Cyber Punk Will Never Die But You Will

What's your expectations?

none / will be garbage
hopeful / if it maintains quality or surpasses HR i will be happy
a lot / vaporware

>System Shock 3
I really don't know anything about the project, the studios, their design philosophy etc... so I can't really say much.

>Deus Ex: MD
I don't like what I've seen so far. Seems to go even further with the whole "overload player with options and gadgets to make him feel cool, rather than actually tightening the design to make him more resourceful." Blink, ranged-multi-target takedowns, the fucking shield - it feels like it's transforming into a superhero flick and not a Deus Ex title.
I'm sure it's going to be pretty and cool and all but I worry about the design philosophy really leaning towards "push a button, something awesome happens" rather "figure out how to solve this problem yourself".
That said, I've been wrong about HR, maybe I'm wrong here.

I'm afraid that people expect mechanical complexity from a company that was never really good at that sort of thing. And I worry what will happen if CDPR won't have the strong narrative and cultural theme to fall back on.
At absolute best I expect HUGE, extremely well written game with not much complexity and massive problems in ballance, bugs, technical department that will be slowly ironed out over the course of several years.

Pretty much this

what about SS remake?

> SS3
It'll be mediocre at best. Some games are just past their times.
It can be really good if done right with lessons learned from HR. At the very least it should be just as good.
> Cyberpunk
Not sure. CDProjekt haven't disappointed so far but this is an ambitious project and we haven't seen any news since the announcement. Will have to wait until next year to pass judgement.

>I'm afraid that people expect mechanical complexity from a company that was never really good at that sort of thing.

I think people are expecting a direct adaptation or something of the ruleset and are just setting themselves for disappointment when not only is the OC working on the new setting in 2077, but CDPR has already showed they like to do their own thing while staying true to original.

Not to mention the inevitable THEY RIPPED OFF DEUS EX retards that'll crawl out of the woodwork because you know they will.

SS never really seemed cyberpunk to me. Aside from the fact that the player character in the first game is a hacker there's not much low-life in the series.

I really hope Mankind Divided is a good game and gives a good amount of options to tackle levels like 1 did. I also hope they focus more on the conspiracy side of things instead of whatever transhuman neoliberal robot rights story they've got planned, but I'm not holding my breath. And give me a good ending instead of some faggy slideshow speech, pls.

system shock 3 is completely up in the air because it has a HUGE legacy to live up to and most likely won't.
new deus ex, I suspect it's going to be more of the same because it worked the last time only shinier.
no one knows shit about cyberpunk 2077 because this is when cdpr shows if they're a one hit wonder.

there should be a good matrix game

I put my dude sex hype on low recently

I like to think they demoed the game witch all this upgrades enabled.
I don't care how crazy the upgrades are, if you have to choose and invest points on those that's fine the problem is this stuff being "unlockable" shit and making you overpowered halfway through the game.
Deus Ex is supposed to be a RPG with "build" options I hope they didn't forgot that.
Inventory Tetris seems kill and that sucks.

I wonder what the next Shadowrun game will be like once HBS returns to it after their Battletech tour is done.

The only one anyone knows a single thing about is Mankind Divided, and that looks a bit disappointing. Then again Human Revolution looked fucking awful initially and it was great in the end so who even knows user. Hell, Wolfenstein TNO and DOOM's campaign even looked shitty until they both came out. I don't think we can reasonably expect anything at this point. Any of them could go either way, though I do expect 2077 to have an obscene amount of content that will take weeks for me to finish. They've said it's even bigger than Witcher 3, which when they said 150+ hours I thought that was bullshit. I was even wrong about that.

>don't really know/care
>I have high hopes but waiting till E3 showcase to preorder
>wait and see, hopefully more seeing than waiting

all crap

And then there's little Copper Dreams that could. Provided it gets Kickstarter funding.

nice post
here's a (you)

SS2 was post-cyberpunk. Not sure if 3 will follow in its footsteps.

>mechanical complexity
you mean garbage mechanics like rng combat?

Mike Pondsmith has the voice of an angel.

I'll be disappointed if he doesn't voice someone in the game.

Do you think Ciri will have a cameo in Cyberpunk?

From Witcher 3's gameplay, I can't wrap my ahead around how a dense cyberpunk city and TPS/melee gameplay will actually work.

I have no expectations for SS3 or 2077 because I haven't seen gameplay yet so it's all just concepts of a game as of now
But I fucking loved HR, so if MD succeeds in being everything good about HR but better and improving combat to also make it a way to play, I'm sure it will be my GOTY

Tumblrina pandering and DLC jewing.

>Inventory Tetris seems kill

This is the game where we will see if CDPR is actually good. They dont have medieval europe to fall back to. And its based on tabletop game(?) not a books, so people will expect more gameplay driven game not narrative.

>rng combat

*rpg combat

I just want Vallha11a to come out