Battlefield 1 promotional image.

French uniform, French Lebel rifle


>Dat Luger drum mag
My dick is so hard right now.

Found my new background

Race war?


>bald vs balding man
Stop this balding-enabling agenda.
Just like manlets, they should all be executed.


Only low-testosterone twink faggots are not balding at least somewhat.

t. baldie

nigga it's 1024x512

>Battlefield 1
Is someone at DICE retarded?

>Horrific war about white nations fighting each other
>Advertise it as blacks vs evil whites
Jesus Christ



Dindu is shaved, Sup Forums simply has his hair parted. Fuck off with your insecurities faggot

ebin xD

1 as in world war 1

i think you may be the one thats retarded

Can you guys stop this meme, there will never be a race war in 2016+

even if u go to the hood and shoot 50 blacks.

No one has ever


referred to any other BF games as "Battlefield 1". It has literally never happened.

Harlem Hell Fighters is a pretty badass name for a squad, honestly.

Let me guess the white people are the enemies.

Fuck you dice.

>WW1 FPS finally comes along
>it's an AAA game
as great as the weapons and uniforms look, I just know it's going to be a standard modern warfare style shooter where everyone's going to be running round using lewis guns as if they're assault riles and T-gewehrs that are possible to shoot over and over without fatigue.

Whats with butthurt? Niggers fought in WW1, right? So why not?

Have you tried Verdun?

They already announced that only Scout class will use bolt-action rifles.
Together with other shit they already cram in there its safe to say it will be fantasy WWI.

>that only Scout class will use bolt-action rifles.

Wow, and here I thought DICE couldn't get any more retarded.

For fucks sake, DICE said that the scout class is only able to use bolt action rifles, NOT that only scouts could use bolt action rifles.

Jesus Christ stop believing what you read on Sup Forums.

And why should I believe anything you've said?

What are the chances they will risk not giving every other class automatics?

Hide them behind treadmill? PFFF

That white dude us /fa/ as fuck.

I can't figure out the rifle the guy on the right is holding.
It's not French, British, or German. Looks American, but I can't find the exact type. He's obviously holding a German Lange Pistole P.08 Luger, and the black guy is now holding a 1911 instead of a Luger.

This is what they said:
Assaults use SMGs
Medics use semi-auto rifles
Supports use LMGs
Scouts use scoped bolt-action rifles.

DICE also confirmed that you can do bayonet charges so bolt-action rifles are presumably all kit weapons. I can't imagine they'd make scouts the only class able to use bayonets, that's more an assault thing.

jesus christ that's awful

There is literally nothing wrong with being black

>Frenchman standing in the light, standing frontside tall and proud
>nigger standing the dark, brightened by the light of the flame, his back to the viewer and in a forward posture like he's about to murder someone
Bravo DICE

balding only on the top of the head is a sign of low testosterone
high test guys have no hair at all

Oh boy the underage pol shitstorm is coming for you

They did pretty much the same shit in BF1942 yet no one is complaining about that. Anyone who expected anything else is retarded tbqh.

>Nigger looks like an ape
>White man looks classy as fuck

Can someone tell me why does a black soldier piss off some people on this site? Hellfighters are pretty cool and actual historical figures. Get pissed about the female warrior on horseback instead.

First we take our present, then your past, and finally your future.
White boys on suicide watch ,literally- white suicide is record high. Some rats know it's better to just leave the ship.

>A black soldier in a game about a war they were in is white genocide.
Jesus Christ kys you cringy piece of shit.

Because Sup Forums is basically Sup Forums: underage edition

For me personally, I'm not pissed that he's black. If he's a hellfighter that means he's American which means that the scope of BF1 is more limited compared to if they focused on other countries who fought the war.

God fucking damn it, I figured out the rifle he's holding.
It's the M1903A3, a variant of the M1903 that wasn't fucking made until 1942.
You can tell them apart by the big aperture sights on the back, that replaced the original M1903's sights.
Why can't DICE do any amount of research? Why do they keep getting away with it?

fishing for reactions

Because they statistically were less than 1% of the combatants during the war, and only took part when the Americans showed up, which was in 1917, 3 years after the war started.

It's just an incredibly disproportionate representation to have we wuz soldats and yet not even the fuken Russians and French have been confirmed, despite the fact that both those countries were in it from the beginning and had huge armies compared to the negroid squad.

white people get mad at everything
see: europoors

>white boy still in denial

It's okay man. Just don't commit sudoku like most white guys.

