Screenshot thread?

Screenshot thread?

All platforms welcome.

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He just don't give a fuck.











Waiting for a comfy thread to post more this, Can't over do those




Very comfy

Oh God what's wrong with Drake's arm?

>dude getting hit looks like he's relaxing, maybe about to go hunting with his son
>Drake's arm looks super fucked up
I can't tell if you're trying to make the game look bad or what.

It's a love hate relationship



Normie here. What game is this?



Don't let this thread die yet you beautiful bastard.

I was so happy seeing this show come back







d..does squad have satisfying AKs?


How do you upload PS4 screenshots on here?

I wouldn't know, I always get shot before I can fire my weapon :v

Loving that visual update. Pretty sure my FPS has gone up too.


needs a MAGA hat edit



It's made the game a lot more playable for me, It actually looks decent now!
sounds like you should've practiced with PR or red orchestra first

Did you blur everything out so that no one can see your shit graphics?

What game?




Arma 3

I've got a fair share of hours in RO2. I doubt I could ever get into how sim Arma is though







I thought so too but once I found a fun group of dudes to play arma and project reality with that's when the game really began to shine for me.

I've never experienced so much team work and just intense moments liek dropping in on a helicopter or running into an ambush or lazing a target for a CAS call, No other game can compare. Especially when you're playing against another organized group, that's when shit really gets crazy

EYYYY I'm trying to make that gun as a mod in fallout 4





which ENB is this?

It's a sweetfx, I honestly don't remember though, I don't have it anymore, sorry bud.

Doesn't that mod already exist?


It's incredible and also shitty at the same time how fucking great this game can look but it's squandered on some of the worst map design of all time. Africa aside from maybe 5% of the total map, is complete and utter shit. Barren open land with absolutely nothing to do or see. Afghanistan likewise falls victim to the same problem but to a much lesser extent.

All I wanted was locations like pic related, with this level of detail and variety all over the maps, and it would have been the best fucking game of all time. What a fucking shame.


hopefully I can find it or something like it from that, thanks anyway

better environments would have been amazing, but that doesn't fix the garbage mission design

Yeah I went on a bit of a rant on it in a thread the other day. None of the bases are as well designed, atmospheric or densely packed as Camp omega, and they didn't even bother to just fucking copy and paste it into the game.

I've never had more of a mixed opinion on a game ever. It's pretty great, but I dont' think i'll ever get over the false advertisement and lies that Kojima took part in to promote this fucking game.

with shit animations and a wonky model. This is using the radium rifles animations and has a more believable looking and rounded wooden hand guard. Different mag size too. I just want it looking like it belongs in the game.
Almost certain it was this one. It wasn't anything fancy, just a slight contrast boost or something. I don't like it when the fuck with the HUD too much.


Sim City 4

What game is this. Tell me now.

MGSV is one of those games that will still be talked about in 5 years, but as evidence that games suffer as a result of going open world
Honestly, the worst part about is that there's no excuse for how unfinished it feels with how Kojima was bragging about how easy FoxEngine was to work with

thanks man. Konami doesn't care about people using these do they?

not him but it's Super Mario Galaxy running through the Dolphin emulator

Yeah 5 years is plenty of time to work with, the man just poorly managed his time and budget. I imagine the game was meant to come out much sooner but Konami just got sick of him constantly delaying it. I don't think it would have been revealed (sort of) in fucking 2012 if they were planning to release it 3 years later. Not to mention the visible graphical downgrades that happened each time we saw it. It happened with MGS4 too, I would haven't thought they'd learned their lesson after that.

Nah I've been using that and an FOV mod in MGO for months, no issues.


Is your picture from AssCreed Rogue? I've been meaning to play that, but I get burned out on those games really easily.

Drake is a big guy

I remember him saying it could take a team of 2 people a week to make a fairly large base or something to that affect, so the delays don't make a whole lot of sense
Unfortunately, we're never going to find out exactly what happened during it's development because Konami won't talk about it and Kojima was probably threatened or sworn to not say anything

it's actually Unity

I'm normally the one who starts the Screenshots threads without platform wars
I'm happy there's people in this board who enjoy screenshots as I do





That just screams for him to be wearing a "Make America Great" cap. He looks like a Trump supporter.







Fuck Yen, Triss all the way.

Nice haircut, homo
