Why are Metroid fans so cringy?
Why are Metroid fans so cringy?
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Can you elaborate?
zero suit is cause of the retardation
>hating on Other M when the worst things that it did was have an occasional glitch or two (heaven forbid they give Samus a voice beyond angry SJW space marine)
>hating on Federation Force because it's not like the overrated Prime series
>wants the power suit to be the front and center, when it's just some gay crap they pulled from Contra. Zero Suit has the personality and should be front and center
Speaks for itself.
>Retarded arguments
>Why are [insert fanbase for x game here] so cringy?
>Taking the bait
Don't give him you (you)s, guys.
Not that I agree with all of these points but not only this, nearly every Metroid dedicated forum has issues with moderators being total cunts.
>Why are cancerous weeaboo whyfoo faggots so cringy?
I think you already answered your question, OP.
Incorrect. The retardation started with Prime. It's an amazing game but the people it brought into the fanbase are cancer.
Elderly spergs raised on Super Metroid and too stuck in their ways to accept change.
Thirsty NEETs attracted to the franchise by Zero Suit Samus in Brawl.
Social Justice Warriors who look to Samus as "vidya's first female/tranny" and that kind of bullshit.
Mix it all together and you get a melting pot of autism that dwarfs the people who just want to talk about lore and post stupid space pirate comics.
On the one side you have people who don't actually play the games and just jerk off to zero suit Samus
Then you get faggots like this guywho get triggered by zero suit Samus and post the exact same shit on every single thread that has even a hint of Metroid in it.
>hating on Other M when the worst things that it did was have an occasional glitch or two (heaven forbid they give Samus a voice beyond angry SJW space marine)
>SJW space marine
Confirm and understand that:
-You have no idea why fans hate Other M
-You don't have the first clue about Samus Aran as a character
-You don't know why people hate actual SJWs and simply use the term as a general pejorative irrespective of context
But Prime is shit as well
There's no way that this isn't bait
>metroid fans
I just assumed everybody played these games while waiting for the next Mario and Zelda games
I know we dont like moviebob that much, but he makes some arguments that you should consider here. A broken clock is right twice a day.
>still replying to such low effort bait
At the very least wait until an actual argument is presented to give serious responses.
It really all comes down to that old school fans expect Samus to be invincible, hve no emotions, no weaknesses and preferably don't talk or show herself. As you see, they more or less have muslim values.
Then we have newer Metroid fans who loves Other M, Zero Mission and the fact that we see more of sexy Samus.
Problem is that the fanbase is so fractioned.
Yeah agreed 100% friend.
Everywhere I go all I hear is "Other M is the greatest!" people really love it in general. It's basically become the fan favorite with the exception of a small, vocal, stupid minority.
Thanks for spreading the truth, and thanks for your post. I'd give it an upvote if I could.
Good job user
I really didn't give two shits about the story, I was mad that they didn't have nunchuck support so I played the first part of it and stopped.
>old school fans expect Samus to be invincible, hve no emotions, no weaknesses
In Super Metroid, Samus was straight up defeated twice and was helpless in both cases until an outside factor saved her. She may have been defeated a third time depending on how the first fight against Ridley went.
Metroid II is the game that gave Samus her first emotions, which were expanded in Super Metroid. Super Metroid was also the first time Samus spoke. "Old school" fans don't (or shouldn't) have a problem with these things, the problem with Other M was execution.
Really, most of Other M's non-gameplay issues come down to poor execution of inoffensive ideas. Its gameplay issues are a different story, since most of the ideas are poor ones that execution couldn't really help.
Will you fags please just let the series rest in peace?
>not liking Samus's power suit
Hating Other M is a meme. People wouldn't dare admit they like it because they're cowardly shitheads.
What the fuck are you talking about you stupid motherfucker? Metroid II giving Samus emotions? Super giving her speech because she talked for five seconds?
Gimme a break, then fuck off.
