How do you clean out your computer, Sup Forums?

How do you clean out your computer, Sup Forums?

I've read some guides and it seems like it's not as easy as just removing the case and using your vacuum cleaner to get rid off the dust. In fact these guides would suggest that doing so would break the computer. Apparently you're supposed to get 5 different types of specific tools that you don't own and have no interest in buying because they're niche shit. So what does your average lazy user do when he wants to clean his computer?

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I know you were baiting for this, so no beating around the bush:

Blast it with compressed air. Never use a a vacuum cleaner.

You're better of asking Sup Forums. Personally I use compressed air.

Literally who the fuck carries around a compressed air making thing at home. Just fuck off with your hipster shit and give me the home made solution.

Get a compressed air canister and take your PC outside when you blow out all that fucking dust.

Just leave it desu. Cleaning your pc is a meme.

There's a gokkun version, right? There has to be. Where is it?

vacuum for the case and compressed air for the components

Yeah I got an air compressor thingo sitting in my shed right now.
Makes cleaning my PC super simple

>that vid

>game assassins
every time

if you're really lazy just take a q-tip or tissue and clean out the noticeable stuff. dont use it on actual components though, just the case.

Just blow some air on everything with your mouth and use some dry tissues or whatever to clean the parts a bit
It literally doesn't matter if there is some small dust left as long as your fans are clean and working properly

Most people will just buy a can of it for £2(or whichever third world currency applies).

You can pretty much just use cotton buds to get the worst of the dust out of shit.

Those are some shitty guides you've been reading, then. Reading most bullshit online you'll grow to believe that your computer is full of pixie magic and fairies that stop working at the slightest disturbance.
It's just a bunch of plastic and metal. Get a fucking grip, and use some common sense for christ's sake. You obviously don't wanna start hitting the CPU fan to shake the dust off, but you also obviously don't actually need any of those scam "pro tools" every PC shop on the planet will try to sell to you. I clean it with an old toothbrush and a vacuum hose. Seems to work fine for me.

Yes, enjoy those no-post errors once the motherboard hits critical filth. Dust is conductive, retard. You leave it on there and it'll shortcircuit your shit.

Oh, and I'd also like to add that you shouldn't worry too much about cleaning it to as-new condition. It's fine to leave some dust in there. It's even fine to leave a lot of dust in there, as long as the most vital parts (fans + exposed circuitry) are somewhat cleaner than they were. So please don't bring out Ajax and wet towels.

>you'll grow to believe that your computer is full of pixie magic and fairies that stop working at the slightest disturbance.
but they do
no joking

I just hose it down.

>doesn't know shit about electronics
who would've thought

With a brush.

You can buy canned air quite easily you inbred try hard. You're going to have to have to make a trip out of your mom's basement up in the hills and travel to the city, faggot.

I just buy these air cans for 2 bucks every other month and blow shit up literally



I've never used compressed air before. Do I L I T E R A L L Y just need to point it at the components and start blowing shit up? Wouldn't the dust just settle right back down?

don't fall for, compressed air as some nasty fucking bitterent agent in it to stop huffers

yeah but do it at a 45o
not 90o

Yeah what the hell would people need one of those for, I mean its not like their tires need air or anything.

>that video
>that doujin

just fucking blow it yourself then

He made some valid points, unlike you.

But he didn't.

Unless you're in a metal grinding factory, dust is not conductive.

Just hose it down and let it dry for a week. Remove the PSU first since it may not survive getting wet even when there's no power connected.

Actually, his ONE good point is canceled out by his ONE retard point.

Dust is not conductive. It insulates heat.

>Lazer meces

>bought an air pump
>cleaned the shit out of mine
Just open it up and blow it. Those air pumps for mattresses work too.

Shit is easy to do unless you're thinking of changing the thermal paste on your cpu which isnt hard either but may scare the technologically illiterate

OK, I tried to hate this but it was damn good.

Bought one for like £3 off amazon it's not exactly hard

>I've read some guides and it seems like it's not as easy as just removing the case and using your vacuum cleaner to get rid off the dust. In fact these guides would suggest that doing so would break the computer.

This would only happen if you're a retard.

