There are people that pay 5$ A MONTH to WATCH people play video games!?
There is literally nothing more degenerate.
There are people that pay 5$ A MONTH to WATCH people play video games!?
There is literally nothing more degenerate.
I am currently paying 5 dollars to some bum on twitch.
I don't know why.
I do get some really dumb emotes for it I guess.
except its not to watch, they just do it because they want to support the streamer, so the streamer can just live off streaming since they enjoy watching.
I don't sub to anyone, but "to watch" is a stupid thing to say.
I'm subscribed two top melee player's twitch channels but have never watched either one.
I just like supporting them.
Pic related is one.
>goyim and their money
shit never fails to befuddle
Morons with too much money on their hands.
>There is literally nothing more degenerate.
There are people paying to play online on consoles.
>there is literally nothing more degenerate
Sup Forums passes are a thing, m8
Nothing inherently wrong with supporting creators but I don't think anyone on Twitch is worth supporting. But it's not my money.
If they were of exceptional quality or just plain likable I would. However I don't watch people play videogames because I am not in grade school.
And you think this is better? Holly shit people that pay to have a virtual friend is patetic.
>There is literally nothing more degenerate.
There are people that pay $20 to troll a Singaporean fishing forum without a CAPTCHA.
Hey ANONYMOUS, thanks for the sub my man, welcome to Cool Guys club, enjoy your amazing emotes and feel free to spam them on every channel to advertise me xD
This is embarassing to be completely honest
>trying to personally specify at what point wasting your life on interactive children's toys is degeneracy
Oh no you don't you cheeky faggot.
Be as ashamed of your hobby as the rest of us and stop shiffing the goalposts.
Free mare free market at work.
Is this how it works? I've never actually understood how Twitch works.
Do these people pay $5 bucks once or every month?
Why would anyone do this?
I'm only subbed to Joel from Vinesauce.
With how shit the captcha is these days it's totally worth it.
Muh convenience is worth more than muh principles.
if you didn't buy a pass to support moot, you're the reason why he abandoned us
No, you can watch for free. You can subscribe to get emotes, but you mainly do it to support the streamer.
$5 x 12 = $60
So, $20 to post without captcha is fucking amazing, especially when I like multi-thread posting [EuroBeat Intensifies]
Some people have to
If I'm not mistaken, Australians were range banned from posting on Sup Forums at all due to abuse, just like Sup Forums.
But the more support a streamer gets the more cancerous the stream becomes.
> faggy shoutouts and donation gimmicks
> Hugbox chat that gets worse and worse
> constantly stopping the stream to thank viewers and donators
> oh look new sub, everyone spam emotes XDDD
I'm fucking done watching casual let's players on twitch. Tournaments and speedruns are the only streams that are even bearable anymore.
They got banned on Sup Forums as well, I believe. I think it was two weeks though. Or not and everybody has a pass.
Most of them are lonely people who just want someone to notice and appreciate them so they sub. Other people do it so the streamer can buy new things like games, green screen, mic and stuff like that to keep the stream going. Example if you don't have a pc you can watch your favorite streamer play the game instead of buying a computer and the game if you can't afford that but you can afford $5.
Im not justifying it but those seem like the only 2 reasons why people sub or donate.
eventually you will join the /never-watch-twitch-or-youtube/ master race
just play games and shit post on Sup Forums... that's where the true patrician is.
>Streamer being polite to thank someone for supporting them
I used twitch once for a contest in some shitty mmo. The comments would've made /s4s/ jealous. Never used it again.
Everytime u tried posting from my computer last night and the day before I got the same range ban error.
But for some reason posting from an iBad today is working fine, in fact I haven't even had to put captcha for at least 5 posts now.
Do you get to keep those emotes forever ever?
I'm doing something similar with Dota buying compendiums but the shit I want is behind really high levels, I think this is the last time I buy one for all my alts.
Why is it hard for you to understand they build a community that they like to be around. They would wonder why you would come here just to argue and fight with people, but you like this community just like they like theirs. To each their own
>to support the stream
What does this jew buzz reasoning even mean?
Can't a normal functioning human being support itself and also stream?
Is it implied somehow that, if I'm not a good goy and give away my income, the streamer will somehow be forced to stop streaming because he will literally starve to death?
