Anyone here NOT fucking playing this goddamn game?

Anyone here NOT fucking playing this goddamn game?

Me. I'm playing TW3 instead.

Did try out the beta though.

I'm playing Hard Reset Redux

Whats wrong with people playing it?, ypu jaded fag

I'm not. is boring as fuck.

Good I was nervous this bored was gonna end up being /ow/

i dont play video games

probably most people.

getting my ass kicked by the ai in total warhammer

on normal


Never once been interested in this game. It looks like complete shit.


Say games you're currently playing GO NOW GO

I just want to have fun

Me, I'm not going to buy it

Here are my reasons, without even playing the game

>I don't like modern blizzard games
>I don't like 99% of modern FPS games
>I don't give a shit about skins and lootcrates and whatever other money grubbing gimmicks teenagers fall for

And that's about it, I'm ignorant and won't listen to anyone's reasonings on why I should pick this up, my biases are enough to keep me from feeling like I'm "missing out" on anything

Played the beta and thank god I did. Game is so shallow it hurts.

Its hard to feel invested in a game where I am using the same amount of muscle skill as I would in a Turn Based game

>you must be jaded if you don't suck the actiblizz's cock

fuck off baitposter

Nope, I just finished played Nu-Doom and just started my first playthrough of brutal legend.

ew never.

I'm awful at FPS games, that game is not for me



TW Warhammer and a few other things

Did the beta like 10-15 hours, exhausted the content. Won't touch it till 2-3 major content updates. I want 4-5 new maps at the very least

I don't like team shooters

on the contrary it is made just for you.

I'll never have interest in playing it, but I have fapped the porn a few times.

>stop liking what I dont like - the post - the thread

Whats wrong little timmy?, need tour epic bros of Sup Forums to validate tour shitty opiniĆ³n?, how muchos of an insecure fuck can you be

>you must be sucking blizzards cock to play a game
wew lad

What's with all these insecure people who feel the need to have validation from Sup Forums for not playing overwatch.

I'm working on my backlog mostly. Overwatch seems okay but I don't care enough to pay for it.

I'm not either. My friend wants to play it, but I don't wanna get it because I realized recently I dislike competitive shooters, and don't wanna spend $60 and a PS+ sub in order to play it.

Already have a fuck load of shit on my plate. Will probably get it at some point.

Fapped to the porn half a dozen times but never touched the game. The thought of fusing mobas and shooters makes me want to hurl

Got bored of it after the first day
Am still sad I bought it on "PC masterrace" and I'll never get money back

playing this and total warhammer, surprised by how much I like TW more tho

Why on Earth would I play an online game?

Honest question. People are simultaneously shitty and boring.

Undertale threads 2.0

Calm down blizzard drones you aren't being subtle at all

Good for you user, not missing out on much honestly, just people claiming waifus and people trying to be "skilled pros"

I'm not wasting my money on a full price, multiplayer only game.

Yeah, this isn't a game you play on consoles anyways. It's like the people who played tf2 on ps3/360; you're basically gimping yourself for no reason.

I'm not because I don't play Sup Forums's FOTM games


After finishing my degree I've kind of lost all interest in games

Do you think this weird shit will blow over or am I fucked

Bunch of cancer on a stick in keemstars ass is what this game is

Nigger this thread is about not playing overwatch, not "let's tell everyone who plays overwatch that they have shit taste."

That's how I know you're a tryhard shill, you shitposting fuckface.

To get back on topic, I'm playing Isaac.

I'm playing a bunch of games on my PSP and PC, been mostly sticking with Civ 5 and some yugioh stuff.

My friend won't shut the fuck up about Overwatch and keeps telling me to get it even though my toaster will probably run like shit with it.

>What's with all these insecure people needing validation for playing this game don't forget this too

I am on hold with it for now

Undertale did not take over Sup Forums like Overwatch did, it is more comparable to MSGV

Me, I'm a poorfag who only spends his money on Melee locals these days.


binding of isaac?

