why are these vidoes everywhere, and why are they cancer?
Why are these vidoes everywhere, and why are they cancer?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself
Have you actually tried watching em? Look up a review from them about a game you like.
Wow op could you be more of a shitter, CGR is one of the most traditional and based gaming reviews out there. There's no bias, no trash or fodder in the way, just a straight review of the content from a average Joe like you and me.
>not Elder God Tier
Fuck off.
Is that squirrel rabid?
Summer fag is obviously summer fag. Get off you moron.
I bet you dont even like Truxton
We got wild sheep in this thread
I have seen quite many, user. After being exposed to the logo after enough time, I started to associate it wish shit, just like the LJN logo.
One video that stands out as an unfocused, meandering piece of garbage was this video:
>There's no bias
That's just false.
He has a deep voice which makes his videos comfy.
I wouldn't take his opinion to seriously though because it's pretty biased to older and simpler games.
They're not great, but they're not bad.
His attempts at humor are pretty cringey and some videos are really just five or so minutes of him going off on a tangent while the game abruptly cuts in but he does provide some information on the games and his voice isn't grating on the ears.
inb4 the obligatory "comfy" posts
>review from 2009
Try watching some of the more recent ones. Even Mark sometimes pokes fun at some of his earlier reviews.
>inb4 the obligatory "comfy" posts
Sorry to bust your bubble, but....
Thanks user. I just came to avoid them because I came to associate that intro logo with face-melting rambling.
Next time I'm searching around for stuff, I'll give their (newer) videos a watch instead of out-right avoiding them.
You can't call reviewers bias when they do have preferences and disliked genres.
Plus, he reviewed that ninja busty childrens game. You know the one with undressing. He enjoyed it.
If you consider a love of Truxton a bias then maybe
He just love everything, he loves the game he's good at, he loves the game he's bad at.
Unless it's worse than E.T. tier level of trash he's going to enjoy it
Was it him that said E.T. gets too much hate?
OP is a faggot.
>people didn't like my pewdiepie thread
>mom said darksydephil was annoying
>i'll show them, i'll show them all
Shit thread even by modern Sup Forums standards (e-celebs, twitter screencaps, Trump threads) mostly because Mark doesn't even regularly produce videos anymore, so there would be no reason for a lot of them to appear.
He hated Knack and tore strips off one of the latter-day Ridge Racer games.
>people didn't like my pewdiepie thread
>mom said darksydephil was annoying
>i'll show them, i'll show them all
I have no idea what this means user. Can you explain?
I think so actually, and it wouldnt be wrong. It's obviously crap, but there is so much unmitigated garbage on the Atari that it definately gets too much hate.
He's not the only one, but yes.
And he's right. It's a demonstrable fact that while it's not really a good game, it's far from being the worst game ever made as some people will have it.
>p-please give another (You) to my dying shitpost thread
There is a lovely herbal feature on this site to prevent a post from pushing a thread to the front page. Here you go.
I'm sorry user, I still don't understand. Please hook the memes into my vein.
They're clearly trying to ripoff the design of The Park's mascot dude
>mostly because Mark doesn't even regularly produce videos anymore, so there would be no reason for a lot of them to appear.
Here's the reason this thread is awful sans-meme. Feel free to get some more (You)'s for mental stability.
Mark is still producing like 5-6 videos a week.
I don't see how it's a shitpost. How would I know if their videos are old or not? I've never actually went and looked at their channel.
My impression of them is based on what I get in YouTube search results, and I'd argue it doesn't matter how long ago it was, if those videos always surface to the top. Shit content that appears at the top of search results is shit content, no matter how long ago it was uploaded.
Some are good, some are bad.
He's not doing this full time anymore, so he is producing much less content than he used to (if you actually browse the channel, many uploads are re-uploads)
>I don't see how it's a shitpost
How would he be seeing these videos everywhere when they are hardly ever discussed on Sup Forums and you can clear your cashe at any moment to get a clean youtube browsing history?
>My impression of them is based on what I get in YouTube search results
Nevermind, I completely understand. You are the same type of person who would be making threads about a twitch streamer or youtube personality. I'd wager you even log into an account, but still wonder why you only ever see the same things.
Let's venture to imagine reasons this might happen even on a cache clean of youtube history, for instance if you were searching often about older games, dreamcast games, arcade machines in general, hot wheels reviews, or el camino enthusiast videos.
>Nevermind, I completely understand. You are the same type of person who would be making threads about a twitch streamer or youtube personality. I'd wager you even log into an account, but still wonder why you only ever see the same things.
>Let's venture to imagine reasons this might happen even on a cache clean of youtube history, for instance if you were searching often about older games, dreamcast games, arcade machines in general, hot wheels reviews, or el camino enthusiast videos.
I reread these a few times over, and I don't know what you're trying to say.
I think this thread has ran its course.
>He's not doing this full time anymore
He actually still is. He's having to scale down a bit (currently finding a smaller space for the arcade), but he's still putting up 5-6 *new* videos a week plus a monthly podcast. He just reopened the store. He's also got the two comics on the side.
Some of his videos are hidden, though, and only accessible to Patreon backers. Same goes for the podcast: you have to pay him $5 a month for that (personally, I think it's worth it).
>so he is producing much less content than he used to
If by that you mean he got rid of CGR Undertow and no longer has other people working for him, then yes.
>if you actually browse the channel, many uploads are re-uploads
That's because YT in their infinite wisdom keeps taking them down due to false copyright claims. At one point, they even were rejecting them because of the music he uses, which he had actually paid for the rights to. If you were backing the Patreon, you'd know he's still cranking out several new reviews a week.