Now that the NX will have VR is Nintendo saved?
Now that the NX will have VR is Nintendo saved?
Virtual Boy 2.0 confirmed. I can't wait to play Legend of Zelda with low res goggles!
>implying all VR isn't the virtual boy
Enjoy your hyper expensivr gimmick
>i have never used a modern VR set and/or the VBoy
What's the point of this thread?
I believe OP is asking if Nintendo is saved since the NX will have VR now.
When I thought they'd make a normal sensible console, they just couldn't help themselves.
Another shitty gimmick piece of crap.
I remember the rumours on Wii in 2005: "More powerful than the 360, will play blu ray and include 120GB hard drive"
VR is DoA
This, consoles are dead.
No wonder they won't show us the system, they're still finalizing its gimmick.
Nintendo is dead.. which is a good thing.
Thanks to Ps4 and Xbox One not every game is a MMO or a fucking indie.
If this is true and it took them THIS long to do it is pretty much clear that Nintendo has no clue what they're doing
Yeah the PS4 sure looks dead.
Nintendo seems to not have a vision for what they want
Why does Sup Forums always believe shitty rumors?
Are you fags really that gullible?
are they going for another gimmick again ?
>A rumor about Nintendo trying to shit out another gimmick console is false guys!!!
Yeah I'm the gullible one.
Anyone enjoying their VR headset? I just tried nekopalive last night and I had an erection the entire time.
Truly VR is the future.
And just when I had hopes for the new system being good.
Maybe Kimishima has a vision for NX that differs from what Iwata wanted.
>Order volume reduces from 20 million to 10 million
Just give me a regionless 720p more-powerful-than-vita handheld with a non-shit account system
That's all I fucking ask.
I got my OR to try all those horror games, but I've spent 90% of my VR time in minecraft rollercoasters
There is literally nothing wrong with Nintendo's current account system.
just get a chinese android phone for $100 and emulate your way into freedom
This. I just want a Pokemon/Monster Hunter machine.
Nintendo isn't doing VR though? That's is actually the opposite direction they're going with. That's adding something more to their console.
Nintendo's next console is going to be as failsafe as possible, from an economic point of view.
They're basically slapping Wii and 3DS together and calling it a day. A console you can carry around and use with your TV.
>Wii u exclusives were MMOs
>PC games are only MMOs and indie games
wew lad how is console overwatch treating you?
You can't save VR, it's the gimmickiest gimmick ever. It's garbage.
>Nintendo's next console is going to be as failsafe as possible
I hate to break it to you but failsafe to Nintendo is shoving a shitload of gimmicks into the console
I don't want to have to phone up Nintendo and beg them to let me re-download games if my console fucks up.
Also, fuck region locking.
It was not the only reason
>Virtual Boy 2.0
Virtual Boy Advanced, user. Get it right.
>VR, it's the gimmickiest gimmick ever. It's garbage.
I still remember people calling vibration function on gamepads the same thing
>use the misleading "reported" word
that's just sad.
>Direclty linking to shitaku
Fuck off tortilla
>yfw VR naysayers are still desperately crying that it's a fad
AMD have been bigging up their ULV APUs for years but never actually released anything.
Wonder if we could see one used in Nintendo's next handheld. Can they manage
Hey, I know. I stopped caring about Nintendo after the Wii came out.
I still remember the last time they tried to force this garbage down people's throats. Back then there were not enough gullible retards like you around, though.
Nintendo won't go with VR because they believe that it's an anti social thing and want a family experience.
lmao. nintendo has to be the dumbest gaming company in history. just move to pc already and release nintendo branded "steambox" type consoles you stupid fucking bastards nintendo.
>F-Zero VR
PS4 is dead as fuck. Were you being sarcastic?
Because it is. It's the next Eye-toy kinect bullshit that's never going to get any momentum seriously in the industry.
It's nothing more than an overpriced fad, ultimately for porn.
please yes
Cry more, retard. Keep missing out on the best games around.
Virtual Boy Color
>mfw speedrunning FZX on VR
Yeah. You'd almost think it may be because we have better screens and processing power to make it work or something.
>Because it is.
That is your entire argument right there. Just plugging your ears and yelling "la la la" as every company around you is adopting it.
>best games around
>amiibo champions
>star fox 64 re-skin
nope. i want them to move to pc precisely because they cannot seem to make any good games because theyre busy worrying about selling their garbage bin hardware and amiibo toys. i want them to focus only on games.
I wouldnt be surprised if they call it New Wii VR U
But VR is already dead. Nobody is talking about it.
so what's going on with VR nowadays? remember when Sup Forums was hailing it as the waifu age? what happened? it already launched, but it doesn't seem like anyone cares.
is it just a lack of games? when will VR games be made, beyond casual tech demos? high quality VR porn (games and videos?)
when can we replace women with VR already?
Valve VR is too expensive. Oculus is no longer open source. Sony is PS4 only. The rests are garbage.
