>Denuvo cracked and played DOOM
Denuvo cracked and played DOOM
>Denuvo cracked
My dad works for Denuvo and you're lying
Buycucks are getting salty over their shit purchase that they weren't even allowed to playtest before bying.
It didnt even last that long
What a btfo
holy shit you're not memeing
>What a btfo
Do you even know what btfo means?
partial crack btw
yeah im aware but somehow it kinda works
what does that mean?
they got the game to start but there is a 2nd trigger that stops them loading past 17%
it's on the frontpage
mkdev is the hero we don't deserve
>partial crack
>doesn't allow you to actually play the game
That's not a partial crack. It's nothing.
I've partially set the world record for the biggest and thickets dick in the world.
Oh god I really hope we can get a crack out for Doom by July. I'm building my first gaymen pc in late june so having Doom for free would be a great present.
For a long time people couldn't even get the game to start. Although they still can't play this is definitely a huge step in the right direction.
>huge step in the right direction.
You don't know that. The method they're using to do this may be fundamentally flawed and result in a dead end.
Just saying.
Call me when it's actually playable and don't get me hyped for half-assed shit like this
Fucking drooling retards
And now we'll suddenly have threads praising D44M rather than shitposting endlessly about it.
More like the opposite, now people who might be a little more critial than your typical retard who per-orders AAA games can disprove the past shilling.
False, it's a partial crack that crashes when loading.
Still, it's a step in the right direction and it's only a matter of time until it gets cracked completely. I imagine by the time DE launches, it and all Denuvo games before it will be cracked before Denuvo 4.0 or someshit resets all progress.
Are you a fucking retard by any chances or just blind? It's been shitposted endlessly with straight up lies.
There are valid complaints, but don't pretend that we'll see much of those on Sup Forums.
>with straight up lies.
For example?
>"It's not as fast as old Doom and the maps are like Halo"
For example.
And before you fucking go full retard and pretend to be a "Fan" of Doom, no, it's not slow, it's regular speed is almost as fast as the first two Doom games sprint.
And don't you fucking dare pretend that you held down the sprint button 24/7 in Doom and Doom II. I am fucking tired of hearing this bullshit from fucktards who probably has only played Brutal Doom or some shit like that and then goes around pretending that they have any idea what they're talking about when it comes to the first Doom games.
Shills BTFO
game is balanced around glory kills
anyone that's played it on ultra violence or higher knows that glory kills are a good way to get yourself killed
your pic don't make no sense, m8
>actually being proud of pirating games.
>being so fucking poor you have to steal games
pathetic desu.
It's like hotwiring a car that removes the connection to the axle if the key is not present.
The thing starts but you can't do shit.
Not a pirate but im glad this happened because of the fucking denuvo circlejerk threads thats been spammed left and right
this should put an end this.
>h-hey guys we'll get it cracked soon I swear!
Everybody has already played and finished it, fags.
who cares it's shit anyway
>Meaning anything to shitposters
soo what? its pretty much a single player game anyway(multiplayer is empy as fuck)
Don't bother
That is a good analogy. Im using it later
inb4 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th and 10th triggers
What group is doing progress?
Who gives a fuck? The single player is what makes the game so good. Everyone knows the multiplayer is garbage from the beta.
Damn pirate scum.
Even if this post is ironic it portrays flawlessly the people who defend denuvo.
What's wrong with Denuvo from a consumer standpoint? Ignoring the fact that you can't test the game, which would be the fault of devs for not making a demo in that case, in what ways does Denuvo cause trouble for the consumer? Does it slow the game down by demanding resources or something?
I told you guys it was gonna be cracked as soon as a game worth cracking came out.
How does DRM help the consumer at all? Even with a negligible footprint it still takes up resources that could be used elsewhere.
>you didn't buy D44M and waited for the based pirates
You mean space? It's more than likely not more than a few megabytes due to how it works. It's not in the way of the consumer at all as far as I can see, so what harm does it do?
It seems to be that the only reason people are salty as fuck about Denuvo is because it prevents them from pirating the game, nothing else.
Why are people saying that D44M is cracked? Read the thread, you can't play the game. I'm all for some cracking, but this is just silly.
They're ignorant shits who think announcements mean anything. I'll translate for them.
Dear Internet,
Thing we tried doesn't work, but we feel like it should work.
Denuvo doesn't use any processes or read/writes
It's all in the .exe
>stops them from loading past 17%
Fucking worthless.
Denuvo prevents tampering with the files, which means no mods, a big deal for the PC. It also allocates more cpu and resources from your computer just to run it because it has to constantly check out if nothing fishy is happening with the gamefiles.
Developers use denuvo because it helps sales for when people are uncertain about a game and decide to buy it because of hype or impatience.
Honestly if people pirated a game and actually bought it if they liked it (something every crack team suggests in everytime in every cracked game) denuvo wouldn't even exist, but that's not the case.
Again, what benefit is there for the consumer? I'd also point out that those 'few megabytes' of HDD and RAM are still a drain on resources, albeit small ones. What is the benefit?
It's cracked wide open you fucking idiot.
They'll probably have the rest of the game tomorrow though that still won't trick me to play this piece of shit.
>Thomas Goebl, a director at Denuvo, is, surprisingly perhaps, more muted in his appraisal. “Although there is news that we might prevent piracy completely going forward, we have a more realistic view: our focus is to help publishers to secure the initial sales windows of their games. Our goal is to delay the initial crack as it’s during this timeframe that many people choose to buy the game rather than pirate it.”
