Zero Time Dilemma

DS3 or PC?

Which one should you get and why?

>dark souls 3
You should get Vita

Buying 3DS for collection, pirating PC for best experience.

Pretty much the only correct answer.

for trophy whoring

This might be one of the only times I want to buy a game twice. I feel fucking stupid but goddammit I don't want another VLR gap happening

ZE3 is the last game. Don't worry.

But what if he wants to make another unrelated to the current characters? What if he wants to make another using the same tone?

I just wanna show my support.

Do you think Vitafags are just salty that they're the only ones that can't pirate it? Or are they genuinely deluded enough to believe they get the best version?

>implying the correct answer isn't to buy it twice

Whatever, really.
I care about the series, not the guy behind it.

Buying PC, might buy 3DS just so I can have a boxed copy.

don't make this into a console war thread.

If you have a new 3ds might as well play on that. You can play games on pc all the fucking time, but it's not every game you can play with 3d.

If you have an old 3ds though, just play on pc.

I don't think people get upset about not being able to steal unless they're retarded user.

I doubt that it will be any better on the New 3DS than the regular one. They don't seem to be putting any effort into the 3DS version at all.

>not showing support for a game that was almost never made

3ds/vita owner, I plan on buying the vita version

>implying there's going to be any difference between o3DS and n3DS

Cool off, man. I own all three platforms and I'll pretty much do what said. I'm about to sell my Vita anyway.

3d wise it will be. 3d on the old 3ds is such a fucking pain I had it off at all times, 3d on the new 3ds is a cool gimmick that fits comfortably with the game.

Not a deal breaker sure, but in case he already does own a new 3ds, then might as well play on that. Again, we can play shit on PC every fucking time, but it's not every game we can play on 3d.

3D functionality is worse on an o3DS.

Did you not hear the news were they said there's no 3D effect on ZTD at all?

Well just fuck my shit up then. I hope you are trolling cuz I'm really not excited to playing a visual novel on my computer.


>a visual novel

It's not.

Just because there are puzzles doesn't make it not a visual novel. Text and dialogue is like 70% of the game.

It's pretty much a visual novel. No need to be an ass and go all technical because the games have a drop of gameplay under seas of VN.

It's literally a long ass cutscene between escape rooms now.

Oh, I'm gonna buy it on 3DS and Pc. It's just whenever they crap up these threads most of their arguments end up calling non vita users filthy pirates

And text in the previous games weren't cutscenes?

>3ds has no 3d, low res, plus on being portable and free
>vita has nice res and it's portable, minus on being pricy
>pc has nice res and it's free, but fuck playing a zero escape game without it being portable
You literally can't win. All in all though, I'm leaning towards Vita.

Yeah? Visual novel dialogue and narration aren't cutscenes.

Those cutscenes were characters staring at you in first person repeating the same animations over and over, which is more fitting for a handheld.

ZTD cutscenes is an entire cinematic thing with camera angles and stuff, which is more fit for a large screen and watch like a film.

I bought it for the pstv so I could get the watch. I regret nothing because it's not like the experience would differ from when I played VLR anyways.

How portable is your view of portability? Because it's probably going to run well enough on integrated graphics, which you get on a tablet pc.


>DirectX 11 graphic card required
Are we fucked toasterfags?

>tfw too autistic to buy it on PC because the previous titles haven't been released.

Vita and/or 3DS. Liked VLR enough to buy it on both so might do the same with ZTD.

>actually playing handhelds outside the house
Fucking hell.

Not here, familia

Or some of us don't want to take their rig to the shitter.

>i5 4460

This is a bunch of bullshit.
Game can't be that demanding.

Reading VLR's Q&A, found this:

>Q25: In 999, Akane disappears when you don’t reach the True Ending. This implies that changing the past affects the present.

>In VLR, Tenmyouji explains to “?” at the end that even if Sigma could change the past, the timeline that they live in will remain the same.

>If Sigma can stop Radical-6 in the past, this will only create a new timeline. This implies that changing the past does NOT affect the present. Don’t these games have contradicting ideas?


>A: Even if you had changed the past and prevented Radical-6 from spreading, the setting is made so that there will be no changes made to the VLR history.

>And let’s say VLR’s history does get destroyed. Then Sigma’s old consciousness won’t be able to return to 2028 and as a result he won’t be able to stop the Radical-6 outbreak.

>Same goes for 999. The true end is where Junpei accesses the Morphogenetic Field 9 years ago and saves Akane, but if he isn’t successful, then a new timeline is created. And the extension of that history is the Junpei who couldn’t find Akane at the chapel. (*We call this end that isn’t the True End the B End.)

>However, there may be some of you that will say “Hey, Akane did exist in the B End route though”. Well you’re exactly right. In that history Akane should not have existed.

>So in other words, the contradiction isn’t the setting between 999 and VLR, but rather it is in the B Ending. However, if you consider that Akane had jumped to the B End route with her whole body and not just her psyche then it would all make sense…

>If that is the case, then Akane did not disappear in the chapel but she just made her escape, or you can say that her whole body jumped to another time line.