Is money the only "reasonable" compensation to a guy who is already building a fan base or something?
Is this how poor people think?
Yeah, fuck supporting someone that entertains you constantly. I'll keep my hard earned 5 bucks.
Oh look, there's an overpriced collectors edition for a shitty hyped game that I'll end up regretting getting later. Better scoop that shit up.
You realize this has been a thing for ages, yes?
There have always been TV stations that depend on donations to keep running. If people like it, they throw money at it so they can keep entertaining.
You've probably heard "with support from viewers like you" on TV before (sesame street). They mean they get donations.
All this shit is the worst, but its not directly tied to donations.
Vinny from Vinesauce does none of that and still gets a decent number of subscribers.
> literally stopping for 5 minutes at a time to talk about random shit because of a donation
> Literally stopping every 2 minutes to thank people
> Literally having some gay ass soundboard or voice changer for whenever they get money
> Literally making unfunny jokes and then pausing to watch your chat fill up with XD emotes from your hugbox subs
Thanks for contributing
>They would wonder why you would come here just to argue and fight with people
Difference is he doesn't pay $5/month to do so
Your world view is fairly twisted, my friend.
You do realize most streamers stream for 8+ hours a day, yes? It's a full time fucking job for them.
Exactly they are willing to pay $5 to avoid having to deal with people like you, does that make sense? Its like joining a private pool as apposed to a public pool thats why they pay
Consumerist dogma. The idea of getting something for free is seen as parasitic and cretinous. We are taught that corporations have our best intentions in mind and make all of our lives better, and deserve our every last dollar.
Basically this: Will someone please think of the poor multi billion dollar corporations!
gaming has been shit for years. the fact that people also donate as well as subscribe thousands to these guys a month is nauseating
Who's the best streamer and why is it avoidingthepuddle?
>multi billion dollar corperations
Unless a streamer puts on subscriber-only mode (and only a few really big ones do), chat still consists of both subs and non-subs. There is literally nothing exclusive about subbing except access to new cancerous emotes.
>Exactly they are willing to pay $5 to avoid having to deal with people like you, does that make sense?
No because you don't have to pay $5 to avoid people like me and they're on Twitch which is arguably even worse of a community than Sup Forums. So it's more like paying to join a public pool full of piss as OPPOSED to freely available public pools. Or just not swimming in piss in the first place.
I don't know why you're acting like Twitch is some sort of private club. The only difference between watching for free and subbing is you might get some emotes and attention whoring shout outs on the stream.
Why is it hard to understand that is exactly how hugbox mentality is formed?
This is how we get douchebag streamers like MvG who feel like kings in their pathetic little worlds and treat people like shit for the slightest grievance.
>You do realize most streamers stream for 8+ hours a day, yes? It's a full time fucking job for them
This is not an excuse. There are over 1,000 ways for them to sustain themselves with this being a full time job without you being a good goy and throwing away your riches.
>inb4 "$5 is just change money are you a bum", this is the ultimate red flag from a deep rooted poor person
The problem is that, they've made the "pay $5" option so easy that people like you don't even think about if you should do it at all.
>What is Twitch owned by Amazon
Also any streamer that has a sizable viewership and takes subscripers is owned by corporate sponsors
even worse, some are literally millionaires. some even get 20k donations just cause
Do you realize you are acting like this place is your hugbox?
It's comparable to those scams that target the elderly, it's all a scheme to part the idiotic,young and lonely out of there money.
Shit like this makes me weep for future generations. Where "entertainment" is some generic guy reacting in the same neutral way to every scenario,while he uses other people's work to fund his life.
You can watch for free too tho you fucking idiot
People pay 5$ a month to support the people behind the channel that create factivly free content to watch for FREE
>n-no u
You don't know what a hugbox is
How? By having an opinion?
I'm not telling anyone how to act or asking for validation.
If those are the streams you are talking about then yes. I try to avoid the attention grabbing streamers and just watch ones that play games I like. (like years ago I would watch MGS streams and I picked up on so many easter eggs and tips for how to beat the games) So I would support them like I said.
But the streams you are talking about you are right they are stupid and I have no idea why people sub to that.
I swear this place gets dumber by the day
not that guy but I'm pretty sure normal adults know how to manage their finances and what their disposable income is.