I can usually play like 5 or 6 matches in a row that's a good dose

Is anyone playing this? I see no threads for it....ever.

don't own a ps4 or an xbone, too poor, even though I was one of the first dudes who dug into it as much as I possibly could when it was in development.

Played retail with my friends a few times, didn't enjoy it. Saving up what little bit of cash I have to get a 3DS and Generations

Me, but I like the lore and the porn.

it is really funny how defensive lesser people become when they encounter a great thing that they aren't capable of comprehending. i know it is frustrating, but trust us...the game is good.

I keep trying to ignore this game but I keep on seeing fucking threads about it. Anybody wanna share their filters with me? I've got just about all of the popular characters blocked. Even so shit gets through but it does help.

I really like it but I don't "over" play it. So I play a few hours here and there. Didn't play it yesterday and today for example
Playing Black Desert Online (jsut trying it with 7 day pass)
also trying out Dragons Dogma(meh...)
and playing nostalgy Thief

>lesser people

I don't know about after graduation (still in college myself) but I've had some long spell with not playing vidya and it always comes back after a while.
I'd recommend playing some older games on your backlog, I've gotten more obsessive with it lately although I tend to only stick with a game for an hour at a time these days (besides GTA Online).

Why would anyone here be playing a bad game?

Tried the beta, it was shallow as fuck and derivative in basically every way imaginable. Gamemodes ripped off from tf2, characters ripped off from various other media/tropes, maps were dull and uninteresting, guns felt very underwhelming.

I can guarantee that if it wasn't a Blizzard game it'd be dead already. People just like sucking the shit out of their ass, and will pay anything to play a mediocre game if it's a Blizzard game.

>you guys are so defensive oh man how embarrassing. I'm gonna post in a thread not addressing me to defend game.

I would have maybe gotten it for PC, but according to can I run it, our pcs can't. I'm sure we'd be able to pull it off at shitty settings, but I still don't wanna buy the game.
Makes me question the site though since usually Blizzard makes their games playable on the cotton gin as part of their mass appeal.

>great thing
Blizzdrones are so pretentious

do you just browse video game forums for the dank memery, and to assuage your lonelyness

haven't even played the beta. nothing about this game made me want to try it.

me, im playing battleborn, like for real

>underage needs confirmation that his taste isn't shit on a board with other underage

Is it really bad though? Or are you just saying that just to say it?

Too expensive for what it provides for me.

Playing the new UT as an alternative.



i dont buy games


>underage trying to validate his mommy's purchase

I am, and I get the appeal though I can't help but see nothing but Team Fortress 2 in it.

not enough marketers

I want to play it. However I am not going to. It's a league of legends fps. Im not dumping money for characters all the damn time. The blowback will come to Sup Forums on this game when the jewry starts happening.

Yakuza 1 and 2 senpai

If you're playing Blizzard games in the current year it's likely you're less than 18 years old. Please leave.

What game is it?

Jesus Christ the art direction is horrendous

>people that like any capeshit movies

Who play Overwatch?This is like 35 $ shitfortress

How does she tell her helmet thing to close?

Gearbox Software's latest hit, Battleborn!

I caved in and bought it last night. Pretty fun honestly I was skeptical of it.

bought eye divine cybermancy having fun with it

Are you sure about this?

I am playing it. Gonna shitpost this thread inbetween matches so get ready.

I only care about its porn. I've got plenty of shit to play. And next week they're finally releasing Planet Robobot.

People that make the MOBA comparison have no clue what they're talking about.

blizzard is the martin scorsese of games

>everyone and their mother is playing Overwatch
>tfw I'm just trying to get through DKC2
I have to say that it's a pretty big improvement compared to the first. I hope that the third won't disappoint.

i have not played a second in tf2, titanfall, evolve, destiny, the division, dota 2, lol or any of the rest of these multiplayer games, and i'm certainly not about to start with overwatch

Seriously, I like the game but we do not need this many fucking threads for it. That's the entire point of /vg/.

I have bad news for you.

Trolls had a field day making threads about undertale.

Buttmad fa/tv/irgin had a rough time at the box office, eh?