A bit unrelated, but Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus runs on integrated graphics, although the minimum requirements ask for a HD 5870. I don't really see why a handheld port would be so fucked not to be able to run on integrated graphics.

I'm just hoping it's japs overestimation as usual.
Were there the cases when the game required dx11 but in reality it ran on lower versions?

The 3D effect was shit on VLR desu. Only the background had real 3D, character models were still rendered 2 times eye, but on the same position. And cutscenes being fully 2D totally broke the immersion.

>were still rendered 2 times (one for each eye)

Nah, it was slight, but the character models did have a different position for each eye. You can tell if you close one eye and move the slider.

I'd say that the 3D worked pretty well in the escape parts. It has a nice diorama-like effect.

Stream tonight at10PM lads, for any newcomers, it's


What timezone?

10PM in which timezone?

I'll be buying the Vita version and pirate the PC version.

Was going to get 3ds just to complete the collection but considering I can only get a digital copy here I may as well go with PC

10pm CEST
4pm EST
1pm PDT

>believing in this shit

>can only get a digital copy here
I just checked and it's the same for me. Fucking shit balls.

PC it is then.

Do you live in Europe?

As far as games go, basically yes.

3DS because it's the only one I own and the PC reqs they posted are ridiculous

Can you play VLR on Citra yet?

I'm getting the Vita version for the watch and to have the best handheld option available.

Will buy on PC later on just to have the best option in general.

Shit, sorry.

is correct

>tfw no Physical release in EH
What's even the point of buying digital on 3DS with pc version?

>what is importing
>what is homebrew

I had VLR on the Vita since it didn't look like shit on that. I'll get ZTD on PC since the Steam release is less likely to suffer a bullshit Australian price hike like literally every PSN game ever.

Chair is hard/uncomfortable.Have to save up until I buy a much better Computer chair.So no PC for now.

Have a N3DS,but so far the screens compared to PC/Vita are lackluster.Want to have the best experience possible for final game.

So Vita version it is.Much more comfy to lay in bed and play anyway.

>tfw PC
>have to avoid the internet for two days
>the port will probably be broken

Whichever leaks first because it's going to fucking leak and I'm not running the risk of getting spoiled 2 days before launch

>Chair is hard/uncomfortable.Have to save up until I buy a much better Computer chair.So no PC for now
I didn't know people were still living in the 90's. Newsflash nigger, everyone and their grandmother is hooking their PC to their TVs when they want to sit on the couch.

But given the fact that you own a Vita, you probably don't own neither, a couch or a TV.

Could anyone please upload citra for windows please? The download on the official page is broken

This user has the right idea.

someone please, it's only a small upload

Why do you want to experience the game in a way in which you cant even hear the awesome music properly ?
This is pathetic


>liking the 3D effect

Because I don't have a 3ds

You had 4 years since VLR came out you bandwagon jumping secondary
The 3DS has a huge library so take that as you will

I dont like playing on consoles so go fuck yourself.

Kill yourself

It's shit like this why I love these thredas and this series

Do you think this power extends to Phi? Why does 2028 Phi look so similar to 2074 Phi?

Treatment pods

Aw fuck, that's right. Forgot she asked to be put in one.

Taking a guess here, maybe they used the same pods they used to bring Clover and Alice to 2078?

>testing out your new filter to avoid ZTD spoilers

honestly if I had half a brain I'd stop visiting Sup Forums soon

I can't wait to learn what her deal is. The suddenly orange eyebrows, if she's related to Diana, what her real nature is, how she's like K. She's almost surely gonna die in the true end too.

Whats your filter?

i pretty much just sat down and typed in anything ZTD related

I'm still probably just gonna leave any gaming related sites for good measure because I probably forgot something or a typo will get through the filter

anything Zero Escape related, actually*

>my post is the only one left

Me too. The orange eyebrows throw me for a loop, I don't know what to think. I want to know what makes her the 'X factor.' God particle?

[spoilers]I hope it just isn't someting plainly simple like 'Diana and Sigma's kid'

Third time's the charm? You can do it.

Ctrl+S dude

Q is Kyle
He timejumped back to the past, but it was his first time mindjumping, so of course he lost his memories during the jump.

The consciousness in Kyle's body at the end of VLR was inside Q

I wonder where Blick Winkel will come into play in all this.

I'm too embarassed.


>I wonder where Blick Winkel will come into play in all this.
Literally you playing the entire fucking game and making all the decisions.

How in the hell do they expect to release third sequel to a plot heavy game on the platform where they didn't release the first two and still profit?

I'm pretty hyped for this.

For one, Uchikoshi is going to have to come up with some original twists for once, seeing as he's basically exhausted all the major plot points from Ever17.

I haven't played his other games, so if he does steal something from those, I won't notice.

Because not everyone is a full autist who will only play it on the platform who had the three games. With this logic what is the point on releasing VLR in 3DS and Vita if the original was DS exclusive? This is just giving more options.

What was retarded was the release of the Kingdom Hearts games. Each game exclusive to a different console.

I thought the ? at the end in Kyle was block winkel/the player and traveling back in time to the Mars site was just alluding to the actual player playing ZTD.