What are you playing on your smartphone?
Smartphone thread.
What are you playing on your smartphone?
Smartphone thread.
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Wow... so... this... is... the... power... of... Android...
Are there any good srpgs for Android?
Romancing saga 2
Looks good, thanks man
memes vs zombies because im a pleb
>not knowing MVC2 had an actual mobile port
Though even then you still shouldn't play it on your phone
Fuck off normie
Who DOESN'T have a smart phone these days?
It's basically what E-mail was in the early 2000s. Almost impossible to be a member of society, productive or not, without one, anymore
What controller do you guys use? I want to turn my phone in to a psp.
how expensive are the cellphone/tablet controllers? it would be rad to finally have a n64 portable with decent controls.
puzzle and dragons
REDCON is pretty fun
116 missions and NG+ sorta
why not try the dreamcast version? dreamcast emulator runs alot better
It's iphone only
Not an srpg but will still look into it.
>not playing deemo
brother played shenmue on his phone
I think its called reicast or something
Is this like that garbage potion game where its a boring poorly disguised timer waiting game, but Sup Forums highly recommends it because it has a loli mascot?
I've been playing Half-Life on my phone recently. There's a new program out called Xash3D Android Edition which allows you to play Half-Life with no problem at all.
Sonic Runners ;_;
You can use a console controller if you have one.
I use a ps4 controller to play xenogears
Battlecats is the best yo.
I tried out Deemo but I was too retarded to understand how to play it, so I went back to LLSIF and CGSS feeling defeated
puzzle n dragons has kept be moderately entertained during the downtime at work for about 2-3 months now.
As always,
Puzzles and Dragons
and a new rhythm game with potential, Tone Sphere. It's still kind of buggy but it's still in beta so don't expect it to stay that way
literally just get a psp, then. From my experience, they suck ass (I've owned a moga and a steelseries stratus) and they just don't compare. Plus, for the price of one, you could get a used PSP (although you could get a used controller, I suppose) but why bother? Battery drain, connectivity issues, input delay, the clips suck and the phones are at great risk of falling out, they are hardly portable, and the buttons are shit (I know the psp's aren't the greatest but they certainly beat the controllers I've used)
actually, you could just use a ps3 controller and a mount instead if you don't want to get a psp
>not waiting for the vita version
There are some pretty decent weeb phone games
>i'm too retarded for guitar hero
when the oncoming lines cross the static horizontal line, press where the lines overlap
It only requires 2 fingers. Yeah the skill ceiling is super high, but geez the skill floor is so low it might as well be in the Marionas trench.
name 5 that aren't rhythm games
>inb4 some titty collecting shit like soccer spirits
The Chaos Rings series. It has surprisingly blew my expectations away for an android game. Simplistic, yet it's one of the best RPG's I have played.
Playing Advance Wars on an emulator. I bought a gameboy advance on release and somehow never played this series. Pretty fun.
Might see how well PPSSPP runs on android and play some patapon later. Or Loco Roco for maximum comfy.
Maybe it's just an issue with my phone but I couldn't get any charmings and it was pissing me off.
I'll try again some other time.
Zenonia 1-5
You have to hit it exactly when the moving notes hit the line. Keeping finger discipline and not creeping off of beat is a core fundamental to Deemo.
anybody know if this plays well on BB10?
>for an android game
there's the keywords
even the original Final Fantasy is more complex than these games. Simplistic is putting it nicely. Although to really understand how simple they are, you have to play them. I could say "you attack, they attack, repeat til one side is dead" but you might go "well isn't that all rpgs?" and make a smug little face, but no, that is literally all their is to this game. Also, the DRM is ridiculous, maybe there's some way to circumvent it but if there is, I never knew about it. It has to check all the files every time you open the game and this takes 1~2 minutes. Not good for a phone game.
