Is it the infamous tick rate?

do anyone experiencing "gameplay doesn't match kills cam"?

it's almost like every "split second action" is not registered by the game.

mostly when i play Genji, there many time when i'm 100% sure i killed that guy with my dash but i died and kill cam show me stand still or when i tried to reflect high noon in last second but the kill cam show me still running around when i got shot.

it happened to me way too many time. it's starting to make me want to quit this game.

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Just quit the game till they put ranked in, they promised 60 tickrate in it.

They've already specifically and categorically ally stated that "kill cam" doesn't give a 1-to-1 replay of the game; it's a close approximation.

Its not the buzzword "tic-rate" that's the problem its the Lag Compensation that's implemented into the game that's the problem

Lag compensation is closely tied to the tickrate.

When will devs get rid of lag comp? Has no place in competive multiplayer

>me want to quit this game.
yes please or stop playing this useless fuck.

they wont because the game isnt actually competitive, its just a word devs like to throw around to get the "esports" crowd's money.

The game never reflects a competitive spirit, 90% of the games are 2 winston 2 McCree and 2 healers

It's not even debatable. Sometimes you're ability will go on cooldown but it won't show up on a killcam when you die. Like mei's ice blook or genji's dash.

You are aware that lag compensation is in the game because of the low tickrate being unreliable.

It happens with pharahs super jump too
My screen shows me jumping as I die and my corpses flying into the air
killcam doesnt show that and instead I just fall to the floor

What? There has to be lag compensation unless you only want to play on LAN.

Would you prefer always seeing everyone elses actions 100 ms late and all your actions having a 100 ms delay?

I notice this a lot with Geni as well, seems split second actions don't register a lot of the time. Especially noticeable vs mcree when I hit E, the nature of latency I guess...

>Round corner
>See mcree
>Instantly hit E
>Sound effect goes off
>He still is able to flash bang me and right click
>Replay shows me E never went off

only nerds care about tick rate

now buy some loot crates you fuck

>being this deluded

Until Blizz decides to up the shit tick rate I don't see how anyone could seriously think this game can be played competitively. Fuck Blizzard cunts for making "fps" with the worst tick rate in ages.

The game would be even more unplayable with this tick rate without the compensation.

Yes, this is the issue. The lag is unbearable. My problems aren't even limited to split second decisions. Killcams are often a full second behind, missing obvious actions like reloading, movement skills, and other factors. It reminds me of when I played bf4. Whenever I died fighting a vehicle, the last rocket I fired would often disappear entirely because the game was simply too laggy to count my shot even though I got it off on my client.

at least you can play bf4 now with 60hz servers, it's not like blizz can't do it.

mfw 2 guys were getting angry about me playing symetra

They finally implemented those? I haven't played in years, but last I remember they were only being tested.

They actually have filters for 120hz and 144hz servers in the browser too. but good luck finding anyone running those

what's with player of the game?
I've seen people pull of amazing kills and get ignored because bastion was in turret mode.

Currently it's a 60 tick rate upload and 20 download, which means attackers will always get the advantage in a one on one shootout

This video goes into more detail about it

It goes strictly by points earned in a short timeframe.

>tfw 20 tick rate

Only people on BR internet would experience shit like that assuming blizz had good servers.

Blizz can't even shell out for good servers on fucking WoW, why would they here?

yeah it uses some sort of point system. bonus points for doing something clutch during overtime. like killing a mccree about to high noon your entire team.

>blizzdrone will defend this and tell u to git gud

I've seriously seen people defending the game saying you should do things 1 second in advance

>obviously still in Widowmaker's line of sight when she drops

I only ever notice the tick rate issues with widowmaker, yet another reason to hate her.

Oh, and roadhog's hook.

The bottom line is that hitscan weapons must not lie. TF2 does the same thing

scratch that actually, when playing genji it's pretty obvious as you use swift strike to escape a bomb or something but you still die

Exactly, the alternative would be far worse. Tribes Ascend was unplayable on higher pings because it had no lag compensation to speak of, requiring you to lead shots depending on how much ping you had.

Good to know the game aint good, at least not yet.

Im going to wait and see where the this goes.

but it is good, just needs better tickrate and more balance


with the fucking money they got, i'm pretty sure they could justify 128 tick servers
the jews at vivendi won't let them tho

How it work is that everybody play a different game for the most part. You play your own "reality" of the game and every few ms the game correct your reality to reflect every other realities. It does so with a few rules in mind and one of the big one is "A hit count". So even if you evade your opponent, if he saw a hit, then you get hit. And then on the kill cam, you see the server version of the events.

