Sixth generation appreciation thread. The last generation to be purely about video games...

Sixth generation appreciation thread. The last generation to be purely about video games, without trying to be cinematic experiences, for the most part. Without overinflated budgets causing developers to play it safe and make completely average games. Without the casual influx dumbing down games, again, for the most part. Which console if your favorite? What are some of your favorite games for each console? Why are Jet Set Radio Future and Metroid Prime the two greatest games ever?

I'm not underage, my first console was not a sixth generation console. I was born in '85, my first console was an SNES.

Other urls found in this thread:


The Gamecube was the GOAT
The Dreamcast was interesting
The Xbox was meh
The ps2 was fucking garbage. Fuck that console.

These are also the only games the Dreamcast ever had



Bro, I have never played Billy Hatcher. How is it?

The perfect couple

It's Sonic Team's take on 3D Mario (when Sonic Team was still good)

PS2 > GBA = GC > DC > XB

>implying that the seventh and current gen are not as good as the sixtht

So it's better than the Sonic Adventure games?

8th gen is pretty awful, the majority of games are just ports of 7th gen games and interactive movies.

Wow, you have a real hate boner for the Xbox dont you?


i've never played Hatcher and I'm willing to wager on yes

Sonic Team should do original shit more

GC > XB > DC > PS2

It's an objective fact that most multiplats are better on the GameCube and Xbox. RE4 and Killer7 are pretty crappy on the PS2 in comparison to their GameCube versions.

I don't like Silent Hill. Never got into it. Not my jam. Tell me, what are some really good PS2 games besides Devil May Cry?

>ps2 in last place
sup contrarian

this list triggered me harder than truth triggers sjw

Google it yourself, fuck face.

Hueg friends get the fuck in here

>sega games
>modding shit
>emulators everywhere
>crazy new IP's everywhere
>the duke
>sheer relentless power

You sound salty because someone doesn't like your console the most. Is there a good PS2 exclusive that's anywhere near the level of JSRF?


Final Fantasy XII

Dual Hearts.

Nah, I think it's retarded to hate a console. It just had very few games that interested me besides JSRF, Crazy Taxi, and Ninja Gaiden

>not even Metroid Prime

Fuckin excuse me?

Crazy Taxi was on Dreamcast though.

He probably means the third one.

Oh, the shitty one?
Well nothing of value is lost really.

Ace Combat 4/5/0
Sly Cooper 1/2/3
Ratchet & Clank 1/2/3/4
Jak & Daxter
Final Fantasy XII (+IZJS version)
Kingdom Hearts 1/2
Persona 3 FES
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne + Digital Devil Saga 1/2
Wild Arms 3/4/5
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus
Gran Turismo 4

I could spit out some more if you mentioned genres you like

Beat em ups.

god hand

>I'm not underage, my first console was not a sixth generation console.
You are fucking underage, and your first console was a Gaycube.

Cinematic bullshit started in 5th gen. By the time the DC came out, cutscenes were practically mandatory. 9 out of 10 games during 6th gen were nothing but crude button mashers wrapped in a movie.

>tfw finally fixed my Dreamast's random resetting and disc read errors
>No idea what to play on it
Give me some suggestions fellas.


>if it has any cutscenes at all it's a movie

I'm not sure if I'm playing it right, because I don't enjoy it at all.

mfw TimeSplitters is not on these posts nor on this thread.

PS2 was the fucking bomb.


>colosseum and mario golf but no Prime
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>no Metroid Prime but Billy Hatcher, Mario Golf, and Pokemon Colosseum
>Ico instead of SOTC, no Silent Hill 2/3, no DMC

>Metroid Fusion at 8, above Prime which instead even on the list
>Borderlands at all
>The Last of Us

Is this meant to be bait?

what's wrong with colosseum?

>tfw modded my fat ps2 with an internal sata hard drive
disc read error on me now faggot

>this game with 5 hours of cutscenes isn't like modern games because I was 6 when it came out

I don't know why you're pretending to be an oldfag. Most people currently on Sup Forums were born in the 90s.

God Hand you utter fucking melt

I can't get my computer to connect to my PS2 for hdl_dump.

Shadow of the Colossus
Dragon Quest 8
Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime
Paper Mario TTYD
Played some Power Stone and Jet Set Radio at a friend's house, thought they were both amazing
Literally never even touched one. Actually i remember when it was unveiled i thought it would fail immediately

Nothing in particular other than how you catch Pokemon, just that you'd have it there other than Prime which is one of the most critically acclaimed games ever made. Shit's my favourite Gamecube game.

Outrun 2006 Coast 2 Coast is a game I downloaded recently

I haven't played a game that was purely about gameplay, and was as instantly enjoyable as it in ages

Sixth generation was the last generation before Playstation was the only reasonable option for a console.

Make your own 3x3

I mean look at this shit. Imagine this being released now, it just wouldn't be made

Outrun 2006 is GOAT.

Whatever you're playing it on, it's GOAT.

just use winhiip to put the games on my man

I don't have anything to read IDE drives.

usb adapter for like 5 bucks on ebay
alternatively buy a sata conversion kit for the ps2 network adapter for like 25 bucks so you can use a 1tb 40 buck hard drive

Just PC with a controller

I found a download if anyone else is interested:

Oh boy.Time for another neo-Sup Forums thread where people constantly shit all over the PS2 and Xbox while insisting that the GameCube and Dreamcast were perfect. I don't even need to read the thread before posting to predict that this will be true.

>I'm going to post in this thread without reading a word of it

This was the shit.

I've seen dozens of threads like this in the past year, and all are the same. Surprisingly this one isn't completely like what I expected. Only mostly like what I expected. With that said, I enjoyed all 4 of the systems almost equally. Maybe Xbox and DC a tiny little bit less because DC was so short-lived and I didn't get an Xbox until almost the end of that gen.

>Billy Hatcher
Holy fuck that game was so fucking fun

6th gen is best generation for softmods

>All those budget Japanese games that were later released in Europe for some reason