Who's played VIDEO GAME here?
Who's played VIDEO GAME here?
>playing video games
>Not playing the superior GAME VIDEO
Fuck off shill
more like game stillvideo, lmao
Daily reminder that there is only one VIDEO GAME. People maintain there was a VIDEO GAME 2, however, they are mistaken. It never existed.
Christ, it should have been so good. Why did it turn out so shit?
>he hasn't played RED
>Why did it turn out so shit?
Because PUBLISHER fucked with the devs instead of eating them do what they wanted.
>modern casualized reboot with the original title
Fuck off underageb&, only the original VIDEO GAME was good
not really
overwatch > video game
I bet you think that's clever.
I bet you're also a GAME VIDEO Cuck.
>Implying RED was good
Fuck I'm sick of PUBLISHER shilling VIDEO GAME 4 here. It's so blatant as well, because y'know, false flagging isn't a thing.
Anyway, VIDEO GAME is shit, VIDEO GAME 2 is objectively better in every way. VIDEO GAME 3 was a mixed bag, but overall pretty good. VIDEO GAME SPINOFF is a whole lotta fun, even if VIDEO GAME fans don't enjoy it because it isn't canon. Also, VIDEO GAME WOMAN is best girl
This thread isn't really about video games is it?
back to your containment board weeaboo
Go to one of the billion or so Overwatch threads you faggot, this is a rare thread about the highly underappreciated VIDEO GAME.
How did they fuck up the sequel so badly?
falling for memewatch
video games is much better
>VIDEO GAME 2 is objectively better in every way
Not bait. VIDEO GAME 2 added the all important NEW MECHANIC. Only casuals or diehard VIDEO GAME 1 fans would call it worse
VIDEO GAME 2 improved on literally almost every aspect of VIDEO GAME.
>you fell for the VIDEO GAME meme
I can't wait for the moment Sup Forums suddenly starts liking VIDEO GAME 3 because that's the first one all the underage faggots played
We'll see how you handle it then
NEW MECHANIC was implemented like shit. It was clearly a move to give VIDEO GAME more depth, but it wasn't fucking fun, you autist. VIDEO GAME 3 was only did it half well, but they added way too much other stuff.
VIDEO GAME 4 will be a return to glory. Just fucking watch, you'll realise just how shit VIDEO GAME 2 was.
VIDEO GAME sucked ass.
>RED 2
>it's BLUE
the fuck?
Why did GAME DEVELOPER fuck up VIDEO GAME 2 so bad when VIDEO GAME was so good?
Did you not see the images from this month's MAGAZINE? Someone uploaded the scans in another thread. An interview showed that DEVELOPER had a clear interest in working with PLATFORM and they know that it would sell well. Just wait, they'll announce something on Twitter in a day or two. PLATFORM claims another title.
>he didn't buy the collector's edition