Why isn't there a Red Dead Redemption-style game set in the New World in the Age of Discovery (15th-16th century)? Would you like one? Would it even work?
Spanish colonization of the Americas
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I think some sort of Souls-like would fit better given the setting. I've actually been thinking about stuff like that, since I recently went to Lima and saw some Colonial-Era Spanish architecture and art.
The genocide of minorities is not socially acceptable anymore. Hence the lack of said games. I would like one though.
That kind of ambientation would be better for an AC.
Also, there's a reason why there've been a thousand western movies and a couple movies about colonization of the americas in history, Westerns are way cooler.
nigga you what
It would likely be seen as extremely racist regardless of how you do it.
I've never played Assassin's Creed because I'm turned off by the modern day time travel stuff.
Are they not?
They were conquerors along with their pals.
>Let's pretend the past never happened
Liberals need to stop being pussies.
Are they a minority now?
It was more euros bringing their filthy diseases than actual genocide
Imagine nearly every plague possible sprung on you at the same time
Even Europe got devastated by the bubonic plague alone in terms of population
Though again it wasn't a genocide since spaniards ended up race mixing and now we have a new race out of it
>American education
They don't even exist anymore.
Cause spanish people can't into developing vidya.
The Spaniards didn't have a policy of genocide though, most natives actually died from disease (around 90%). What the Conquerors actually did was to either enslave them or treat them as second-class citizens. There was also a lot of race mixing because they usually took native wives.
I've played Conquistadors recently and I really liked it, wish game devs messed with that setting more.
Because nobody like spaniards
>reading comprehension
Why do you latinos hate spaniards so much?
It's ridiculous.
The popular term these days is "cultural genocide" which is more accurate since the Spanish tried to erase as much of the local cultures as possible, destroying temples and forbidding people from practicing their own religions and rituals.
Maybe a work in the vein of Just Cause 2 could work in which you play as the villain, but it would be too politically incorrect even if it was made perfectly clear that you are the bad guy.
Do spaniards like spaniards?
That's not Red Dead Redemption style user.
I am a white european and I hate spanish people more than fucking french
No. That's why Mexicans exist.
ACIV is the closest we'll get to that. At least it's not a bad game.
>White european
I suppose but their religion was degenerate so I don't see it as such. They did have neat architecture and tech though for being isolated but it was present in other societies so not really a big deal.
Hell no.
Civil war is our favorite hobby.
Latinos bitching about the spanish Conquista always bring to my mind the "What have the romans ever done for us" skit from Life of Brian.
Latinos don't hate spaniards, just their anime dubs which are the most awful things on earth.
>Why do you latinos hate spaniards so much?
You need to ask? Their colonial policy was basically to plunder everything they found valuable, while also treating the locals like complete shit (if you weren't born in Spain you were a second-class citizen).
Although we don't hate the Spaniards that much, we had to hate them during the independence wars because that was necessary for the revolution to happen, but there is still a lot of admiration towards Spanish culture. But it's a very troubled legacy.
>The popular term these days is "cultural genocide" which is more accurate since the Spanish tried to erase as much of the local cultures as possible, destroying temples and forbidding people from practicing their own religions and rituals.
It used to be called conquest back in the days when it was in fashion.
>white european
Go back to Sup Forums, please. Brainwashed newfags belongs to the containment board.
It's basically what every savage thinks of the colonial powers coming in and improving their lives.
No one cares about irrelevant countries irrelevant history enough to fund it, develop it, sell it, or buy it.
The Aztecs were obsessed with human sacrifice but that was not the case for most of the cultures in Latin America. And the Spaniards were also insanely violent too and they converted most people through force rather than persuasion.
Yes rape and enslavement = enrichment
I love Spaniards.
Last year I binged Perez-Reverte's books and now pine for Alatriste video games.
I looked into Total War games to recreate 'Somos un tercio español!' but oddly enough existing Total War games are dedicated to periods 100 years before and 100 years after the Siege of Breda.
You can't really hate them because they never fucked you over as bad as bad as the U.S. did their native americans. Though no reason to be friendly either. Best to just let bygones be bygones in this case as there are more pressing issues.