So does this mean the """""leaks""""" about it being spec wise close to xbone/ps4 to be false? It wouldnt beable to run VR on specs like that....r-right?
Nintendo can't restrain themselves from shoving another gimmick into their console why am I not surprised.
>PC games are only MMOs and indie games
What last AAA game was a PC exclusive?
Just because it doesn't look like shit it doesn't solve the main issue with that garbage. That's nobody on their right mind wanting to have to wear any oversized junk to play fucking wii games.
Not even fucking normies wanted 3D TVs, so why the fuck are you even defending that bullshit?
>i believe internet rumors
Thanks to the PS4 and Xbone games are now movies.
A lot of people are still waiting on their preorders and many of the big games aren't released yet. It's going to be a slow start.
and like says, it's not going to be in everybody's price range this generation. What's important is that both the Vive and Rift sold out and made a profit.
The high price point limits the number of people that will actually try VR.
I've seen the waifus with my own eyes and it's glorious.
They'd probably have a hard time focusing on making games after their talent leaves from the aftershock of dropping all their hardware R&D.
The Virtual Boy failed primarily because it made people sick easily. It could have been improved over time but people's initial experience was so poor no one would ever give it a second chance. Nu VR has largely solved this problem, motion sickness is much rarer and most people's initial experience is a positive one. The only thing it needs is more content.
>A lot of people are still waiting to be severely disappointed
>big games
>for a dead on arrival platform
You're a funny guy.
But Emily Rogers would never lie!
It's most likely being pushed back due to production issues. Other sources where pretty clear about the use of "cutting edge" chips in the NX and the very latest 14nm process has production issues.
Those weren't rumors. There was a Mexican Nintendo magazine that had an interview with Reggie and he stated it was going to be more powerful than PS3 and 360.
>non-homosexuals can't have anal sex
Yes, because that was the only problem of that pile of shit. BTW, Nintendo weren't the only ones trying to push that shit, kid. For a while during that time period, it was everywhere, then it fucking disappeared cause nobody wanted that kind of bullshit in their homes.
They could be focusing on budget-tier VR like the Samsung Gear. Basically Nintendo targeting low-end VR, PS4 and Xbone targeting mid-end, and PC for high-end.
>Downloaded games are attached to console, not account
>Nothing wrong
Every other console blows up and you can re-download everything without having to contact daddy miyamoto for permission.
Fuck Nintendo.
cant wait for nintendos reaction when psvr crashes and burns.
>then it fucking disappeared cause nobody wanted that kind of bullshit in their homes
Because it didn't work. Again, if you've ever tried modern VR you'd see virtually every problem with original VR has been solved.
> F-Zero
> Relevant today
If it's not zelda, mario or pokemon you're pretty much fucked.
women don't have anal sex, so yes what you said is true
I was skeptical when I saw that patent with the round controller and a screen.
The little hope I had left for the machine is completely gone now.
Fuck Neotendo and their gimmicky censored bullshit.
I don't even need to try it to know that's false, you idiot. You still have to wear oversized goggles that cover your vision in order to use it. And no, the button to turn the camera on is not the fucking solution. Not to mention all that motion control garbage extra apparel and the fucking baby walker. Give me a fucking break, that shit is pathetic.
Guys...Nintendo is seriously looking doomed. They can't get their shit together. I highly suspect their going to drop the hardware industry and release their games on other platforms. Maybe mobile exclusive.
Get the fuck out, please.
I don't get what you're implying here
Oh, you have no idea what you're talking about, like every other single person on Sup Forums against VR. It's funny, why is everyone on Sup Forums against VR when not a single person can make a valid argument against it? This board is absolute garbage.
Oh damn I must have hit a nerve, LMAO. give it up kid, their outlook is bleak
that "leaked" controller was faked.
and you would be saying the exact same thing if Nintendo wasn't going to attempt VR.
don't lie...
provide some statistics then. protip- you'll find that
Your shit gimmicky oversized goggles are the only garbage here, take them out and don't come back.
VR will never be more than an enthusiast product that only people with more money than sense will bother with. The average consumer will shun it just like they did with 3D, another gimmick that seems to resurface every so often.
Seems like i'm not going to get a NX
VR is more than 3D and wiimotes though. Comparisons like that just say that you don't know what you're talking about.
>If I keep saying it, it must be true.
I said "patent" not "leak"
Anyone that fell for the leak was a complete moron. It got proven fake minutes after it was shown with the picture they used for the Unreal Engine.
Because the oval controller screen was retarded to begin with. I had hopes they'd move to a normal controller but I can't believe they actually took it a step further and fucked it even harder.
I don't give a fuck about it, and I'll never will. You can keep your pointless gimmicks for yourself.
Valient effort but they are still a paper tiger facing the storm that is PS4.
I'm sure I'll live.
>yfw F-Zero is a launch title and it's the best thing ever and sells tens of billions of copies