Why do you hate the FGC? CANT HANDLE THE BANT?
Why do you hate the FGC? CANT HANDLE THE BANT?
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Blacks are bad at receiving banter, though.
any recent FGC chimpouts? not interested in seeing LTG vs vincent or "WHOSE BITCH IS DIS" reposted for the 100th time.
A nigger harassed me and grabbed my ass.
But it's the white bois who are because they start crying, and then they run to twitter and bitch on a social media website.
what's wrong with WHO BITCH THIS IS?
You wish gayboi.
Then why do blacks react so badly when on the receiving end of bantz? Even Patrice O'Neil, great comedian and all, exhibits this behavior.
I've seen it already a million times faggot, I thought I was clear about that
Any tournament this weekend?
Girl isn't even cute.
its full of niggers
What's going on here
Niggers are animals
I haven't really been paying attention to the FGC since NCR desu. I watch a few daigo matches (daigo dickrider) and the blowups, but SFV is just too boring. we need a better game to be spearhead this time around
*ahem*Tekken 7*ahem*
Known sex offender copping a feel, idiots on Sup Forums who know nothing about the FGC pretend to be outraged (and pretend Noel Brown's a "top level fighting game player").
Because it's full of mentally ill people.
The nigga couldn't at least get out of frame before doing that? He had to have know he was on camera.
Ricki Ortiz was cuter as a guy, IMO
no one is even outraged in this thread. the situation is more hilarious that offensive to me.
She was flirting with him the day before.
I've played 3 players from that pic in tournament. I beat 2 of the 3. Can you guess who?
It's a bunch of dweebs who will sift through anything they can find online for any little trick to fraud people that haven't come across it before
>duh uhhhh but it's a comeptitive game git gud lol justinvest mroe of your free time!
It's a video game and boy do the twitch watching hordes do a great job at sucking any potential fun out of it
In what games?
crackers are too
2 of them SFIV, 1 of them SFV
Kayo police and gllty
Not really. He takes it all lying down these days.
I agree but 3D fightans only seems popular in Japan, the last popular 3D game in the US was Tekken 3. Mostly by casuals who has PS1 but still.
You've never been around black people m8
>John Lennon faked his death to join the FGC
Be careful with all those consent laws with that logic.
Animals didn't make civilization; they were used to make it by Western Europeans via powering farm equipment and doing minor tasks that require brute strength.
Niggers didn't make civilization; they were used to make it by Western Europeans via powering farm equipment and doing minor tasks that require brute strength.
are you retarded? the fuck was egypt?
It was unicorn trap, gIlty, and ricki. I lost to ricki p bad