It's not a conspiracy to steal all your money to fund the awakening of C'thulhu. It's a fucking donation.
You are like "omg I hate those people so much thank god we get to come here and talk how we want and not have to deal with those people" Is that not what a hugbox is? If im wrong im sorry but thats what I think a hug box is patting everyone on the back saying you are better then other people
The videos are free, the $5 is so you can use some DANK EMOTES
that's falsively not true.
>You are like
Twitch sells, but who is buying?
The truth hurts
I'm subscribed to Kaceytron if not just because she trolls the entire chat and people donate just to express how much they hate the stream but keep watching anyway
Dan is the best streamer.
Prove me wrong.
>patting everyone on the back
>on Sup Forums
>that blatant deflection via strawman
Quite literally drink bleach.
the pewdeepie(?) generation
I'm subbed to Northernlion, don't really understand how retarded Sup Forums needs to be to not understand the concept of paying an entertainer for providing entertainment.
>subscribing to someone on twitch
>donating to a kick starter
>donating to an indiegogo
>whitelisting any websites on your ad blocker
>buying a Sup Forums pass
What are the other signs of a digital cuck?
>watching singsing play
>someone renews their sub 35 times
You wouldn't know the truth if it fucked you in the ass.
You're addressing an argument that nobody made, quoting something that nobody said. You set up a strawman for you to cut down. Please do everyone a favor and kill yourself.
>there at least 10 people who pay for PSN or XBL to watch at least one twitch channel they're subbed to
His chat became cancer that has been trained to spam the appropriate emote for the next 2 minutes after something happened.
Why does this matter? Just let some other gullible faggot pay for your entertainment for you.
It's the same as faggots who still pay for porn.
>watch the halloween marathon
>literally showing videos from 2014 while he interacts with the 2014 chat
>twitch somehow allows this even though he's not technically live
I hate this fake weeb and his chad roomies.
>a donation wasn't read out loud
>that person donates AGAIN to remind the streamer
The truth shall set you free friend stop deflecting
the dank emotes are always free, they become dank because everyone can spam them until they're memes
Not really degenerate it's just pathetic.
Twitch does not pay its streamers. They're not employees whose income your are supplementing with donations.
>that fucking chinese donation reader.
>not being an alpha as fuck gentleman with 10 twitch girlfriends because you donated
>stop deflecting
>But you are acting like this place is your hugbox!
Take the barrel, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger.
Any positive review on a shitty game that begins with "THE REASON WHY EVERYONE IS SALTY IS...".
See how mad you are getting thats because you are realizing you are just as big of a faggot as the people who donate for attention, just you have no money so you shit post to anons on a text based website to get attention. But do your mental gymnastics to think that you are sooooo much cooler man
Disgusting? Yes. but I easily can think of things more degenerate
He has moments, but I get tired of the manchild humor and constant innuendo.
His chat is also trained to laugh at everything he says no matter how unfunny. He's so popular that the constant donation interruption is enough to put me off.
Twitch takes a cut of every subscription you dope. It's literally half their profit model after ads.
Are you guys trying? 4 of you have had no response other then for me to kill myself, does the truth hurt that much user? Am I ruining your hug box?
That's nothing. On reddit, some people are not content with upvoting posts, so they pay actual real money to "gold upvote".
I’m pretty sure Jordan at the end of Space Jam was reaching less than you, pham
I don't really like lets plays and streams with two exceptions. Watching Games Done Quick is always fun if you're tuning in to watch your favourite games get rekt, and Vinesauce Joel. He's got a great sense of humour and plays some odd stuff. Also no cringey facecam, or obnoxious subscriber/follower/ notifications.
When I first heard of Twitch I assumed it was free like youtube. That was bad enough people were going here to watch people play video games instead of playing themselves. Then I found out you have to PAY to watch the streams.
Now pathetic enough? People then donate absurds amount of money. Takes a special kind of retard/lonely/beta to give away your money to someone who is doing nothing more than playing a video game.
I'm more sad about the people who sub to streamers that barely stream.
Half of the popular (English) Dota 2 streams don't even stream everyday.
Scummy motherfuckers like Waga resorts to subscriber baiting, but may only actually play everyday for a month.
Then he just stops.