>Despite the strides that Denuvo has made in shoring up PC games in recent years, Goebl doesn’t believe there has been any significant decline in attempts to crack commercial games. “Every game besides pure multiplayer titles is pirated,” he says. “This was the case 10 years ago and it still the case today.”
>As such, the ceaseless tussle between publishers and pirates continues, with each trying to outsmart the other and stay ahead. “This is why we only ever refer to our Anti-Tamper solution as being ‘hard to crack’, never ‘uncrackable’. We constantly apply proactive security updates to our solution to keep one step ahead. But it is, ultimately, a game of cat-and-mouse.”
I respect them in a weird sort of way.
>Denuvo prevents tampering with the files, which means no mods, a big deal for the PC.
> It also allocates more cpu and resources from your computer just to run it because it has to constantly check out if nothing fishy is happening with the gamefiles.
I came to this thread hopefully expecting a crack, but you're full of shit. Please stop pretending like you hate Denuvo for any other reason besides we want free shit.
It prevents tampering with exe, not all of the files
>if people pirated a game and actually bought it if they liked it, denuvo wouldn't even exist, but that's not the case
Who pays you to lie about piracy?
What are the detriments?
The only people it affects are pirates, and that's the point.
Cracked wide open? They can't even load the game, dude. And you saying the rest of the game'll probably be ready tomorrow is completely based on faith and nothing else.
I'm not saying they'll never get into it, I just don't understand why people are saying "LMAO CRACKEDDDD" when Denuvo is still preventing them from playing the game.
>DOOM 2016
I don't even pirate games anymore because games these days because games either aren't worth the time or are worth the money.
The middleground has deteriorated to the point where I'm almost never on the fence.
There are huge detriments, it can deny you access to your game entirely if something weird happens. It's intrusive.
This still won't give us proper modding.
Even if Denuvo gets cracked making the game somewhat moddable, it will never catch on because of it.
It's good that it's getting broken and hopefully the crack will be fully working withing a few weeks and start the end for Denuvo, but a lot of damage has been done already.
you could emulate DOOM 64 though
Snapmap is all the "modding" you need.
They have got into the game.
This has literally never happened to anybody. It's not even an online DRM.
Where does it say that? I'm only reading they can't get past the very first loading screen.
>false false false
>I won't disprove you though cause fuck it
I'm not lying, it's a fact. Some people pirate for testing others just because they're greedy. It's nothing new, you're just in denial.
DELETE THIS FUCKING THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeeze I can't wait until denuvo 4.0 adds up another layer and patches the games as a precaution
Denuvo did it's job anyways as no pirating at launch
People were saying the same thing about rise of the tomb raider and it's been quite some time now
>poorfags asshurt they weren't smart enough to get it for $35 on cdkeys and now have to use shit tier cracks
my sides
Steam is infinitely more intrusive than Denuvo could ever be, yet everyone laps that shit up and most people refuse to even buy a game if it's not on Steam for some reason.
Why do I need to disprove you?
I'm already running a heavily modded Warhammer, and it's a known fact that Denuvo doesn't read/write any data.
You're just a retard, senpai.
No Sup Forums.wad 2.0, no deal.
There's no modding because the game doesn't support it natively by design. There's only been a handful of projects since the beginning of nidding where modders were able to create a separate client specifically so they could mod the game, SAMP and Just Cause multiplayer are 2 of them. I doubt that anyone would even bother with Doom, if there are no modding tools or easily moddable filea to begin with
>abloo bloo muh piracy uh cracked Denuvo n shiet
Sure you are bub.
There's no need to disprove you, because you don't even understand how it works or what it does
Same reason why you prefer paying all your bills in one place instead of going to 6 different parts of town. Or buying all your groceries in one place. The simple convenience of having all your games in one place and a click away.
This triggers me.
>get btfo for posting ignorant shit
>dismiss everything
the game was great faggot.
You can keep shitposting about a game you never played. Enjoy this pathetic ride as you have nothing on Doom.
Does this mean that if this gets a crack, there shouldnt be much problems to crack Warhammer Total War right?
Google Just Cause 3 or TW:W mods, you dunce. TW even has a fucking workshop page. Wake up, retard, you got memed on. Stop parroting other dumb faggots.
>the beginning of nidding
>create a separate client specifically so they could mod the game
Who's talking about creating a separate client here. Modding can also be about tinkering with the game content in various ways. You think that the xxSE suite of programs for Bethesda games exist because the games allowed it by design? Those were built by working directly on the game's executable and injecting code in it. If those games were protected by proper DRM (rather than just Steamworks which is essentially just a wrapper, easily bypassed) the script extenders couldn't work.
An unsanctioned script extender couldn't work on a Denuvo game. Hell, you mention the JC2MP mod: the JC3MP dev team had to have been given a special build of the game because Denuvo was getting in their way with development.
absolutely based. commie fucks BTFO by capitalism
Console gaming at its finest.
3DM is not cracking anything until the end of the year
Tell me when they crack Total War: Warhammer, cuz I'm actually interested in that. If there are seeders. Tried getting the Codex for DaS3 the other day, 5 fucking seeders.
Damn, that's worse than I thought. Is it really limited to 64 monsters in all types of maps?
>talks about games with sanctioned mods
>calls other dunces
I mean, I know this is bait, you're probably the guy who spams Denuvo threads.
I thought the problem was that it constantly reads/writes to the drive.