Does higher tickrate cost more money?

don't know for sure but why would they intentionally put in a lower tickrate if costs were the same ?
they said it was intentional for "fairness" but come on, if it's so intentional why are the custom games 60 tick instead of 20 on pubs

3rd los =/= 1st los

Yes. More ticks mean more and better servers, which mean more money.

Early games like Quake used a system that was better for people with a good connection, but bad for people with worst connections or longer connections. Now, they use simulations to control the movements of people in your games so they can say "This guy will probably do this for the moment so just do this"

but blizzard are billionares and the game is a gold mine. Better servers would cost a tiny fraction. Valve can have 64 bit servers and CSGO is far more popular

>64 bit

Yes but every penny they save but cheapening out on maintaining the game is another penny in their pockets.

You think 90% of the people playing OW even know about tickrates or care about the issues they create?

Better servers mean less profits. FPS are much more stressful on servers than WoW or Hearthstone. Even HOTS probably do not have a great Tickrate.

I think they will Ranked on great tick servers?


blame shitty FoV

ITT: Everyone forgets what latency is because they learned the tickrate meme word.

a higher tickrate reduces latency

Vivendi hasn't owned Actiblizz for like 2 years

you got what i meant tho
money > game


Latency is how much time does it take to talk to the server and the server responding.
Tickrate is a part of the latency.

Back in the days, the server took the information about the games and simply restributed them to every other players as it was receiving them.

Now, the server receive the information of all players, do calculations and prediction and THEN send it to all the players. It also allow the client to do some of the work, which mean that the client becomes a "small server" in some sort.

Source utilizes 20 client 66 server tickrates. This means that the server takes little information from the client and then updates everyone very frequently on game information. Due to this low frequency of receiving information from the client, an interpolation method is used to rollback the hitbox for the client and attempt to match it with where they see the model, as well as prediction methods of "this is where the opponent probably is". While you won't get shot around corners as often with this method, there are serious issues of hitscan weapons simply not connecting because the hitbox is separating from the model, or projectiles hitting/missing when they shouldn't because of this discrepancy.
Overwatch utilizes a 60 client 20 server tickrate. This means the client sends a lot of information to the server while the server doesn't update everyone about game information as frequently. Because of the high amount of incoming information, the server can more accurately tell you what your opponent is doing within that tick, but the low frequency of updates coming to the client necessitates a higher level of direction prediction and can cause a larger discrepancy of what clients A and B are seeing at the same time. Coupling this with Overwatch's system of ALWAYS registering a hit if it's registered on the client, things like being shot behind a wall are more frequent.
Personally I prefer the latter because while this is an obnoxious thing we'll always have to deal with because of latency, I'd rather not have my kill stolen away from me because the game couldn't fit the hitbox on the model properly.
60:60 in OW ranked will help to alleviate this, but until we figure out quantum computing or utilize input latency (lmao) it's always going to happen.

>Now, they use simulations to control the movements of people in your games so they can say "This guy will probably do this for the moment so just do this"

If you're talking about client side prediction, practically every online game does that. If they didn't, characters would only move when the clients receive a position update from the server and all movement would be extremely jerky.

There's obviously some sort of reconciliation logic in most of these games as well, meaning that if a client predicts something wrong for whatever reason, it'll be corrected once more up-to-date data is received.

If you guys want to stop talking out of your ass and get a rough idea of how online games actually work, I highly recommend reading this article series:

>jump to cover when I'm about to die
>get hooked by roadhog and murdered
>potg is me looking like an idiot because according to the game I never took cover
>everyone makes fun of me on chat.
Lag, tickrate, shit connection, call it whatever you want bu t that shit was humiliating.

No it doesn't you fucking retard, those packets still take the same amount of time to travel to your client.
You're still receiving 20 per 1.056 seconds or 60 per 1.056 seconds with a 56 ping.

It's become pretty necessary with how advanced physics calculations have become and how rampant client-side injections of information have become as well.
Valve even explains here why they can't trust the client to handle hit detection:
>The question arises, why is hit detection so complicated on the server? Doing the back tracking of player positions and dealing with precision errors while hit detection could be done client-side way easier and with pixel precision. The client would just tell the server with a "hit" message what player has been hit and where. We can't allow that simply because a game server can't trust the clients on such important decisions. Even if the client is "clean" and protected by Valve Anti-Cheat, the packets could be still modified on a 3rd machine while routed to the game server. These "cheat proxies" could inject "hit" messages into the network packet without being detected by VAC (a "man-in-the-middle" attack).

Yes, Client side prediction. And blizzard stated that a hit always count. This mean that even if you dodged it, if he touched you on his screen, you got touched.

They favor the offensive.

the server can more accurately tell you what your opponent is doing within that second*

Is that why I get shot by torb's sentry before I peak the corner?

Either that or because of the shit FOV you can't tell that your character's shoulder is visible.

