Name 1 game i should buy that released in 2016

Name 1 game i should buy that released in 2016.

you cant

I've heard mixed reviews on basically everything.

Pc +3ds+ps4 master race here

i would get dark souls 3, but im waiting for the rerelease

>implying you can resist pokegirl

you mean you've heard from people that have different opinions on a given subject? Wow, that's hard to do,

I bought garden warfare 2. They fixed the balance issues for the most part and I've put 50 hours into it. Pretty worth it.

dishonored 2 and remember this is not Thief game. Its a god of war simulator in whalepunk


Stardew Valley.

Have fun, fuckboy.

>he bought a PS4 when he owns a PC

Legitimately funny to me. You guys just straight up buy whatever you're told to buy, huh?

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

maybe e3 will change this, but right now there's pretty much nothing worth caring about



I like the exclusives

You bought a whole console for one single game?

Atelier Sophie

Yeah that's typical. The rest of my purchases are an adventure.


Try getting FF 15. It's like kingdom hearts but with final fantasy instead of Disney

>one single game
That meme will be officially dead by the end of this month.
Feels good tbqh.

ThatThats fair. I don't really care for any of the exclusives on either platform this year

Either Doom or Kirby: Planet Robobot.


>tell a jaded fuck something that he will ditch with cherrypicking and meme arrow text
No thanks.

Star fox zero sales