> while also treating the locals like complete shit
>but there is still a lot of admiration towards Spanish culture
Well yeah. Don't know about you hispanics but BRs have zero native influence on their culture. It's 99% european identity with some black culture for hipsters. I assume it's the same with you.
The Spanish exploration and conquest of the Americas are just nor PC. You cannot shoe-horn a black conquistador, you cannot make a conquistador transgender, you cannot make a conquistador a woman, and you cannot make a conquistador some necrobestialotherfutanariloligen-kin. White people going into a brand new world filled to the brim with wonders, dangerous savages, and the constant feel of adventure and excitement of going into the unknown with nothing but your friends and a gun to chart new lands and get rich while you're at it does not fit the narrative. Devs want games to be art and recreating the Spanish conquest while the player is a Spaniard in a historical accurate setting will get boo-ed at and "critics" will say this is why games will never be art. It is the fear of PC culture and not being respected is what is not letting people who are generally interested in time period and setting unable to explore it.
>BRs have zero native influence on their culture
This is a great game - it Almost tapped the romance of la Conquista.
I envy conquistadors, they were some of the last people on earth that had white spots on their map and immediate means to investigate them and discover what is there.
>You can't really hate them because they never fucked you over as bad as bad as the U.S. did their native americans.
Getting fucked more gently is still getting fucked.
Although I always wonder why is that the Anglos were more icky about inter-mixing with the Natives in their colonies.
Point me native influence in the overall culture besides simply naming streets and buildings with native names.
Sure, there's some native influence on the jungle, but you gotta remember most of the population lives near the shore, so jungle people are a minority.
Native South Americans had culture and cities. It's not the same as North America, Africa or Australia.
>while also treating the locals like complete shit
Still we were the only ones fucking the locals and sharing our customs with them and not erradicating them or putting them in apartheids. Look at the native americans or the australian abos, cause you are worlds apart from them.
It's funny how we still have the Leyenda Negra over our heads cause we spared the natives lives while anglos erradicated almost to the extinction all natives and nobody throws shit at them. Well, I guess that's because the scarce survivors of the anglos colonization don't have a fucking voice in their respective societies and are a minority of outcasts in their own lands.
Why Latinos choose to identify more with the shitskin child-sacrificing part of their ancestry rather than their civilised European ancestry I'll never understand, especially considering there are still many Latinos who are mostly European.
>I looked into Total War games to recreate 'Somos un tercio español!' but oddly enough existing Total War games are dedicated to periods 100 years before and 100 years after the Siege of Breda.
Never, ever go by /twg/. Tercios are a berzerk topic.
>red dead redemption style
>empty world with nothing to do after finishing the story
jesus christ why would you want that? i want a pre-columbia america game that isnt expeditions conquistador as much as anyone else but not if its going to be a paper weight the moment i finish the story the first time.
Historically, Europeans are pricks who couldn't mind their own business.
Now America has taken up that mantle
>show up
>murder the 60 IQ natives
>rape everything
sounds boring
Yea yea. But it could be worse. Had anyone else rolled in like the US, it would mean total annihilation once the plagues were rolling.
White's don't accept anyone who isn't fully white so there's no reason to identify such a culture. It's a waste of time. It's why half blacks call themselves black.
Also a Silk Road red dead would work as well
A lot of the bad rep the Spanish get is definitely the product of the English and the French talking shit about them.
The Brits utterly destroyed half of Asia and people barely complain about that.
In what way?
People complaining that they are done wrong?
Pls anyone refute this
It's more complicated than that. The amount of inter-mixing was very significant and there was a lot of different strains involved, including Jews, Asians, Blacks and in some cases other Europeans like the French and the Italians. Latin America is very ethnically diverse and a lot of people identify themselves as white even if their skin is dark as fuck.
>The Brits utterly destroyed half of Asia and people barely complain about that.
USfag here, that literally isnt taught in most schools
>The Brits utterly destroyed half of Asia and people barely complain about that.
>USfag here, that literally isnt taught in most schools
What history do you guys learn in school anyway?
Name ONE thing wrong with genocide.
>No Mount and Blade style Mesamerican game
>you will never extract tribute from lesser city states
>you will never sacrifice 30,000 in a single year
>you will never thrust a blade made from volcanic glass into your enemy
All I want is Mount and Blade combat, Paradox city and empire management, and a large amount of customization for my empire e.g. pick what God's my people worship, what colors we wear, what weapons we use etc
Something mentioning human history? Are you racist or something? I mean, it's 2016 stop living in the past.