DICE confirmed there will be multiple protagonists over different theaters of the war. The hellfighter is just one of them. They also said they'd try to focus on theaters that most people don't know about.

I don't think it's JUST the fact there's a black soldier.
It's that these (Swedish) devs outright said they're putting blacks and womyn soldiers in because they want to "clear up some misconceptions" that World War 1 was a European conflict where millions of Europeans fought and died, and that "showing diversity" was one of their biggest goals when making this game.
They fucking knew this kind of reaction was going to happen and are going to use it as a shield to criticism just like EA has done for years now.

the guy on the right is in a french uniform mang

Haven't followed the game, did DICE get any shit for making the Harlem Hellfighters pre-order/dlc?

Who is the based /fa/ as fuck white guy on the right?

A German officer?

>Because they statistically were less than 1% of the combatants during the war
And there's one fucking soldier you dumb git, clearly there's going to be more whites so why complain?
I'm a nig you dumb git. No one talks like that besides white people that try to act black

>All my old friends from Mass wont be getting this
>"There were already to many niggers playing, now there will be even more"

Dont underestimate how racist people are. All over the country.

Sweden ruins it again

If they did say that then it's reasonable to get angry because I think that fucks up the hype that the Hellfighters will bring me in game. I just don't really see anyone complaining about the woman at all so I just wanted to know.

Yet he's holding an American Rifle (From fucking WWII). And there's nothing French about his uniform, his overcoat isn't pinned, and doesn't seem to blue. It might only look blue because of the background, but he has German ammo pouches on his belt.
In short, who the fuck knows what he is.

France had black soldiers too, probably more who saw combat than the Americans did.

Of course white peoples suicide rate is higher, black people just kill each other so much that any one of 'em that wants to die just pisses off the nearest gang member. Of course that shit isn't perceived as suicide.

>there's one fucking soldier
You mean an entire DLC

Can't wait to play desu

>I'm a nig you dumb git.

Your just worried because you know us blacks would stop you ass.

I don't see how the black guy fits into anything you put in that picture.

That's because France had, and still has, holdings in Africa.

See I'd be fine wth Foreign Legion dudes, but just throwing in American nogs for no reason is stupid.

The British had lots of troops from the Raj too, I'd like to see them.

>an entire cosmetic pack

There's also Lawrence of Arabia and Red Baron packs alongside it.

>still has, holdings in Africa.

About an all black unit that existed. They also have DLC for the Red Baron so that means they think Germany is the best nation.

It's about him holding the german pistol

The only thing they said is that they'd focus more on aspects of the war that the general public don't know about.

Yes, I'm a nig you dumbass git.


*smacks lips*

>french thing
>but a fucking luger
DICE totally knows what they're doing

>being proud to be a nigger
kys desu

No they didn't. Enjoy die juden komplott to include blacks in every form of media, including videogames. Fuck niggers.

Did you know that soldiers were ordered to pick up German weapons?


The woman on the horse thing is stupider than the black dude tbqh, at least the Harlem hell fighters existed.

Sup Forums is already the under age edition.

anyone played this? I cried bitch tears at the end. Surprisingly informative too. Worth getting on sale at least if you didn't get it through PS+ or GWG last year

Jesus Christ Sup Forums...

>pretty much the same thing
have you even played 1942?

Jokes on you I'm related to the Jesus Christ.
It's sad that a nig is smarter than you user.

>Ignoring 99.9% of the western front to focus on an overly glorified group of americans that only fought for the last 11 months of a four year war.

>No they didn't.
Should I trust you or every piece of history?

ever get tired of all the annoying racist fucks on here?


I tried the dying thing but in a gated community people only dig through your trash.

Not him, but being anti-Marxist doesn't mean being Sup Forums. Most people on the planet are anti-Marxist, because we know history and see what happened to Russia and China.


not an argument

That's exactly what DICE is doing by focusing attention on such a small part of WW1

Nah they're pretty funny honestly, I wish they would think of some new jokes though.

Maybe you should evaluate the fact that this group of nigs, and, furthermore, nigs in general, made up less than 1% of the entire list of combatants in the entire war.

They'd only show niggers and PUT THEM ON THE BOXART for diversity and politically correct reasons.

Like I said, die juden komplott. Have you even been reading any of the posts in this thread?

this was the last big war between the brits, the french and the germans before we all got cucked out of existence. why do the SJWs have to take this from us?