ITT: Vomit tier redesigns

ITT: Vomit tier redesigns


here's the original design

This would've been just fine if they lost the bondage vest he has on over his outfit. I played this game and it was actually pretty fun. Plenty of free roaming thieving during missions, and some of the best first person animations I've ever seen.

Definitely a HUGE letdown as a Thief game, but I had fun.

redesign looks fine.

just a corset. they were pretty common weren't they? hell, sam fisher and snake wear them.


It just looks awful, doesn't it?

a classic example

Man, the early days of the 360 were rough.


>a corset
Oh. I thought it's supposed to be a medieval climbing harness.


I disagree.

Looks the same as the original except for the mask deal and shorter cape.

I guess he looks like some sort of angry edgelord in the redesign? Never really struck me as an angry dude. More like a sort of bored guy for whom thieving just paid the bills.

That was like early 360.

Anything from castlevania judgment.


Dick ass thief looked worlds better than whatever edgy belt abomination the redesign was supposed to be.

Leather Club's two blocks down

i'll never forgive b-team for this

he doesn't even have the hoodie in game. not that there's anything wrong with it. better than a faggy scarf.

Why Blizzard

>implying Xul's design isn't god-tier

sorry, you're not allowed to.

Its pure garbage.

much like your taste lmao rekt

Dude it's shit.

Fuck you

Are you Chris Angel


>Not digging the Doctor Doomish armor/green scarf combo

You're a fag!


My girlfriends sister used to watch Chris Angel mindfreak with the sound off

>Impoverished knave who's only marketable skill is thievery. Simply wears a black cloak over his clothes to blend with shadows.
>Edgy brooder who steals because "it's what [he does]." Wears a pseudo-ninja get up consisting of black onesy with leather padding and extraneous belts.

Guess which one is more compelling.

literally JUST


Second one. Old Geralt was just a regular dude, new one is like Batman and was pretty cool.

this goofy thing is an objective improvement over LE SICKDARK TEARDROP MASK EVANESCENCE CRAWLING IN MY SKIN in the trailer

They really changed the game from the previews. We never got icy peaks with Kalameet's descendant, dragon bone cave, or the fiery iron wall area.

No it's not. Stop trying so hard to prove how not an imaginary teenager you are.

Why does Carrot have so many belts?

go back to 05 faggot.

It'd be fine with 3/5 belts removed

>Black set looks great
>only mask that fits with it because the chest is so low
>either wear the crash test dummy head or look like a male stripper

Why is Spyro a pig?

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He has fucking down's syndrome.

>Old Geralt

Fucking what? Did you even look at the filename?

everything from halo 4 and 5

no, it wouldn't have been fine.

Garrett looked the way he did because if he flips off his hood and moves his cloak back: then he looks like just another ordinary citizen. Even hides his quiver that way.

Meanwhile, Obviously-not-assassin-no-seriously is running around with throwing knives strapped to his waist.

Also, man wearing a corset on the outside makes him look like a fruity madman.

>We never got icy peaks with Kalameet's descendant


J/K this actually looks breddy gud