>Mei speaks chinese
>D.Va speaks korean
>Hanzo and Genji speaks japanese
>Widowmaker speaks french
>Mercy speaks german
>this guy doesn't say a single swedish word and barely sounds swedish
Thanks Blizzard
>Mei speaks chinese
>D.Va speaks korean
>Hanzo and Genji speaks japanese
>Widowmaker speaks french
>Mercy speaks german
>this guy doesn't say a single swedish word and barely sounds swedish
Thanks Blizzard
Other urls found in this thread:
Roadhog doesn't speak Australian either
There's his recolor names and one spray but yeah.
You mean he doesn't speak arabic?
Reinhardt or Symmetra don't speak their native languages either.
Does reinhardt ever speak in german?
>swiss is a real language
He does speak Swedish though. When he ults, he says:
Is he a Swede? I thought they just designed him as a Dwarf as the first character because y'know warcraft and shit, and he inexplicably remained in the game as they built the lore up around him as this isolated instance of a mythological character existing in the Overwatch universe.
Cucking is an American thing thanks to your intense white guilt.
A bunch of his voice lines are translated Swedish idioms though, like "don't get caught with your beard in the letterbox"
They only put in lines in other languages where they could get their VAs to make them sound believable. Mercy's VA is either bilingual or a German native-speaker, while Reinhardt's VA most likely isn't.
Swedish men pay Somalian refuges to impregnate their daughters
He should have some somali lines or something about cultural enrichment or diversity.
I've been playing Genji and loving it but I'm thinking of trying out tracer. Does anyone have any tips for me as a tracer, or genji for that matter?
Just use her blink liberally and always have an escape plan. Don't try and finish fights, get some damage in and come back around from a different angle. This strategy is countered by healers so try and kill them.
On Attack maps, check to see if they're defending too far forward and see if you can just run around and capture the point. Blink away the moment they double back.
Memorize where every med kit is.
Be glad you got a character.
So many south/west/northern european countries got nuthin.
Vad fan sa du om mig din lilla slyna? Jag kan säga er att jag tog examen som den bästa i min klass i flottan, och jag har varit involverad i flera hemliga operationer mot al-Qaida, och har över 300 bekräftade mord. Jag är utbildad i gorilla krigföring och är den bästa skytten i hela den svensk militären. Du är inget annat för mig än ens ett mål. Jag kommer att ta bort dig från jordens yta med en precision som är helt osynliga, märk mina ord. Tror du att du kan komma undan med att säga skit till mig via Internet? Så du kanske tror lura ass. vid skrivande stund vi kontaktar min hemliga nätverk av spioner runt hela Sverige och din IP spåras just nu så du kan förbereda dig för stormen, din mite. Stormen som helt utplåna den lilla spinkiga sak du kallar ett liv. Du är så jävla död unge. Jag kan vara var som helst när som helst och döda dig i över sju hundra sätt, och det är bara med mina bara händer. Jag är inte bara utbildning i obeväpnad hand till hand bekämpa, men jag har också tillgång till hela den svensk flottan arsenal och kommer att använda den till fullo att utplåna dig olycklig ass från jordens yta, din lilla skit. Om ni bara hade vetat vad ohelig hämnd din "smarta" lilla kommentar skulle överge dig, skulle du förmodligen ha hållit käften. Men du gjorde det, skulle det inte, och nu måste du betala priset, du stor idiot. Jag kommer jävla ilska på dig och dränka dig i den. Du är fan död åt helvete din jävla unge.
They probably didn't want it banned there.
>Lets have a Swedish AND Norwegian character, that won't be redundant at all!
I don't know what significantly different or unique north/west "race" we're missing. Maybe a Sami Finn or something.
>change voices to Japanese
>everyone stops speaking their native language
>Widowmaker becomes sexy as fuck Ara Ara~ Milf
>Tracer becomes even cuter
>Reinhardt sounds even more badass
>Mercy sounds like a caring mother
>mfw the rumoured sniper is based off that Finnish farmer that committed one-man guerilla warfare against the occupying Russians
>Tfw the only hero from your country is a Manlet neckbeard
Only improvement is Tracer without the awful contrived accent. Widow has too much personality, Reinhardt sounds awful and Mercy is not a fucking housewife.
He's not black how can he be swedish?
he's not swedish he's dwarfish, he speaks like a dwarf
>tfw when roadhog doesn't have an aussie accent
I hate how I can't understand a thing and yet I know its the internet tough guy copy pasta.
are sweders not offended but the dwarf stereotype?
