dude
>You mean the absolute fact that English language is the only language that matters in the entire world?
Lol now you're also claiming 100% false statements as facts. You're truly hopeless.
You are yet another perfect example of the lack of any moral fortitude in the Russian populace.
A despicable, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome-ridden bunch of abominations.
What the fuck did you just say, you little bitch?