Wait they made a figure art of ZZS? Coulda swore the only one was the statue. it's probally fucking expensive now
That's Sup Forums as a whole, faggot. There's sperglords in every fanbase some are just more vocal.
It's not a lot, but it's there.
Metroid II is the game where Samus spared the infant Metroid, and Super expanded on why. It's the thing that made Samus not a blank slate self insert, and prevented people from seeing her as a genocidal maniac or a robot that can't disobey orders. Even something as tiny as that could make Samus seem human.
And yes, Super gave her speech because she spoke during it. It's not really a difficult concept to grasp.
The figma hasn't been up for pre-order yet. They are also meant to be working on a Metroid Prime Varia Suit.
I like Other M
Other M happened, that was the final straw. If you werent so fucking new here youd know Metroid threads, Megaman threads, and Rollercoaster Tycoon threads were the comfiest shit on Sup Forums
DBZ threads are pretty comfy too
Yeah, basically this. Other M didn't ruin Samus's character because she barely had any to begin with.
She spared the baby metroid, and that was pretty much it.
And complaining about the zero suit sexualizing her is stupid when she wore a fucking bikini under the armor in the first game.
Is the prime trilogy worth emulating on Dolphin with kb&m? Is hypermode worth downloading a save file for so I don't need to unlock it or is it bullet sponge bullshit?
You're so fucking stupid I don't think you even understand how stupid you are.
Samus didn't show a single emotion in Metroid II because the Game Boy was not capable of doing that. You're projecting your own emotions on her.
And having three lines of speech is not considered having actual speech, you numbskull.
I think this is the key problem, honestly.
You seem pretty upset.
Sure the Game Boy was capable of showing emotion, they just had Samus do it with actions. Do you need to see someone's face or have them tell you what they're feeling in order to say they have emotions?
It's a fact that Samus spared the infant Metroid, despite being ordered to kill every Metroid on the planet. There's even a little cutscene of Samus raising her arm cannon, only to hesitate. You seem to be confusing "very little" with "none." 1 is still greater than 0, user.
In any case, Super had Samus expand on why Samus spared the infant Metroid: she saw it as a confused child. No need for projection anymore.
>And having three lines of speech is not considered having actual speech, you numbskull.
Why not? What is "actual speech" and why does a concise bit of monologue not count? You don't seem to have a problem defining me by what little I've written here.
What else can Metroid fans buy to show love for the franchise? CERTAINLY NOT GAMES
100s of chapters of fetish material on sites like the Unending BE, that are dedicated into turning Samus into a bimbo, milf, pregnant, a slut, a princess, a monster, a breeder, or anything but a bounty hunter that you could imagine.
Same could be said for other tough female characters, like Lightning. The difference is that Lightning actually tried to fuck that shota.
there is nothing gayer and more reddit than calling something "cringy"
Then what should Sup Forums call something that induces immediate physically discomfort?
Who thought Prime 3's hyper difficulty was a good idea? Everything is a fucking sponge. It's not even difficult. Use hyper mode and win, or don't and consider every single enemy a boss.
They're not as awful as Sonic fans.
You really should work on your bait. I'm pretty sure absolutely no one has fallen for it.
Great for you, you baited some (You)s out of the most immature board. Why bother shitting up an already irredeemably shit community?
Why is Sup Forums so cringy? Why /vg/ in every way better than Sup Forums? Why does Sup Forums even exist when it should be shutdown completely since the better /vg/ exist?
> Other M didn't ruin Samus's character because she barely had any to begin with.
She's a video game character. having no character at all is preferable to unskippable cut scenes full of shitty characterization.
And, at the very least, her suffering a panic attack at the sight of Ridley directly contradicts all the other games where it doesn't happen. Also the entire plot of the game is completely pointless since it's 90% the same plot as Fusion. This is definitely a case where what we got was worse than just getting nothing.
>She spared the baby metroid, and that was pretty much it
If you count that as characterization, you should also count the reverence she shows to the dead soldiers in Prime 2, the fact that she clearly had at least a small sense of comraderie with the other Hunters in Prime 3, the fact that she went out of her way to save lost animals in Fusion, etc.