Stop blaming your deaths on ticrate and just git gud

Probably. The server calculated you would walk the corner, and the sentry saw you.

Or you just had some of your body seen.

..what are you even arguing?

The amount of fucking times I've been hooked through a wall

shit is frustrating

what the fuck is this guy trying to say? it dosent matter if the player was looking in ANY other direction via third person. the enemy in the distance can CLEARLY see him

Blizzard uses the term "In favor of the shooter"

Google it and lose your mind

I can't wait for Rankeds, after all they are thanks to god 60tickrate

It's not the tick-rate you buffoon. It's lag. It's the same with CoD. I've had this a whole lot in multiplayer games especially with ones showing the Kill Cam.

Yes "tick-rate" is a problem. But so does lag.

Now that the game is actually out and I actually get matched against people from my region I rarely experience being shot after rounding a wall, and it still happens less in this game than in something like TF2

Not being able to throw off your opponent's aim in "realtime" is annoying but it's relying on your opponent being bad anyways so it's much better to have everything that was aimed correctly hit

Weird stuff with models and firing location around some angles are my biggest complaint right now, certain characters can hit you in certain situations where they're completely behind cover on your screen but they can completely see you and this is easily the worst model/camera mounting I've ever seen in a game, the biggest issues are with changes in elevations or behind certain obstacles

Yeah the game is pretty much unplayable in this state. If youve not bought it yet, hold off for now.

Literally never seen this teamcomp before.

To be fair to the game itself rather than broken cowboy McRee, the flashbang has an AoE that cannot be reflected. It's possible you were hit by that.

>tfw muted by blizzard

I can't help myself. I have to inform the fucking mongoloids I'm forced to play with how fucking terrible they are. It doesn't help that Blizzard can't get matchmaking right.

That's because he's pulling it out his ass. I've never been in a game where there was a combination like that. Ever. I've checked some streams as well and no on runs that.

i experienced that a lot in the beta, couple that with shit solo pub experience really made me not buy the game.
its well designed and its a lot of fun with friends, but the tickrate issue spoils that.

>lets make heroes that are super fast and agile
>their weakness will be paper thin defense that makes them die in 2 shots
>let's implement a lag compensation system where the shooters client is always right
>and water down server connection to 20 tick so we save money

Why me.

well that sure explains why being in plain view means that webm wasnt of someone being in plain view


no it dosent. not at all.
>if only my tickrate was higher, when i was in plain view i wouldn't of got shot
>if only his tickrate was lower, when i was in plain view i wouldn't of got shot
what fucking part of "in plain view" do you not understand

>not playing with friends
you deserve it

Roadhog is the worst.
There's a very small window between hook animation and him being able to shoot and when you're hooked you can react quick enough to save yourself with some kind of ability.
Half the time it will work on your screen though, but he'll kill you nevertheless.

sounds like you lag bad, roadhog always gets a guaranteed shot after hook

>raging at randoms online
>has friends

pick one

Not true there is a tiny window I've deflected his shotgun back into his face before but it happens maybe 1/4 of the time.

With a higher tickrate and/or a widowmaker with lower ping, he wouldn't have died behind cover on his screen, but before he got behind cover.

the roadhog wasn't holding down his lmb then, he always always always gets a guaranteed shot

It depends on the distance.

some idiot trying to argue that it has nothing to do with tick rate and they were shot in line of sight. but instead of using first person view they highlighted the 3rd person line of sight. which it literally you can see around corners

I'm talking from hooked perspective.
Half the time I can survive with Mei's Ice Block, Lucio's blast, Phara's knockoff, etc...
The other half I do that, but still die.

Once I was hooked as Zenyatta and the only thing I could do is shot a single orb. That orb was enough to kill the hog and died both fucking simultaneously on the spot.

No, tick rate is just the latest meme shitposters have latched onto ever since the ONLY 90 FOV thing went nowhere. This one will last longer since no one using it actually knows what that means even having had it explained to them several times.

>but instead of using first person view
Are you genuinely retarded? The first person view is looking inside.
this is literally you

because you lag
if roadhog holds down lmb as hook ends he always gets a free shot off

if you're lagging badly sometimes your game client will tell you he didn't fire that shot and then the server will tell you he did after he fires a tick so it has to rewind you

>ONLY 90 FOV thing went nowhere

It doesn't take a genius to notice that his position is different in 1st and 3rd person views. See

>because you lag
Or the roadhog lags. Both are possible. The netcode favors the attacker.

Notice here how you can't fucking see the tracer?

Angles, game isn't perfect at rewinding your position, etc.

Not sure what you're even trying to argue here.

The camera is lined up perfectly with the characters. It isn't peaking around any corners