If console gaming dies out where will the peasants move to? Mobile?

If console gaming dies out where will the peasants move to? Mobile?

They already have a home


I'm guessing most wouldn't move to PC. Many probably just own laptops or iPads or whatever.
So yeah, mobile gaming.

Thanks Doc

you do realize that most console owners own a PC and vise versa, right?
or are you actually dumb enough to listen to all the PC vs console shitposting?

Unless you don't own every console and a mid-high-tier PC that runs every game you are considered a faggot and a peasant, OP. Get a job and earn some money, and stop disgracing your family, faggot.


There was a Minecraft sales chart the other day that showed that more people already were playing on mobile than on console.

They own a tablet and maybe a laptop but I can guarantee you that the vast majority of console players doesn't have a desktop. At least not one that can actually be used to play modern games on.

Most people own a PC of some kind. But it's not a gaming PC.
If I look at the people I know who only own consoles, none of them have a stationary PC. They either have laptops or tablets. A cabinet takes up too much room and they only use it for surfing the net and playing music. They have no need for anymore than a tablet or laptop.

But I don't want to get a PS4 or Xbone, there are no games I want to try, maybe besides bloodbourne that I can't play on PC. Maybe when Kingdom hearts 3 and FF XV comes out I might consider a PS4, but chances are XV will come out on PC at some point, so I can't really be bothered.

I agree with that.
But a PS3 is worth owning. Get one of those if you haven't already.

In two years time when consoles have multiple different SKUs, mandatory installations and patches, version and hardware incompatibility and all that good stuff you get on PC.
Actually what will be the benefit of a console?

I'm an xbox user to I'll just be moving to pc since halo, forza, and gears are probably going there anyways

Couple that with free online and cheaper games along with bc, no restricted mods, and emulation I think I'm good

Gonna be seeing what happens at e3

Console games will work on any SKU or hardware revision. It's a model like the iPhone where software is compatible with device revisions for the past 5 years or so. People who want a better experience can buy a more recent revision of the hardware, but for the majority of people who don't care about that kind of thing, nothing will change. It's a no lose situation, it's irritating how PC gamers keep trying to paint this as a negative.


Scream no games all you want but I'll be getting Atelier Sophie, Guilty Gear, Odin Sphere remake, Star Ocean 5 and God Eater all this month
Stay assblasted :^)

>Console games will work on any SKU or hardware revision.
Tell that to Hyrule Warriors on Old 3DS.

>Unless you don't own every console

Why would I buy an inferior platform to play games I can play on PC ?

Only nintendo consoles are worth getting if you want both a console and PC.

kill yourself

spotted the sonygger.

Pre-built PCs exist.
"Gaming" PCs exist.

That's more Nintendo's fault than anything, not enforcing a 'you must release on all hardware revisions' policy and allowing the platforms to fragment

Impressive one example, even then it does run on the o3ds.
To add though, I recall the older model 360s struggled to play some of the newer games but older 360s are fucking rubbish anyway.

This, a friend of mine bought a gaming pc recently. He went to the store, asked for a gaming pc, picked literally the first thing shown to him by a store clerk (which by coincidence :^)))) happened to be the most expensive) and took it home.

And you honestly think Microsoft and Sony won't do the same thing?

Hell even last generation games like GTA V struggled to play on the 360s that didnt' come with hard drives.

Back the fuck off?

Based on what information? Damn this board is fucking retarded.

Honestly, after the previous generation, where we had to put up with the same shithouse hardware for 8 or so years, I'm really not fussed that the console manufacturers are considering increasing the speed of hardware releases. If the alternative is occasional fragmentation, then wow, what a non-problem compared to trying to play AAA games in 2012 on 2005 hardware.

>If the alternative is occasional fragmentation
This doesn't address my question of "What is the benefit over PC."

If you want more frequent upgrades and occasional fragmentation. That's PC.

Is this a trick? This is a hypothetical dude.

If console gaming dies out
Normies will just move to mobile
The rest will either
start playing on PC
stick to playing their backlog and old games
or find a new hobby

a more realistic hypothetical is "if pc gaming dies out"

for what?

Stop making platform war shit
Kill yourself