>And complaining about the zero suit sexualizing her is stupid when she wore a fucking bikini under the armor in the first game.
You are right about this however.
nice b8
/vg/ can't contain its degeneracy long enough to be stable. See the fall of /jRPG/ and the loss of /ffg/ to /r/eddit keeper fags
Seems pretty stable on the Halo General /hg/ side at least.
>Sup Forums is all around good
Back at you faggot, I can't even have a good conversation with actual Metroid or Halo fans here because you guys are shit so fuck off. There only a once in a lifetime chance when there is an actual good Metroid thread in Sup Forums where the actual real Metroid fans are talking about the games and having a good respectable opinion and criticism on some of them instead of starting arguments and hating each other like 5 year old children.
Post more space pirates
Dobson plz go
What's up with all the backtracking in Prime anyway? Is it a problem that gets brought up very often? Playing through the game for the 1st time right now and getting to Phazon Mines was pretty obnoxious.
I just want another super metroid, I don't need/want voiced protags, cutscenes, story, lore,... I just want some great soundtracks, colorful design, top notch art direction, good bosses/enemies, and my self insert silent Sammy.
Come on, I'm not asking the world here, just some great 2d sidescroller, no backstory or lore intended.
Backtracking is generally considered to be Metroid's 'thing.'
i just entered the thread to give a (you) just because you spew incoherent shit
Backtracking is a Metroid thing
And Phazon Mines is enemy territory, it's supposed to be hard and infuriating
I'd rather have a Super-themed RoS remake with Fusion/ZM physics
i dont know but it has the worst r34
samus porn is fucking awful and all involves absurdly oversized breasts or asses and usually gives her a retard child face
It can get a little tedious, but people bring up backtracking in MP1 for a specific late game quest that tasks you with running all over the god damn place. MP2 is way worse at hiding the backtracking.
That's what happen when a franchise hasn't had a good game in 9 years and hasn't had a real main series game in 14, yet its publisher refuses to release any info about when we can expect a new game, and instead reveals a spin-off nobody asked for and is literally a last gen's eshop-only multiplayer only micro-title.
>in Prime
You mean in every good Metroid games. The only games that gate you off to stop you from backtracking at your leisure are meh Fusion and shitty Other M.
It's pretty good, I just wish it had been a bit darker/grimmer a la Super
This to be honest
Wear sunglasses ;^)
Series is dead. Main character was turned into a slut.
This is the bullshit I'm talking about on why Sup Forums is shit and should be removed. Why does Sup Forums even exist when we have /vg/, there is no point for two video game forums?
>"We liked Samus as a strong female protagonist, so we're dissatisfied with the direction she was taken as a character."
Sorry, friend, the only cringe I see in this topic currently is from you.
What are you sperging out at.
Metroid is in the shitter right now unless if you actually think Federation Force is going to be a remotely good game.
The Sonic series is a laughingstock and even it has had more good games in the past 6 years
Yo faggot, where the fuck is Samus turned into a slut in METROID GAME you retarded ass cunt? Seeing as how you are a Smashfaggot, that wants Nintendo to stop making games you are along with your shitty Smash and other faggots that are in Sup Forums are the main reason Sup Forums needs to go or get merged with /trash/ since that's where you uneducated fuckers belong.
>Other M
It's pretty clear you're not a Metroid fan and here to troll, so go away, faggot.
> Federation Force is going to be a remotely good game.
1. It's a handheld Prime game, so gives a shit
2. Sup Forums bitches about everything be fucking happy Nintendo didn't for get about the franchise you entitled faggots.
>you're not a Metroid fan
Getting off Sup Forumss retarded asses who think Smash runs Metroid and think the series is dead being entitled faggots even though we are getting a game in August even though it will suck, The one thing that always pissed me off about Other M is how they fucked up Samus's height.
b8'd here's your (you)