>Apparently you're supposed to get 5 different types of specific tools that you don't own and have no interest in buying because they're niche shit. So what does your average lazy user do when he wants to clean his computer?

Obvious marketing bullshit.

desu that guy is really really cute :3

I use an air compressor. I put my finger into the fans to stop them from turning too fast and damaging them.

Wait, you're not supposed to do that?
I thought that it might be easier to get the dust off a fan with a vacuum cleaner if the fan was spinning at 9001RPM.

>don't clean your pc they said
>it'll be fine they said
>you don't need to remove dust, bro

who is this cute cat boy

The only thing you need is compressed air. Set up a vacuum cleaner outside the pc case (to get the dust) and spray the air on the components.

Clean it like right now, seriously

That's on idle. I hit 115 degrees playing vidya.

You deserve to have your computer melt.

>I talk shit about things I know nothing about

There are these things called "fans" inside your computer that have to keep spinning to cool it down. Too much dust make them slow down and eventually even stop.

Your sarcasm doesn't work on the internet fampai

Just take a vacuum and use air can to blast it, and that's pretty much it.
Depending how dusty your room is, you can get away deep cleaning all of the parts once a year (take out CPU fan and GPU), and every few months a small surface/fan clean. Make sure to blow into the power supply too.
Of course, this is Sup Forums so I bet most of you NEETs got a disgustingly dirty house, so do the deep cleaning more often, every season or so.

You can get away without air can too, just blow yourself, but try not to do it while drooling like a retard.

That's IT. That's all you need to know. Most of the guides out there are made for mouthbreathers, so don't even fucking bother going too deep into them.

Running on idle (aside internet browser and music player).
Should I be worried?
I've never clean this shit since 3 years ago.
>inb4 laptop

get a can of compressed air. when you clean around your fans hold the blade so that they don't move and fuck up your board

This computer is years old. I have never cleaned it. I'm a heavy smoker and the whole thing is caked in dust and crap inside. These are my temps.

You people are really overstating the need to keep the inside of your computer spotless. As long as the fans are spinning and air is moving it's fine.

I don't tidy my cables either, it's a forest of wires going back and forth in there.

I need to know how to completely wipe my computer of everything and make it as if its brand new and virus free. Theres nothing on it worth keeping besides my first morrowind build which is shity nonetheless.

>11-11-11-28 timing
yes you should be worried

whenever i multitask taskmanager tells me im at 90+% memory usage and my pc slows down
where can i download more ram? all of these websites seem sketchy

OP here. I'm too retarded to not fuck this up. This computer has lasted 5 years without me cleaning it once. I'll just buy a new one when it inevitable dies. By the way, do modern computers come with some sort of anti-dust-gathering mechanic?

DBAN and reinstall OS if you got something to hide

reinstall and select to format the drive during the install process if you don't

Thanks man.

What do those timings mean, anyway? Mine are 10-10-10-30 right now.

Compressed air if you can. Otherwise, just vacuum/dust off air filters and clean the fans.

This whole thread is the canceraids.

I shouldn't be surprised, but that's my fault for assuming too much out of Sup Forums

amount of clock cycles it takes to complete an operation

just know lower is better and most RAM you buy nowadays is 9-9-9-24.

Those RAM DL sites are all scams. Just copypaste the RAM folder you already have on your computer

That'd be for DDR4 ram? I'm still on DDR3, bought it just a tad before 4 became the new standard.

Buy a new one

They mean nothing.

There is pretty much no performance benefit from lower timings whatsoever.

>By the way, do modern computers come with some sort of anti-dust-gathering mechanic?

Unfortunately no. But what you can do is to take a garbage plastic bag and seal your computer in it. Make sure it's a big bag so that there's enough air inside for circulation, don't wrap it in.

no, that's for DDR3. i don't think that ddr4 RAM has better average timings but i dunno for sure actually because i also use ddr3

I use a vacuum with a plastic end and be gentle, rather than a metal-ended one which will shock all your parts.

How does it affect anything anyway?

Observe! The effects of memory timings!

It's all a crock of shit. Latency is utterly irrelevant, clock speed is all that matters.

>Not using the ° symbol