It's incredibly shallow both gameplay and plotwise (although the plot is certainly deeper than the original FF so I'll give credit where credit is due) and maybe it'll be enjoyable to you if you go in not expecting much and are a fan of shounen-esque handling of romance
certainly not worth whatever Jewnix is asking for them though
Grim Notes, Valkyrie Anatomia, Seven Knights, BGHS, Monster Strike
i'll give you zenonia 1 and 2
you gotta feel the beat. It's not frame perfect but you have to be very close to it to get a charming. it took me 4 months of playing daily before I got my first AC
Its probably the best mobile game ever made
I hate it.
>He doesn't like thee
Oh tough luck pal you seem to have bad taste
Nothing because I have a Vita.
Fate go
Top tier mobile gaming
blackberry 10, it can run android apps but mileage varies. I'm curious if RomaSaga2 runs well on it or not, and if it detects and supports keyboard controls at all.
>game goes f2p p2w
>it's good guys
the games are already extraordinarily grindy but I looked past that because it's still fun for the most part
but what's the point of all the grind when you can't even grind your way to the top anymore?
This shit got me back into One Piece.
And now I'm in too deep to ever stop playing it.
I just play N64 games.
how about You upgrade from that shitty no name phone to a galaxy or a htc 10 .
Sadly, I have to agree. Although Simon Tatham puzzles are the shit, but not a mobile exclusive.
Fantasy War Tactics, the only real paywall is one collaboration character, but they're easily replaceable.
Puzzle and Dragons
I don't know I just emulate stuff on my android device.
Mobile games are pretty bad desu.
Phantom of the Kill is a pretty decent, albeit shameless fire emblem rip off, with waifu units that you get via one of those lottery/gachapon systems.
I only play it in short bursts, so the energy system hasn't really bothered me yet.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
How can this not even play a 2d game for DC that only had 3d backgrounds?
>mfw spics would love to play shit like that at low FPS
>mfw they fucking play multiplayer games are 1fps
>mfw no face
Sometimes I ask myself why I came to this shithole
>using phones without physical keyboards
Keep on using your glorified children's toys, pleb.
If your device can handle DS and GBA emulation you're pretty much set.
Only play it because I hacked the ever lasting shit out of it and have infinite everything
How well does the PSP emulator run? Interested in playing disgaea on it
Never heard of any of these. How do they play?
more like 2000+6 my dude.
physical keyboards are such a meme
I was a diehard supporter of them until I finally got a softkey phone. Most software can't take advantage of the keyboard and those that can aren't unusable without it. The only thing they add is excellent text input speed and accuracy, but at the cost of shittier specs, heavier weight, smaller ass screens, and an extra part susceptible to wear
time to upgrade gramps, and use a physical keyboard phone as a backup dedicated messenger and a real phone for everything else
>member of society
>on /veeeeeeeeeeeee/
Started playing Terra battle recently
I like it
Grim Notes is a beat'em up
Valkyrie Anatomia is basically a gutted Valkyrie Profile
Seven Knights is a RPG
Battle Girls High School is 3D beat'em up with waifus. The attacks have timing patterns depending on the weapon.
Monster Strike is a marble game, I suppose? You launch your monsters into other monsters to defeat them.
R8 N' H8 M8
>when they added durability
>a billion copies of it, none of which are just the base game without durability
A shame, I had played it since before character classes were a thing, but then they ruined it.
>Tfw I got lured in by the jew and cant stop playing record keeper
Is Metal Slug even playable on a touchscreen?
Fate/Grand Order and Nanairo Run Girls.
I am never owning a smart phone ever again in my life.
I will never be with a girl that has one either.
This shit makes people literally retarded.
You'll never be with a girl in general.
Hey Ludd, the 1800's called. They want their retard back.
Playing DQ 3 right now. Brother told me Pocket Morty is good so I thought I'd give it a go.
Kirby, Pokemon, Cave Story, Colin McRae Rally 2.0
Haven't spent a dime on it so far.
I have about 30 characters. Just unlocked Vader.
>tfw you spent literally a year playing this game every fucking day
The most sobering experience a man could have. Never playing these f2p bullshit again
I plaly soda dungeon
How can I get this on iOS?
play it through the browser
Started playing VOEZ. It's pretty.