Game starts with a quote

>game starts with a quote

>loading screens have quotes from the game itself

Die you degenerate Barneyfag


Name a single game that did this besides "War, war never changes"

Uncharted 4

>thread starts with a frog

Bioshock Infinite


Yes, but it's a gif and if you click on it and wait long enough, it turns into a Starlight Glimmer pepe.

>implying you're not OP

>Knowing the name

Oh, you'd be quick to think that.

Well, I've seen it quite a few times before, and I know her name from people shilling her episodes on Sup Forums when they first aired.

So kill them off

>quote is red pilled

Nope. The computer quote is after the Tanker.

MGSV begins with a quote.

OP just wants to shill Barneyshit

What's more autistic? Barneyfag or the guy who goes through archives and saves images and filenames and starts threads pretending to BE Barneyfag?

>game starts off near the end of the game before going to the beginning

So kill them

I have a very hard time believing that you were able to notice that.

There are two options:
A) You comb through every single fucking thread that gets made to an unhealthy obsessive point

Or, the most likely explanation

B) You're both the OP and the fag calling out the Pony bullshit, doing it for attention and to try to be relevant.

Either ways, kindly go fuck yourself.

>pepe is now MLP
indulge me

>Porn VN
>Starts with a bible quote

>the guy who goes through archives and saves images and filenames and starts threads pretending to BE Barneyfag?
Literally never happened.

>Thread starts with best pony

and I think Gears of War 3 as well

what the fuck, how

I have an RSS feed that shows each thread that's made, updating every minute.
