ITT: Games you wanted to live

ITT: Games you wanted to live

Red Orchestra 2

Not necessarily dead, but the player base is tiny now

It's fun for a very short while. It's a shame too, because it could have been an amazing game.

Hey kids, remember the Diablo killer HELLGATE LONDON!?

The setting was so fucking good. With some finetuning it could still make a f2p comeback.

1100-1200 is hardly tiny for an indie multiplayer shooter


The real tragedy is that they've added a lot of content to the game over time, but since it was all too little too late, it stayed dead.

It is out!?

Ed Edd eddy online, i can't believe people don't play it


>60 dollarydoos for a multiplayer only shooter with a handful of maps

Even Overwatch at $40 is hard to swallow. They shot this game in the foot.

Been out for a long time and died a few month after release.

Oh shit. A friend of mine was hyped as fuck about it. Where did the time go?

Dunno, it was fucking fun too :(

I'm amazed when I see more than 25 people online now.

At this point, their only chance to get more than fucking 20 people is to aggressively put it on Steam sales or make it free.

It could have been a great Guild Wars 1 style game.

It was playable online until recently. I doubt it will come back again.


Oh that's easy
Lost Planet 2

The marketing must've been nonexistent then. I remember seeing a couple vids about it a long time ago and was hyped but I completely forgot about it until today.

Marketing goes a long way. Had i remembered, i would've bought it, would've convinced my friend to buy it too.

My fucking eyes are bleeding

This was going to be the savior of MMOs, it was the first game I ever followed the development of. The second game was Spore.

Yeah i think a japanese company took over the servers. There was even a Tokyo add on released, but never trust a nip to make something f2p.

Maybe, someday, some slav wizzards will resurrect it like they always do.







First MH i tried to get into, too much shit to learn i felt overwhelmed, probably old to try to get into the series ruined it for me.


God, I fucking love Lost Planet 2.

>It's no longer on Steam

Fuck I forgot about that.

I can't see anything passed all that motion blur.

Genuinely one of the best multiplayer experiences I had.

Fuck Wargame.

This, I really wanted to like it. I got about 30 hours in and after I got my Skell I pretty much dropped off. I didn't like Xenoblade 1, don't know why I even bought X except for hype and delisuon.

>tfw got it before it was taken off steam but dying
>never got to play it for more than a few hours because no players

Blade Symphony

Planetside 2. It certainly isn't dead, but there's a recipe for a cult classic in there somewhere that SOE did everything they could to burry. Sadly Dawnbreak don't have enough dosh to salvage the game, so it's probably going to go under in a few years time.


Because it was a Vista exclusive. It never even stood a chance.

I loved WiC, both single and multiplayer.


Considering it's a multiplayer only F2P FPS and it's been alive for 4 years, that's pretty good.

>one of the best stories in an RTS
>Fantastic voice acting
>canned sequel

I was SO DOWN for that game, loved the idea, location, and mix of magic/technology

but I read it was bad in PCGamer (back when the magazine was godlike) and never got it

>War of the Roses
>Super Monday Night Combat
>Blade Symphony
>City of Heroes

These games will ALWAYS be dead

Fucking this

>redownloading the whole game any time there was an update on steam

game was a piece of shit

I thought Evolve had legitimately good gameplay

But everything else about it sucked

Remember playing a demo of this like a decade ago. Pretty good Battlefield clone.


Chasing the monster in circles for 20 minutes with a retarded team wasn't fun, but the fights were really tight and fun. Shame there is nothing else like it with a community.

I really wanted this to be one of those mods that was picked up by valve and then blew up

it was by far the most fun I've had in a battlefield-sized shooter, even if I was feeling lazy or supportive, I would just go engineer and help the commander build forward bases

felt fucking good if you had a mic and could coordinate well with your squad and commander, there were even times me and my squad would lead sneaking missions into the enemy base, and then completely fuck them up from within; even if we died, we usually crippled them hard

this is going to make me sound like a shill but try the dead by daylight beta. it's fun and it isn't making the same mistakes evolve is making although it has it's own

I loved it as a game. Had a ton of fun. But they just drove it straight into the ground. They pulled so many varying amounts of bullshit that all just added up perfectly to drive the majority of people off.

Barely any players left and no one plays the DLC
even in death I still serve

I miss this shit so much. I know there's a Sup Forums group every now and then

City of heroes, aw man
>get vague memory of playing it years ago
>was shut down
It still hurts user