Pretty much only things directly concerning America. Its only in college courses do you learn about other shit.
everybody is a prick who will intervene in other's business if they know they can get away with it.
As you noticed, no Total War game has been in the right historical period for tercios. So CA/SEGA decided to put them in... Shogun 2.
>show up in a peaceful civilization
>destroy everything
>shit on everything
>rape everyone
>then leave
European culture is truly intriguing
Massive repercussions if you get caught and/or lie about doing it.
Killing is bad.
Todavia no devuelven el horo
Because RDR sucked ass
>peaceful civilization
According to their descendants that's called "civilizing".
People like also to gloss over how Britain and France above all are chiefly responsible for how shitty the middle east is, with a big dollop of US and Soviet bullshit on top of course.
Hah, yeah I can see how that would rustle some.
>the rest who are too shit to mention
Nah mate.
>Pretty much only things directly concerning America. Its only in college courses do you learn about other shit.
I went to schools in Costa Rica and Mexico and usually we learned at least a little bit about "Universal History".
Maybe US children could find useful learning about other cultures outside of their own.
if you play medieval 2 long enough the main campaign can reach the 1500-1600's. also theres an entire expansion campaign focusing on the new world conquests.
>peaceful civilization
American culture, lads.
They were as peaceful as the africans. A bloody mist of rape, human sacrifices and tribal wars.
Blowpipes sure are a great cultural asset friend.
>The Brits utterly destroyed half of Asia
what meme is this?
>A bloody mist of rape, human sacrifices and tribal wars.
Pretty much Europe at the same time desu
instead of human sacrifice it was witch hunts and pretty much any war is a glorified tribal war
He's definitely not asian though.
Yeah, how dare the Spanish try to keep blood-matted papas from sacrificing people to their idols and selling their arms and legs in butcher shops. Why couldn't they have just respected their unique and beautiful religious beliefs?
It's an absolutely stunning story - the Spanish arrive to trade in friendship with the native people of Mexico, and they are constantly attacked by natives who pretend friendship but lead them into ambushes. In every town they visit they see people in cages waiting to be sacrificed on bloody altars, butchered and then eaten. Moctezuma sacrifices seven people a day to his war god praying for advice on how to dispose of them. Caziques from nearby towns are constantly coming to the Spanish to complain about the Mexican's cruelty, even though it would mean their destruction if the Spanish were defeated. And somehow, today the Spanish are supposed to be the bad guys.
Demolishing some idols and setting up a cross and an icon of Mary on the old altars is nothing. So yeah, I'm fucking implying that the Spanish were better. All the towns that allied themselves with the Spanish against Mexico certainly fucking thought so.
>witch hunts
Never happened.
Not to say people were persecuted because of their beliefs, but witch hunts are a total fallacy, and you really need to stop reading "Da Vinci Code"
>play as an aztec
>kill spanish
problem solved
>The Brits utterly destroyed half of Asia
>what meme is this?
You can start by looking into the Opium Wars and the British Raj.
Just a side not here
I was backpacking in aus and i worked in queensland, i met those fucking abo's and i fucking HATE them more than any creature on this planet, seeing them in person you realise how fucking disgusting they look AND sound.
When i got to queensland me and my buddy had to stay in an abo families shed because all we had was a tent and we were poo, they were nice enough to offer BUT FUCK THEM THEY FUCKED US OVER
Anyway as soon as we started working and got a pay, one of the dumb fuck abo cousins asked me for 50 bucks 50 FUCKING BUCKS WAS ABOUT ALL I HAD. I told thi to the fucking monkey and do you know what he did, HE RAN MY TOES OVER ON HIS FUCKING STUPID ASS BIKE >mfw
>peaceful civilization
>Witch hunts in Europe
>Never happened.
haha shit talk about headcanon
a really shitty one called "History"
borrar esto por favor
Spaniards were the aztecs of America nigger
>Demolishing some idols and setting up a cross and an icon of Mary on the old altars is nothing
They literally destroyed and burned every single building they could find. The Aztecs weren't any better but they mostly killed war prisoners (which was fucking customary in Europe at the time).