How can people still pay for early access products?

How can people still pay for early access products?
Why are customers happy to pay these people to perform their quality assurance for them?
It's just unbelievable.
Have you ever bought a game in "Early Access"?

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if the price is low enough I don't really mind. Like I was willing to pay $13 or what ever it was for The Culling even though it's unfinished just because what they already have seemed worth it to me.

although its been getting kinda worse with each update, but i put like 70+ hours into it when i first got it so i still feel i got my money's worth.

My, what obvious bait you have.

>people will call the pic bait
>but for me it's truth

>he eats his steak Well done

Rare/Medium rare is ther way to go you anglo cuck.

>if your video games looks like a rare steak then take it back
Well, yeah.

>tfw you really want to try a game but its been in early access for so long you don't even know if its worth it to buy it at that point.

I will say though, the correct way to do this is by making it very cheap or just release a demo.

How is the steak relative to Early Access? I actually enjoy eating a good Medium Rare sirloin; good taste and easy on the teeth compared to a well done one. If you still wanna make a food analogy you could've just posted completely melted ice cream.

Staying on topic, I bought H1Z1 hoping that I could get a massively open world zombie survival multilplayer game, when in reality I got an extremely buggy walking simulator with little to no zombies that eventually doubled in price between the two gamemodes and became TF2:GO in terms of skins/keys/crates.

More like, you pay AFTER eating.
And you can't pay AFTER playing or send it back if not good.

It's like investing in a product. If you get in early your reward is greater than cost when the game goes full price. Not all investments pan out.

all these retards comparing the steak in the picture to that of a medium rare. there's so much red in there it's a disgrace to call it any sort of medium. that thing is raw.

>there are people who are replying to this thread without saging
We need the email field back so that the newfriends can learn.

this is bait
but god damnit, I can't fucking resist

that steak looks beautiful, why would you compare it to early access shit

>that thing is raw.
No it's not.

Under > Over
The preference for over is a honest-to-God meme in the actual, scientific definition, and people that have a predisposition for over never seem to have any actual arguments for it
Meanwhile, under has actual tangible benefits

Like what you fucking bitch?

>Rare/Medium rare is ther way to go you anglo cuck

>White people cook their food correctly.
>Shitskins eat it raw.
Pajeet, shouldn't you be performing tech support instead of making yourself look stupid?


I can appreciate a work of art when I see it, well done.

>and people that have a predisposition for over never seem to have any actual arguments for it

>hey bro hur I like to cook my meat because I won't eat it raw but oh fuck stop nigger don't cook it all the way, I want some of the middle to be completely raw too.

If you want a steak thread, make a steak thread.

>work of art
>the most basic bait material since the invention of fire

More like a vulgar craft.

honestly, I've come to accept well crafted vulgarity as high art.

Impossible for cats/dogs/toddlers to play with the roll and unroll it.
RVs need to have the roll hanging under or it unrolls itself with the motion of the vehicle.
Impossible for the roll to accidentally unroll and reach the ground.
More comfortable and sanitary to use since you can hold down the roll with your wrist and pull with your hand on a natural, single motion, no need to yank hard or pinch the roll like a dumbass
More comfortable, or at least I find it that way
Results in less wastage of unneeded paper since you start with a smaller amount to pull from

Meanwhile, advantages of over:
>used in high-end fancy hotels because it allows the last square to be folded in order to show the toilet has been cleaned
That's it

>Food analogy
Oh we are off to a great start.

This thread was a misfired attempt at being well done.

Call me old fasioned but back in my day someone would create a product and then they would sell it to ya.

Seems like everything went to hell when the Wii came out. Nintendo discovered it was a lot easier to find dumber customers than it was to make better games then the whole industry followed suit.

If you pay full price for an unfinished game you really are one of those dumber customers.

I bought Dungeon Defenders II on PS4. What a waste. The game has been out for over a year on PC (which I have also since played) and there's just so much QoL shit that the dude needs to learn how to do.

>font size incredibly small on PS4
>no way to sort items by type on PC
>crashing all the fucking time on PS4
>boring victory screens
>game has little charm (needs VA or better sound effects, anything really)

Like, as a game, it functions, but it doesn't feel like it ever got out of a beta, like, a beta that wasn't meant to ever be played by the masses kind of beta.

>tfw the only early access game i ever bought was dirty rally
>tfw everything turned out great, and i even got it for a third of retail price

>Calling someone Indian despite the fact you're talking about eating beef

top fekking kekkers


>eating well done steak

You might as well just eat chicken faggot

>Calling someone Indian despite the fact you're talking about eating beef
...holy shit that's clever

>so fat that when you look at video games you see food
get out dobson

I wish it was like Dungeon Defenders 1 by the end of the Nightmare DLCs, except with actual balance.

Actually, it isn't against the hindu religion to eat beef, they just outlawed almost everywhere because the government viewed milk and other bovine byproducts to be more useful to society than the meat itself

The biggest problem with early access is the slow incremental nature. You get bored before the game is anywhere near done and the little bits here and there are never enough to reengage you. You never get to properly enjoy the game as if had been released fully finished.

That is medium-rare you dumb nigger.

>not eating your steak bleu

unga bunga rockstop

Eating a steak raw isn't ideal because of the texture, which is why rare/medium-rare is best, its fucking great in tartare though.
>mfw americans think uncooked steak is still unsafe in 2016
Its not fucking pork, and its not fucking chicken you cowards, if the source is reputable its safe.

Reminder that if you:
>eat your steak more cooked than medium-rare
>are lactose-intolerant
>enjoy fast food
>enjoy overrated meme shit like sriracha
>think beer is gross
you are not white and should get out of my beautiful USA

All these plebs in here under/over cooking their steak.
Medium is perfection. Literally Goldilocks.

>including an inability to digest a food type in a list of tastes
might as well throw in crohn's disease or IBS for good measure you furry fgt

If you put it under, simply put, you are a heathen and should be purged from the world.

Lactose intolerance is literally a sign of not being white, fuck off.

Prove it you neanderthal.

But it's most common among white people. Pure fucking white people, lineage traceable back to the british isles.

The logic here is on the fritz.

>Liking beer
Get a good whiskey and stop sucking down your redneck piss-water

>He says while posting Hardblush, the Mexico of Furshit.

>USA white population
>not enjoying fast food

What, my fake thumbnail isn't proof enough that even the gods of the Internet agree with me.

nope, most common among East asians and Native Americans, with whites having the lowest rates.
not a great source admittedly but the best I could be fucked to find.

What a remarkably accurate comparison
I love this

you must have a powerful jaw