>tfw no voice line where he screams HELVETE when his turret gets destroyed
>Finnish man with a flamethrower
>Melee weapon is a birch twig
Finns obviously have racial resistance to heat
>mercy is swiss
>she's not a jack of all trades character
From the thumbnail I thought his beard was an ass bending over.
>being offended from a game character
What country are you from, chum?
>Swiss German is the same as German.
>2010 sauna championship
that thing is so crazy, the russian who died had anesthetic lotion rubbed on his skin which is probably why he managed to stay in there until he died, the other guy is finnish.
>not an energy drink-chugging, hunting knife-wielding serial killer with a thousand yard stare
alternatively this guy youtube.com
no one gives a fuck about your casual aim assisted shooter
Time to get the fuck out.
swedish no longer exist
>Tfw the only character from my country is pink-haired tumblr bait
I honestly would have preferred a stereotype instead of this.
What the fuck did I just watch.
>a twig
I thought Finns were known for shanking people with switch blades or broken bottles
>that tattoo
Just imagine how untalented you have to be to actually design this shit.
>swiss german and german are indistinguishable
They need subtitles whenever somebody is interviewed so that German people understand what is being said
>plenty of German doctors in Switzerland because they get a better salary there
So, they might 've tricked me there
>Lucio doesn't speak a word of Portuguese.
isn't he a scott though?
it's to keep with the sauna theme
I like Zarya but I would love her if she had blonde or brown hair.
>swiss character
>not a nazi gold hiding, money laundering, corrupted, manager with a golden parachute, meleeing with his swiss army knife
>no chocolate, cheese and watch related attacks
>no yodel emotes
Missed opportunities everywhere
But the he'd only say yes
>according to somebody who never was in Sweden
Oh yeah, I remember this. This happened where I live.
Why is Zayra literally voiced by a fucking dude in the japanese localization?
>junkrat is australian
>doesn't say cunt every five seconds
>the two black characters are a music loving trope that's been done to death and an ironically smart gorilla who's ult is chimping out
kill yourself weeb
you want no dubs on japanese games, but oyu want to dub a western game
You seem to be mistaken, this isn't the Battleborn thread.
>change the spoken language to german
>reinhardt sounds like a retarded bavarian
>mercy's voice sounds completely different
At least Tracer sounds cute as hell
Nice job not knowing what swedes sound like in real life, fucking idiot. Swedes speak english.
>reinhardt sounds like a retarded bavarian
that sounds great though, even though he's supposedly not from there iirc
Meanwhile Killer Instinct had a 5 minute song entirely in Swedish. Get your shit together, Blizzard.
>tfw Italian
>tfw no Italian representation ever
Do Americans think we don't exist or something
Before or after half his face got blown off?
>supposedly from Brazil
>has an LA, CA USA accent
america, home of the uncucked
It is
>she talks swiss german in game
You really never heard swiss german, did you?
>hating on weebs on Sup Forums
Back to 9fag with you, newfag.
There's enough Italians in the States already and we know that all they do is yell, go to Church, and eat pasta.
>Mercy is not a fucking housewife
But she would be so good at it.
The only thing Swiss about her is the swiss flag on her suit and her name, that's it. Nothing else
>implying cowboy-man, gunslinger, jack John Peter dude from murica isn't filled with cliches
Cmon, now.
Well, Tracer is british and she doesn't speak arab. You are not the only one disappointed.
Fuck Sweden.
If Torbuhjorn were Swedish by today's standards, he'd be Somanlian.
He is trying to say that it is not the same, follow the replies.
>Reinhardt sounds awful
he's from ironforge, dingus
I understand user :^)
Underrated post
Go to bed, Limmy.
Back to your shed, Sven.
>Include several different nationalities to appeal to a wider audience
>Humiliate said audience by completely fucking up their portrayal
This is why we don't let corporate shills design games.
>reinhardt sounds like a retarded bavarian
Implying you kow what bavarian sound like
>mercy's voice sounds completely different
You mean swiss?
Don't get caught with your beard in the fingerbox
Nigga I'm Austrian I've heard enough fucking Bavarians talk in my life time.
Holy fuck could pol go back to their containment jerk circle board please
>German voice of Symmetra
>thinking of trying out
nigaa this isn't a game where you play one character all the time, the characters are all simplistic for a reason, you are expected to PICK THE BEST CHARACTER FOR ANY GIVEN SITUATION
How about you get off this board and stop your women being molested by all the niggers you're inviting in you worthless piece of shit.
just like the average swede ;)
If it makes you feel any better those sheds do look cozy as fuck.
Lil' swedecuckie gettin' rump roasted.
Would you like it if they added a few lines for him in arabic?
That's the joke.
He's literally just a WoW dwarf with a slight Swedish accent.