
So this shit came out on pc, anyone got it? How are you liking it? The ost is pretty great.

Those models are ugly as fuck, jesus christ. Game looks fun though.

yeah, it's pretty good, fun and jammin' entertainment. The models are shit, but whatever.

I've heard it's garbage aside from fanservice

It's alright. I have it on PS4 and the original game on PS3.


Anyone else who has it on pc got a problem with the sound? Some of the sounds when I navigate the menus seem to lag like hell, but everything else seems to be working just fine.

Pretty ironic how the gameplay is better than the girls despite how they sell this game

Does it run on toasters?

how toasty is your toaster?

Just barely managed to run Senran full speed

I actually played this series since ps2 and weirdly am unsure if I even wanna play this one.
Never played Z1 cause no proper english.
Xbox360 game had good breast physics/chicks but gameplay was kinda bland.
This one seems the same but with shittier art.

There seems to be a lot of gameplay improvement

banana ok?

>advertise game as titty bait with shallow gameplay
>Instead the gameplay is great and the models are bad
Jesus, who the hell advertised this one?

The advertisement is accurate for all other installments pre chaos Z1.
I don't know why they fucked up the art so much, could of been both.

might have some problems then

>see senran vs is on steam
>get hype
>mfw its the fucking vita one not ps4.

Because they want to sell you 2 games

Wouldn't they regardless?

Who the hell would buy the first Vita game if they already have the latest one?

i think banana's some shit dlc that costs like 1£

do girls look kind of..weird on this one?
i only played the 360 one
wanted to get Z but , no ps4 or whatever i forgot

I was surprise how you could go full churazy in this game

I got a Q6600 and GT630
Can it run this game

Was playing Senran with some slowdowns when i combo alot.

>Q6600 and GT630
I'm sorry

so the game is actually decent? i dont care about graphics

hows the port?

it's shit
just get the ps4 version

Not him, but actually? In what manner?

Framerate dips in menus for some abhorrent reason, lower texture resolutions. It's pretty bad.

we can always hope for some small patch

>lower texture resolutions

Just get it on PS4.

Is not. It is basically the same. It runs 60 fps on a toaster.

that is just a lie by a sonygger
its the exact same version, I haven't had a single dropped frame on a 770

Any of the DLC worth it?

You can buy the banana thing for 1 dollar.
It is a silly game but Im glad it is on steam.
I already fap to it.

This is the new game that your friends will ironically gift you and will make you slightly chuckle.

It's kin da sexy but I think it looks stupid. Rather watch a bikini then

I was going to but not for £29.99

Fuck that, I'll wait for a steam sale or pick it up on G2A

This game is pretty fuckin cuhrazy.

I wish I had friends who would gift me $30 games.

There seems to be little love for one piece swimsuits when it comes to fanservice.

Always with the bogeymen, huh?

My friends do this too

>lmao bro I just wasted my money lmao so I could gift you Sakura Spirit lmao now all 1 person that looks on the activity feed will think that you bought it yourself lmao

It's £20.99 m8

Still, I'm probably gonna wait for sale as I almost bought it for £10 on PS4 the other week. And the PC version doesn't come with any of the DLC so fuck it

Sure you can do that. 30 is a ok for me. But yes, is low budget game and I can see that.

>Last christmas
>People give me NBA 2K12, Basketball manager and shit like that

Why didn't you just get it on PS4?

>people bought this shit

I'd rather play postal 2

Its dissapointing, game has basically no porn and the little that exists is garbage.

No one could give two shits about the actual game, looks like shit.

At least it doesn't have cut content

Couldn't really justify spending more money on dumb shit as I'd spent a bunch of money on 40k that month

I played Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad on Xbox 360 and it was terrible beyond belief. Is this any better?


This is pretty much cuhrayzee tier
Nice surprise

I heard ZII Chaos is a ton better

Judging by videos alone it looks leagues better considering it's fast and stylish compared to slow and clunky but videos can be deceiving so I'm cautious.

During PS4 sale Z2 is half the price it is on sale on PC.

It is better, but just because the game looks better and have combos but it is really bad. I play these games since PS2 just because I like porn games.

Yeah but I didn't know it would be on PC at the time. I thought I'd just get it next time. I'm hoping it will be a tenner~ on the Steam Summer Sale

Its sad but I have to ask: Is it censored in the west?

> I'm hoping it will be a tenner~ on the Steam Summer Sale
There's like a month until that (isn't it last week of June? Or was it in July?) so it's really doubtful.


it won't.

I can wait, currently got Blood & Wine to play and ZTD is out soon. I imagine I'll pick something else to occupy me up in the summer sale

I hope you're not planning to use your summer playing shitty PC games.

what was censored?

I read its going to be june 23

Japan games are terrible on PC, no video options at all, but Im really happy they now port some silly games on steam.

Nothing, just joking.

The publisher excels in this.

That's true. I'd buy a one piece swimsuit dlc if there were one

It's always funny to see opinions swing a full 180

This game got shit on when it was on the ps4 but now that it's on pc it's a good game. Happens every time. Fuck you pc fanboys.

That and shitty tabletop games

My life is terrible

are there any playable loli characters?

I'm ok with you liking loli, but I really hope the game doesn't



well at least you're enjoying them
just make sure to get the game on ps4

Is not a good game, nobody say that. It is just a semi porn game and that is why it sells.

A while back the guys from /cgg/ looked a lot into it, there's a surprising amount of depth. The training mode even shows you the exact frame timings needed to do things, which I haven't seen an action game do before.

Anyone have the webms?

It's all just a distraction to keep me alive, without games as an escape I'd probably be dead


I wonder if you can just tweak some text file to unlock the dlc, like you can do with some games

Can I unlock somehow the hard difficulty from the beginning?

Its pretty decent actually. I have it on PS4 in english and Japan and I just can't justify buying it again... Even though I love having a comprehensive collection.

Stupid question but I have to ask, does anyone know if the PC version is going to get all the DLC? because right now it says 1st DLC up on store, so does that mean there will be more? shits important because it will cost a lot on PS4, but I can get it on the cheap on PC.

It should anyway.

shit didn't work with my non 360 controller, even with the 360 controller emulator on

Can someone post a pic of the graphic options?

>buying this shit

Just get the 3DM torrent, since it has all the DLC included. The CODEX torrent doesn't have the DLC apparently.

>no graphic options

If you buy it the next game might be better


It is. Same with Senran Kagura.

I don't know if I should trust it all to a should, if not I can refund right now and just rock my PS4 version. Right now everything is coming down to cost due to the PC version being a 1.1 of the PS4 version.

It's actually a good game, the models and fanservice are good, and the gameplay itself is actually way better than I was expecting, and as you said the OST is a charmer. Pleasantly surprised/10

I love senran but I can't get into this game, the models are too fucking ugly

I wish to make the females of this game my rape slaves tbqh pham.

The cutscenes make it look even worse.